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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bones of Danes.Sundry of the bones of them that were bu|ried in this place, being left bare by reaſon that the ſandes were blowen away beſides them, He|ctor Boetius the wryter of the Scottiſh chroni|cle, behelde in the yeare .1521. whiche ſeemed more lyke vnto Giants bones, than to menne of common ſtature (as he auoucheth) whereby it ſhoulde appeare, that men in olde time were of much greater ſtature and quantitie of bodie, than any that are to be found in theſe our dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme being thus deliuered of his eni|mies the Danes,Publike pray|ers. cauſed publike prayers gene|rally to be made throughout the realme, in ren|dring thanks to almightie God, that it had plea|ſed him to deliuer his people from the troubles of warre.The repayring of Churches. He tooke order alſo, that churches ſhoulde be repayred, which by the enimies in time of the warres had bene deſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The reſtoring of lawes and iuſtice.And further he cauſed the adminiſtratiõ of the lawes and holeſome ordinaunces of the realme to be vſed and put in practiſe, according to the due forme of the ſame, which many yeares afore could haue no place, by reaſon of the warres.

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