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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Duffe. [figure appears here on page 206] AFter the corps of Indulphe was re|moued vnto Colme|kil & there buried, Duffe the ſonne of king Mal|colme was crowned king at Scone with al due ſolemnitie. In the beginning of his reigne Culene the ſonne of king Indulphe was proclaymed prince of Cumberlande: immedi|atly wherevpon the king tranſported ouer into the weſterne Iſles to ſet an order there for cer|taine miſdemeanours vſed by diuers robbers and pillers of the common people.The king wẽt vnto the we|ſterne Iſles. At his arriuall a|mongſt them he called the Thanes of the Iſles afore him,He purged the Iſles. cõmaunding ſtraytly as they would auoyde his diſpleaſure to purge theyr countreys of ſuch malefactours, wherby the huſbandmen & other cõmons might liue in quiet without vexa|tion of ſuche barettours & idle perſons as ſought to liue only vpõ other mẽs goodes. The Thanes vpon this charge giuen them by the king,Barettors takẽ and put to death. tooke no ſmall number of the offenders, partely by pu|blike authoritie, & partly by lying in awayte for thẽ where they ſuppoſed theyr haunt was to re|ſort, the which being put to execution according to that they had merited, cauſed ye reſidue of that kind of people eyther to get them ouer into Ire|land,Vagaboundes compelled to learne an occu+pation. eyther els to learne ſome manuall occupa|tion wherewith to get theyr liuing, yea though they were neuer ſo great gentlemen borne. How|beit the nobles with this extreeme rigour ſhewed thus by the king againſt their linage,The nobles were diſcon|tented with the kings do|yngs. were much offended therewith, accompting it a great diſho|nour for ſuche as were deſcended of noble paren|tage to be conſtrayned to get theyr liuing with the labour of theyr handes, which only appertay|ned to plowmen, & ſuch other of the baſe degree as were borne to trauayle for the mayntenance of the nobilitie, & to ſerue at their commaunde|ment by order of their birth, and in no wiſe after ſuch ſorte to be made in maner equall with them in ſtate and condition of life. And further they murmured cloſely amongſt themſelues,The occaſion of murmuring of the nobili|tie. how the king was onely become freend vnto the cõmons & clergie of his realme, hauing no reſpect to the nobilitie, but rather declared himſelfe to be an vt|ter enimie therof, ſo yt he was vnworthy to haue the rule of the nobles & gentlemẽ, onleſſe he knew better what belonged to their degree. This mur|muring did ſpred not onely among them in the Iſles, but alſo through all the other partes of his realme, ſo that they ceaſſed not to ſpeake very e|uill of the gouernment of things. In the meane time the king fell into a languiſhing diſeaſe,The king fell ſicke. not ſo greeuous as ſtrange, for that none of his Phi|ſitions coulde perceyue what to make of it. For there was ſeene in him no token, that either cho|ler, melancolie, flegme, or any other vicious hu|mor did any thing abounde, whereby his body ſhould be brought into ſuch a decay & cõſumptiõ (ſo as there remayned vnneth any thing vpon him ſaue ſkin & bone:) & ſithence it appeared ma|nifeſtly by all outward ſignes & tokens, that na|tural moiſture did nothing faile in ye vital ſprits: his colour alſo was freſhe & fayre to behold, with ſuch liuelineſſe of lookes, that more was not to be wiſhed for: he had alſo a tẽperate deſire & appetite to his meate & drinke, but yet could he not ſleepe in the night time by any prouocatiõs that could be deuiſed, but ſtill fell into exceeding ſweates, which by no meanes might be reſtreyned. The Phyſitions perceyuing all theyr medicines to wante the effect, yet to put him in ſome comfort of help, declared vnto him that they would ſende for ſome cũning Phiſitions into foraine parties, who haply being inured with ſuch kind of diſea|ſes, ſhould eaſily cure him, namely ſo ſoone as the ſpring of the yeare was once come, whiche of it ſelf ſhould help much thervnto.The king be|ing ſicke, yet he regarded iuſties to be executed. Howbeit ye king though he had ſmall hope of recouerie, yet had he ſtill a diligent care to the due adminiſtration of his lawes and good orders of his realme, deuiſing oft with his councel about the ſame: but yet whẽ it was vnderſtood into what a perillous ſickneſſe he was fallen, there were no ſmall number that cõtemning the authoritie of the magiſtrates,A rebellion practiſed. be|gan to practiſe a rebellion. And amõgſt the chie|feſt were thoſe of Murrayland, who ſleyng ſun|dry of the kings officers began to rage in moſte cruell wiſe againſt all ſuch as were not conſen|ting to their miſordered tumult.The rebellion was kept from the kings knowledge. The kings phi|ſitions forbad in any wiſe, that the king ſhoulde be aduertiſed of ſuch buſineſſe, for