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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Danes land in Scot|lande.Wherupon ſhortly after thoſe foreſaid captains arriued with an huge army in ye mouth of Spay, and landed in ſuch puiſſant order, that the inhabi|tans of Murreyland fled out of their houſes, with their wiues, children, & goodes (ſuch as they could conuey away with them) into places where they thought to remain moſt out of daunger But the Danes after their maner burne & ſpoyle all before them, aſwel churches and chappels,The cruelty of the Danes. as other buil|dings & edifices. Such of the people as could not flee in time, but by chaunce fell into their handes, were ſlain without all mercie. Alſo al the ſtreng|thes and holds in the countrey were taken by the Danes, three caſtels only excepted: that is to wit, Elgin, Fores, and Narne, which the Danes na|med afterwards Burg, and for that they truſted when the ſame was woon, the other two woulde yeeld without any further defence, they firſt layde ſiege vnto this Caſtel of Narne,The caſtell of Narn beſieged enforcing them|ſelues with all their power to winne it, but in the meane time, they were informed how Malcolme the Scottiſh king was come within fiue miles of them with al the wares of his realm to giue them battaile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Incontinently wherupõ they rayſed their ſiege, & haſted forth to meet him with no leſſe courage, thã if victory were already preſent in their hands.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after, there came vnto them Heraldes alſo from Malcolme,Malcolm ſen|deth ambaſſa|dours to the Danes. to vnderſtand why they had thus inuaded his realm with open and moſt cruel warre, hauing no occaſion giuen by him or his ſubiects ſo to do.The Danes ſlea the Am|baſſadours. Who ſcarcely had done their meſ+ſage, but that they were ſlaine forthwith by cruel outrage of the Danes.

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