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[figure appears here on page 231]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Caſtell in thoſe dayes was encloſed on eche ſide with the ſea, hauing one narrow paſſage as an entrie vnto it, made by craft of man in ma|ner of a bridge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thoſe that were within it, hauing knowledge of the ouerthrow and loſſe of the field,The caſtell of Narne ren|dred by com|poſition. rendred the fortreſſe, on condition that leauing al their armor weapõ, & other munitions behind thẽ, they might depart wt their liues & other goods ſaued.The Danes breakers of faith and pro|miſe. Neuer|theles the Danes cõtrary to their faith giuẽ, being EEBO page image 232 once entred the Caſtell, hanged all thoſe whiche they founde within it ouer the walles, in moſt de|ſpitefull maner.

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