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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The reſtoring of lawes and iuſtice.And further he cauſed the adminiſtratiõ of the lawes and holeſome ordinaunces of the realme to be vſed and put in practiſe, according to the due forme of the ſame, which many yeares afore could haue no place, by reaſon of the warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A parliament at Bertha.He cauſed an aſſemble of all the eſtates of his realme, to be called at Bertha, a caſtell in thoſe dayes ſtanding not farre from the place where the towne of Perth nowe ſtandeth. In whiche conuention were many things enacted, both for the ſetting foorth of Goddes honour and the weale of the realme, whereby Malcolme wanne much prayſe amongſt his ſubiectes, to the eter|nall memorie of his name.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this ſuppoſing it moſte honorable to aduaunce the bloud of ſuch as had ſerued well in the laſt [...] [...], or had their fathers or other frindes ſlaine in the ſame,A parliament at Scone. he called a parliament at Scone, in the whiche cauſing partition to be made of the realme,Diuiſion of the realme in|to Baronnies. by deuiding it into Baron|nies, he beſtowed the ſame amongſt the nobles according to the qualitie of euery one his me|rites, referring in maner nothing to the mainte|nance of the crowne, common entries onely ex|cepted, with the mountayne wherein the marble chaire ſtood, and a fewe other poſſeſſions whiche he purpoſed to giue vnto churches and chapels.

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