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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Fothadus would in no wiſe reſt,Fothadus his diligence to procure the parties to a|greement. tyll the commiſſioners were met and aſſembled togither in communication at Scone, where within fewe dayes after (chiefly through his earneſt diligence) peace was concluded with theſe conditions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Firſt that Grime during his life time,The conditi|ons of the peace betwixt Gryme and Malcolme. ſhoulde enioy the crowne, and after his deceaſſe the ſame to remaine vnto Malcolm and his heires by line|al diſcent for euer, according to the ordinance and decree made & eſtabliſhed by king Kenneth. And whoſoeuer ſhoulde goe about eyther by worde or deed to impeach or hinder the ſaid ordinance and decree, ſhould be reputed for a traytor to the com|mon wealth and realme.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Furthermore all the landes lying betwyxt Lonthian and Northumberlande, and betwixt Clyde and Weſtmerland, euen from the Almain ſeas, to the Iriſh ſeas, ſhoulde preſently remaine and be tranſported vnto the dominion & gouern|ment of Malcolme, with the whiche contenting himſelfe during the naturall life of Gryme, hee ſhould cõtinue in friendſhip with the ſaid Grime, and ſo in no wiſe ſtirre or moue any warre or de|bate, eyther againſt him or any of his friends: for if he did, and went about to breake any of the ar|ticles of this peace, he ſhoulde not onely loſe thoſe landes which he now held, but alſo to be depriued of all the right, title, clayme, and intereſt whiche either he or his poſteritie might make or pretende vnto the crowne at any time hereafter.

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