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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Danes reioyſing at this good fortune, truſted to eſtabliſhe thẽſelues ſure ſeates in Mur|rey lande, and therevpon ſent backe their ſhippes into Norway and Denmarke, to fetch [...] thence their wyues and children.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane time they conſtrayned ſuche Scottes as they had layde handes on, to reape and inne the corne growing abrode in the fieldes, vnto their vſe and commoditie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Malcolme being aduertiſed of all theſe doings, doubting leaſt by the arriual of new ayd, his enimies might waxe more puiſſant, in the be|ginning of the next ſommer, he aſſembled a great multitude of warriours, and came in good order and moſt warlyke array vnto Murthlake,Murthlake. a town of Mar, where the firſt erection of the Biſhoppes ſea of Abyrden was founded. Here the one armie comming in ſight of the other, they were ſodenly both amazed.The Scotts and Danes one afrayde of an|other. For the Scottes hauing had too much experience of the crueltie ſhewed afore time by the Danes, were put in no ſmall feare now at the plaine and open ſight of them. The Danes being farre off from the ſea ſide, and vpon an vn|knowne grounde, were more afrayde of ſome guilefull practiſe, than of the open violence and force of their enimies. Yet neuertheleſſe in the ende, by the encouragement of the Captaines on both ſides, they buckled togither with great fierce|neſſe and moſte cruell malicious hatred on eche hand. In the firſt brunt three valiant Captains, that is to wit, Kenneth of Ila, Gryme of Stra|therne, & Patrike of Dunbar,The Scottes forced to re|tyre. ruſhing ouer fiercely on their enimies, were ſlain, and gaue occaſion to many of the Scottiſhe men to flee, but the place was ſuch, that they coulde not well make theyr courſe any way forth, by reaſon of ye narrowneſſe thereof, fenced on either ſide with deepe trenches full of water and mudde, alſo a trauerſe were layd ſundrie trees, as it had bene of purpoſe to impeach the paſſage, deuiſed in that ſort (as was thought) in time of ſome ciuill warres.

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