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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Malcolmes wiſdome in ordeyning officers.Further, for the better adminiſtration of iuſtice in due forme and maner, he beſtowed publike offi|ces vpon diſcrete perſons, ſkilful in the lawes and ordinances of the realme. Other offices perteining to the warres & defence of the realm, he committed vnto ſuch as were practiſed & trayned in ſuch ex|erciſes, ſo that iuſtice was miniſtred on all ſydes throughout the kingdome, with ſuch equitie and vprightneſſe, as had not beene heard of in any age before him. Whileſt the Scottiſh eſtate was go|uerned in ſuch happie wiſe, by the prudent policie of K. Malcolme,Sueno king of Denmark lan|ded in Eng|lande. it chaunced that Sueno king of Danes landed in England with a mightie nauy, in purpoſe to reuenge the iniuries done before vn|to his people by the Engliſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Sueno (as appeareth more at large in the hyſtorie of Denmark) firſt being an earneſt perſe|cuter of chriſtian men, and puniſhed by the deuine prouidence for his crueltie in that behalfe ſhewed by ſundry ouerthrowes receyued at the enimies handes, as in being thriſe taken priſoner, and in the end driuen and expulſed out of his kingdome, [figure appears here on page 228] he came into Scotlande for relief & ſuccor, where through the holſome inſtruction of godly and ver|tuous men, he renounced his heathniſh belief,Sueno conuer|ted to the chri|ſtian fayth in Scotland. & re|ceiued the chriſtian faith, & being baptiſed, at lẽgth was reſtored home to his kingdom. Shortly after with a mightie armye of Danes, Gothes, and Norwegians, & Swedeners, with other northern people, he arriued (as is ſaid) in England,Egeldred (or as the Scottes write Eldred) chaſed into Northumber|land, getteth ayde from the Scottes. & rhaſed king Egeldred into Northumberland, who there receyuing aide from the Scottes according to the league which lately before he had contracted with thẽ, he determined eftſoones to trie the chaunce of battaile wt his enimies. Marching forward ther|fore towards thẽ, he came to the riuer of Owſe, neare to the banks wherof, not far from Yorke, he pitched down his tents.Suenos meſ|ſage to the Scottes. Then Sueno not forget|ful of the benefits & pleaſures receiued lately at the Scottiſhmẽs hands, ſent an herald at armes vnto thẽ, cõmaũding thẽ to depart their wayes home & to refuſe Egeldreds cõpanie, either elſe to looke for moſt cruel battail at the hands of the Danes, the Norwegians & others ye people of Germany, there redie bent to their deſtruction. Egeldred being ad|uertiſed that his aduerſaries meſſenger was thus come into his campe, cauſed him to be ſtayed and areſted for a ſpie. And the ſame day he brought forth his battayles readie raunged into the fieldes to trie ye matter by dynt of ſword, if Sueno were ſo minded, who right deſirous to accept the offer, brought forth alſo his people in perfit order & well arrayed to fight,The baruile betwixt Egel|dred and Sueno. ſo that there was no ſtay on ei|ther part, but that togither they ſlue moſt fiercely, & in ſuch egre wiſe, that neyther ſide had leyſure to beſtow their ſhot, but euen at the firſt they buckled togither at handblowes, cõtinuing certain houres with great & cruel ſlaughter, til at lẽgth the Eng|liſh men were put to flight,The Engliſh men put to flight by the Danes. leauing to the Danes a right deare & bloodie victorie. The murther alſo that day of the Scots was great, but yet nothing to the number of the Engliſh men. Egeldred him ſelf with a fewe other, got a boat and paſſed ouer Ouſe, ſo eſcaping out of the enimies hãds,Egeldred eſca|peth by flight. but the reſt were for the moſt part either taken or ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 229Thus Egeldred being vtterly vanquiſhed and diſpairing of al recouerie, fled out of Englande o|uer into Normandie, where he was right friendly receyued of Richard as then Dyke of Normãdy, & afterwards purchaſed ſuch [...]an or there amongſt the Normans, that he maried the Ladie Emme, daughter vnto the ſayde Duke, and begot of hir two ſonnesn, Alured and Edward, as in the Eng|liſh Chronicles more at large it doth appeare.

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