Compare 1587 edition: 1 This agreeth t [...]t with our Englyſh wry|ters.That Sueno whiche (as ye haue heard) con|quered the realme of England, being alſo king of Denmarke and Norway had .iij. ſonnes, Ha|rold, Sueno, & Canute, the firſte he ordeyned to be king of England, the .ij. king of Norway, and the third king of Denmarke.
Compare 1587 edition:
Harold that reygned king of Englãd, was not the ſonne of Sueno but of
Canute, and was not ſlaine, but died of na|tural diſeaſe. See more hereof
in En|gland. Canute king of Denmarke. This is cõtra|ry to our En|gliſhe writers.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this fight when they had continued a long ſpace, and ſhewed right notable proofes of theyr manhood:Canutes words to Edmond I|ronſide. Edmund (ſayth Canute) ſithe it hath pleaſed almighty God, yt thou ſhouldſt thus trie the force of my hande without hurte or wound, I thinke it be likewiſe his pleaſure, that thou ſhouldeſt enioy parte of the realme, go to there|fore, I receyue thee as partener with me in the kingdome, ſo that (if thou be ſo contented) let vs diuide the kingdome betwixte vs without any more contention.