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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herewith Malcolme alſo with a buſhment of ſtoute warriours came vpon Onetus, who was praunſing vp and downe the fielde without any helmet on his head, as though the Scottes had bene already without recouery clearely diſcom|fited,Onetus is [...]yne. and ſo there was he beaten downe, beſide his horſe, and amongſt the footemen ſlayne out of hande. The reſidue of the Danes beholding the ſlaughter of their Captaine, ſtayed from fur|ther purſute on the Scottes. Hereof enſued great boldneſſe to the Scottes and diſcouragement to the Danes. Albeit the batayle continued ſtill a long ſpace, the ſouldiers doyng their beſt on ey|ther ſide, till at length the Danes were put to flight,The Danes put to flight. many of them being ſlaine, and but fewe [figure appears here on page 233] taken. Olauus beholding the diſcomfiture of his people, and how his companion in authoritie was ſ [...]ayne,Olaue fleeth into Murray|land. fled into Murrayland with a ſmall companie about him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The next day, Malcolme conſidering what a number of his moſte valiant Captaines he had loſt in this batayle, deuided the ſpoyle of the field amõgſt his men, and ceaſſing from further pur|ſute of the Danes at that time, went [...] into An|gus, where he remayned the reſidue of the yeare within the caſtell of Forfayr, taking counſell with his Nobles touching the publike affayres of the realme, and how to recouer his countrey of Murrayland out of the enimies handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Sueno hearing in the meane time how infortunately his people had ſped thus in Scot|land at the batayle of Murthlake,Sueno prepa|reth a new ar|my to inuade Scotland. in reuenge thereof determined to inuade the Scottes with two mightie names, the one to be rigged in En|gland, & to come forth of the riuer of Tames, & the other to be ſente from Denmarke,Camus ap|pointed Cap|taine generall of the Danes. one Ca|mus a Dane right expert in warlike knowlege, being appoynted to be gouernour of all the men of warre that ſhould come fe [...] both thoſe parties.

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