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[figure appears here on page 235]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Danes ſlaine neare vnto Gemmer.This conflict was fought neare vnto Gem|mer a village or towne in Buchquhan, where in memorie thereof, lie many greate bones of the Danes to be ſeene, yet euen vnto theſe dayes. It ſhould appeare by the ſame bones, that men in former time were of more huge bowke and ſtature, than they be at this preſent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The other Danes which were on ſhip borde, vnderſtanding what had happened to their fel|lowes (bicauſe they returned not againe to the EEBO page image 236 ſhippes) ſo ſoone as the winde came aboute for their purpoſe, hoyſed vp ſayles, and tooke theyr courſe foorth right towardes Murraylande.

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