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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The king had no ſooner made an ende of his long oration,The Peeres of the realme did willingly graunt to his requeſt. which he handled after the pithieſt ſort he coulde, but that diuerſe of the noble men which were there amongſt other, being made pri|uie to the matter aforehande, mocioned meanes to haue Malcolme the ſonne of Kenneth created Prince of Cumberlande, that hee might ſo haue an entrance to the crowne after the deceaſſe of his father. This motion by and by was in many of their mouthes, whiche Kenneth perceyuing, re|quyred of the moſt auncient Peeres whom they would name to be Prince of Cumberlande, that there might be a meane to radifie and cõfirme the league betwixt the Scottes and Engliſhe men. Cõſtantine the ſonne of king Cullen, and Grime the nephew of king Duffe by his brother Mogal, howbeit by the force of ye former law they might by good reaſon haue looked to haue had the prefer|ment EEBO page image 220 themſelues, yet perceyuing it was in vaine to denie that which would be had by violence (al|though they ſhould neuer ſo much ſtand agaynſt it) being firſt demaunded of the Heralde what they thought,The Heralde required Con|ſtantine hys voice firſt. they anſwered (notwithſtanding agaynſte theyr myndes in deede,) that the king might order all things as ſhould ſtande with his pleaſure,Conſtantine his ſaying. appoynting whome he thought moſte meeteſt to be Prince of Cumberlande, and to ab|rogate the auncient lawe of creating the kings in deuiſing newe ordinances for the ſame, as ſhould ſeeme vnto him & thoſe of his counſel moſt requiſite and neceſſarie.The multitude well pleaſed, crie Malcolm. The multitude then fol|lowing their ſentence, cryed with lowde and vn|diſcrete voyces, to haue Malcolme the ſonne of king Kenneth created Prince of Cumberlande. And thus the ſame Malcolme (though as yet vn|derage was by the voyces of the people ordeyned Prince of Cumberlande, in place of the other Malcolme ſonne to king Duffe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The day following the Ambaſſadors com|ming into the Counſell chamber, heard what was decreed touching their requeſt, and then be|ing highly rewarded of the kings bounteous li|beralitie they returned into Englande, and Mal|colm with them, to be acquainted with king Ed|warde, and to doe his homage for the Principa|litie of Cumberlande, as the cuſtome was.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame time alſo, there was a newe acte deuiſed and made,A new act for the ſucceſsion of the crowne. the olde being abrogated (by the appoyntment of the king) for the creation of the Scottiſh kings in time to come, many of the no|bles rather conſenting with ſilence, than greatly allowing it, either in heartes or voyces, though ſome currifauours among them, ſet forwarde the matter to the beſt of their powers. The Articles of this ordinance were theſe:

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