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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme being ſore moued to vnderſtand the law obſerued by all nations for the ſafetie of meſ|ſengers to be thus violated by the enimies, kept on his iourney with ye more fierce corage, til he came to a medowe a little beſide Killos, where he en|ramped for that night. Great noyſe and clamour was heard throughout the armie, euerie man be|ing deſirous of battaile, to reuenge the iniuries done by the Danes againſt their friends & coun|trey men: notwithſtanding on the morrow when they ſawe their enimies in farre greater number, and in better order than euer had bin ſeene by any of them before that time,The Scottes through fear [...] are aſtonied. their hart began to waxe faint hauing greater care which way to ſaue their own liues, thã to giue the onſet vpõ their enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolme perceiuing ſuch dread to be entred into the hearts of his people,Malcolmes wordes to his Nobles. that they were nowe more like to run away than to fight, if he ſhoulde bring them forth to battail, got him to a little kil, & calling his nobles about him, he declared vnto [figure appears here on page 230] them how he could not but deteſt their great co|wardiſe, that were thus aſtonied at the firſt ſight of their enimies, wtout further trial of their forces. EEBO page image 231 At home (ſaid he) ye are moſt hardie and valiant, where no danger appeareth what rebuke thẽ is it vnto you, to be thus faint harted now that ye are come where valiancie ſhould be ſhewed,) in dege|nerating ſo far from your worthy fathers & noble progenitors,Loncarte. the which at Loncarte vnder the cõ|duit of my father Kenneth, obteyned ſo famous a victorie of the ſelf ſame nation, whoſe furious nu|iſſance ye ſeeme now ſo much to feare. There hath bene triall made in battell with this enimie in our time, both within the bounds of Scotland, & alſo of England, to the great honor & renowne of our elders. What diſcomfitures the Danes haue re|ceyued are yet freſh in memorie, ſo many of them loſing their liues amongeſt vs, that Albion may well be reckened the ſepulture of Danes,Albion the ſepulture of Danes. as ſome of you can wel record by your owne remẽbrance, and other haue heard by report of their forefathers and anceſters. Ye ought then (ſayde he) to be of good courage, rather than to faint now at neede, conſidering yee haue to doe with thoſe enimies, which are but the remaynant of the other, whiche before haue bene vanquiſhed and ouerthrowne by Scottiſh men, both at Loncarte, & in diuerſe other places, yea & beſides that, ſuch as mouing warres now at this preſent without iuſt occaſion, haue violated the lawes both of God and man, deſer|uing thereby iuſt vengeance at Gods handes, the puniſher of al ſuch vniuſt offenders. Ther is great hope therfore of victorie (ſaid he) left vnto all ſuch as fight againſt theſe enimies, if we take manly harts vnto vs, and ſhew our ſelues in valiant cõ|ſtancie like to our elders, wherby it ſhall then ap|peare what outragious folly remained in the Da|nes, [figure appears here on page 231] to inuade vs without occaſiõ of iniuries pre|ceding. Therefore if ye haue not more regarde to to the ſafetie of your frail bodies, which muſt nee|des at length periſhe, than to the defence and pre|ſeruation of your cõmon countrey, why paſſe ye not forward, ſith ther is now no place nor time to take longer aduice in the matter, as ye may well vnderſtãd by ye preſence of ye enimie redy to ioyne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nobles moued with theſe wordes of their prince, began boldly to exhort their people to bat|tell. Incontinently wherupon roſe ſuch noiſe and raging fury through the army,The Scottes without order ruſh forth to battaile. that without mea|ſuring either their owne forces or their enimies, they ruſh forth vpõ thẽ without any order or good aray. Olauus & Onetus beholding the Seat [...] to come thus furiouſly againſt them, boldly encoun|tred them with arrayed battels. Wherupõ enſued a right terrible fight, with great manhood ſhewed on both ſides, nothing being let paſſe that might apperteyne to worthy captains, the Scots enfor|forcing themſelues to defend their countrie & aun|cient liberties, on the one ſide, & the Danes doing their beſt endeuor by valiãt hardineſſe to ſaue their liues & honors on the other.The Scottes put to flight. Malcolme is wounded. At length after huge murther & ſlaughter made on both parts, ye Scots were put to flight, Malcolme was ſore wounded, & had his helmet ſo faſt beaten to his head, that it might not wel be got of, yet was he conueyed out of the field in maner for dead, and kept ſecret [...] in a wood, til he was ſomwhat amended, and then got him into places out of daunger. The Danes ha|uing got this victorie, and gathered the ſpoyle of the field, returned to beſiege eftſoones the caſtell of Narne, with more force and violence than before.

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