doubte of en|creaſing his ſickneſſe with trouble of minde a|bout the ſame. But about that preſent time there was a murmuring amongſt the people, how the king was vexed with no naturall ſickneſſe, but EEBO page image 207 by forcely and, Magicall arte, practiſed by a ſort of Witches dw [...]lling in a towne of Murray|land,Withces in Fores. called Fores. Wherevpon albeit, the Au|thour of this ſecrete talke was not knowen, yet being brought to the kings rare, it cauſed him to ſende foorthwith certaine wittie perſons thither to enquyre of the truth.Inquirie was made. They that were thus ſent, diſſembling the cauſe of theyr iourney, were receyued in the darke of the night into the caſtell of Fores by the lieutenant of the ſame, called Donwald, who continuing faithful to the king, had kepte that caſtell agaynſt the rebelles to the kings vſe. Vnto him therefore theſe meſſengers declared the cauſe of theyr cõming, requiring his ayde for the accompliſhment of the kings plea|ſure.The mater ap+peareth to bee true. The ſouldiers whiche lay there in gariſon had an inkeling that there was ſome ſuch mater in hand as was talked of amongſt the people, by reaſon that one of them kept as cõcubine a yong womã which was doughter to one of ye witches as his paramour, who told him the whole maner vſed by hir mother & other hir cõpanions, with ye intent alſo, which was to make away the king. The ſouldier hauing learned this of his leman,A Witches doughter is examined. told the ſame to his fellowes, who made reporte therof to Donewald, & he ſhewed it to the kings meſſengers, & therwith ſent for the yõg damoſell which the ſouldier kept, as then being within the caſtell, & cauſed hir vpon ſtreyt examination to cõfeſſe the whole mater as ſhe had ſeene & knew:The Witches are found out. whervpon learning by hir cõfeſſiõ in what houſe in the towne it was where they wrought theyr miſcheeuous miſterie, he ſent foorth ſouldiers, a|bout the midſt of the night, who breaking into ye houſe,An image of waxe, roſting at the fire. found one of the Witches roſting vpon a woodden broche an image of waxe at the fire, re|ſembling in ech feature the kings perſon, made & deuiſed as is to be thought, by craft & arte of the Deuill: an other of thẽ ſat reciting certain words of enchauntment, & ſtill baſted the image with a certaine licour very buſily.The Witches were exami|ned. The ſouldiers finding thẽ occupied in this wiſe, tooke thẽ togither with the image, & led thẽ into the caſtell, where being ſtreitly examined for what purpoſe they went a|bout ſuch maner of enchantmẽt, they anſwered, to the end to make away ye king:The whole mater is con|feſſed. for as ye image did waſt afore the fire, ſo did the bodie of the king breake forth in ſweate. And as for the wordes of enchauntment, they ſerued to keepe him ſtill wa|king frõ ſleepe, ſo that as the waxe euer melted, ſo did the kings fleſh: by which meanes it ſhould haue come to paſſe, that when ye waxe were once cleane cõſumed, the death of the king ſhould im|mediatly follow.The nobles of the countrey, ſet the witches a works. So were they taught by euill ſprites, & hyred to worke the feat by the nobles of Murrayland. The ſtanders by that herd ſuch an abhominable tale told by theſe Witches, ſtreight wayes brake the image, & cauſed ye Witches (ac|cording as they had well deſerued)The Witches were burnt. to bee burnt [figure appears here on page 207] to death. It was ſayd that the king,The king is reſtored to health. at the very ſame time that theſe things were a doyng with|in the caſtell of Fores, was deliuered of his lan|guor, and ſlepte that night without any ſweate breaking forth vpon him at all, and the next day being reſtored to his ſtrength, was able to do a|ny maner of thing that lay in man to do, as though he had not bene ſicke before any thing at all. But how ſoeuer it came to paſſe,The king with an armie pur|ſued the re|belles. truth it is that when he was reſtored to his perfect health, he gathered a power of men, and with the ſame went into Murrayland againſt the rebels there, and chaſing them from thence, he purſued them into Roſſe, & from Roſſe into Cathneſe, where apprehending them, he brought them backe vn|to Fores, and there cauſed them to be hanged vpon gallowes and gybettes.The rebels are executed. Amongſt them there were alſo certaine yong Gentlemen right beautifull and goodly perſonages, being neare of kinne vnto Donewald captaine of the Caſtell, and had bene perſwaded to be partakers with the other rebelles more through the fraudulent coũ|ſell of diuers wicked perſons than of theyr owne accorde:Captaine Don|wald craued pardon for thẽ but not graun|ted. Wherevpon the foreſayde Donewald lamenting theyr caſe, made earneſt labour and ſuyte to the king to haue begged theyr pardon, but hauing a playne deniall, he conceyued ſuche an inwarde malice towardes