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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The day following the Ambaſſadors com|ming into the Counſell chamber, heard what was decreed touching their requeſt, and then be|ing highly rewarded of the kings bounteous li|beralitie they returned into Englande, and Mal|colm with them, to be acquainted with king Ed|warde, and to doe his homage for the Principa|litie of Cumberlande, as the cuſtome was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame time alſo, there was a newe acte deuiſed and made,A new act for the ſucceſsion of the crowne. the olde being abrogated (by the appoyntment of the king) for the creation of the Scottiſh kings in time to come, many of the no|bles rather conſenting with ſilence, than greatly allowing it, either in heartes or voyces, though ſome currifauours among them, ſet forwarde the matter to the beſt of their powers. The Articles of this ordinance were theſe:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Articles con|cluded in that Parliament. The eldeſt heire male of the deceaſſed king, whether the ſame were ſonne or nephew, of what age ſoeuer he ſhould be, yea though he ſhoulde be in the mothers womb at the time of ye fathers deceaſe ſhould from thenceforth ſucceed in the kingdome of Scotlande. The nephew by the ſonne ſhoulde be preferred before the nephew by the daughter, in atteyning to the heritage of the crowne. And like|wiſe the brothers ſonne ſhould be admitted before the ſiſters ſonne. The ſame law ſhould be obſer|ued of all ſuch of the Scottiſh nation, as had any landes or inheritance comming to them by diſ|cent. Where the king by this meanes chaunced to be vnder age, and not able to rule, there ſhould be one of the chiefeſt peeres of the Realme choſen and elected to haue the gouernance of his perſon and Realme, till he came to .xiiij. yeares of age. The which fourtenth yeare of his age beeing ac|compliſhed, he ſhoulde haue the adminiſtration committed to his owne handes. The heyres of al other perſons of eche eſtate and degree, ſhould re|maine vnder the wardſhip of their appoynted go|uernours till they came to the age of .xxj. yeares, and not till then to meddle with any part of their landes and liuings.

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