the king, (though he ſhewed it not outwardly at the firſte) that the ſame continued ſtill boyling in his ſtomake, and ceaſed not, till through ſetting on of his wife and in reuenge of ſuche vnthankefulneſſe, he founde meanes to murder the king within the foreſayd Caſtell of Fores where he vſed to ſoiourne,Donewald cõ|ceyued hatred againſt the king. for the king beyng in that countrey, was accuſto|med to lie moſt cõmonly within the ſame caſtel, hauing a ſpeciall truſt in Donewald, as a man whom he neuer ſuſpected: but Donwald not for|getting the reproche whiche his linage had ſu|ſteyned by the execution of thoſe his kinſmen, whome the king for a ſpectacle to the people had cauſed to be hanged, could not but ſhew manifeſt EEBO page image 208 tokens of great griefe at home amongſt his fa|milie: which his wife perceyuing, ceaſſed not to trauayle with him, till ſhe vnderſtood what the cauſe was of his diſpleaſure. Whiche at length when ſhe had learned by his owne relation,Donewaldes wife coũſayled him to mur|der the king. ſhe as one that bare no leſſe malice in hyr harte to|wardes the king, for the like cauſe on hyr behalfe than hir huſband did for his freendes, counſelled him (ſith the king oftentimes vſed to lodge in his houſe without any garde aboute him, other than the garyſon of the caſtell, whiche was wholy at his commaundement) to make him away, and ſhewed him the meanes whereby he might ſooneſt accompliſhe it.The womans euill counſell is folowed. Donwalde thus being the more kindled in wrath by the woordes of his wife, determined to follow hyr aduiſe in the ex|ecution of ſo haynous an acte. Wherevpon de|uiſing with himſelfe for a while, whiche way he might beſt accompliſhe his curſed intention, at length be gate oportunitie and ſped his purpoſe as followeth. It chaunced, that the king vpon the day before he purpoſed to departe forth of the Caſtell, was long in his oratoric at his prayers, and there continued till it was late in the night,The king re|warded his freudes. at the laſt comming foorth he called ſuche afore him, as had faithfully ſerued him in purſute and apprehention of the rebelles, and giuing them hartie thankes, he beſtowed ſundry honorable giftes amõgſt them, of the which number Don|wald was one, as he that had bene euer accomp|ted a moſte faithfull ſeruaunt to the king. At length hauing talked with them a long time,The king wẽt to bedde. he got him into his pryuie chamber, only with two of his chamberlaynes, who hauing brought him to bedde came foorth againe, and then fell to ban|queting with Donewald and his wife,His chamber|layns wente to banqueting. who had prepared diuers delicate diſhes, and ſundry ſorts of drinke for theyr arere ſupper or collation, whereat they ſat vp ſo long, till they had char|ged theyr ſtomakes with ſuche full gorges, that theyr heades were no ſooner got to the pyllow, but a ſleepe they were ſo faſt, that a man might haue remoued the chãber ouer them, rather than to haue awaked thẽ out of theyr drunken ſleepe. Then Donewalde though he abhorred the act greatly in his harte, yet through inſtigation of his wife, he called foure of his ſeruants vnto him (whom he had made priuie to his wicked intent before, and framed to his purpoſe with large giftes) and now declaring vnto them, after what ſorte they ſhould worke the feate, they gladly o|beyed his inſtructions,The ſuborned ſeruauntes cut the kings throte. and ſpeedely going about the murder, they enter the chamber (in which the king lay) a litle before cockes crow, where they ſecretely cut his throte as he lay ſleeping, with|out any buſkling at all: and immediately by a poſterne gate they caried foorth the dead body into the fieldes, and throwing it vpon an horſe there prouided ready for that purpoſe, they con|uey it vnto a place, diſtant aboute twoo myles from the caſtell, where they ſtayed, and gat cer|tayne labourers to helpe them to turne the courſe of a litle riuer running through the fielded there, and digging a deepe hole in the chanell,The king his buriall. they bu|rie the body in the ſame, ramming it vp with ſtones and grauel ſo cloſely, that ſetting the wa|ter into the right courſe agayne, no man coulde perceyue that any thing had bene newly digged there. This they did by order appointed them by Donewald as is reported, for that the bodie ſhoulde not be founde, and by bleeding (when Donewald ſhoulde be preſent) declare him to be giltie of the murder. For that ſuche an opinion men haue, that the dead corps of any man being ſlayne, will bleede abundantly if the murderer be preſent: but for what cõſideration ſoeuer they buried him there,The poore la|bourers are ſlaine. they had no ſooner finiſhed the worke, but that they ſlew them, whoſe help they vſed herein, and ſtreightwayes therevpon fledde into Orkney.

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