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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Danes cõ|ceyue hope of good ſucceſſe.The Danes being certified, that king Ed|warde was thus ſlayne, conceyued ſuch hope of good ſucceſſe after to come, that albeit they were at this time vanquiſhed, they immediatly made newe preparation for the warre, and firſte of all Aualaſſus the one of the twoo bretherne before mencioned, ſent vnto Conſtantine the Scottiſh king, to allure him to ioyne with them agaynſt the Engliſhmen,The Scots e|uer falſe to the Engliſhmen. whiche with great giftes and large promiſes hee eaſily brought to paſſe, the league not withſtandyng whiche remayned betwixt the Engliſhe and Scottiſhe nations. Herevpon bothe the Scottes and Danes made the greateſt prouiſions that might be,The Scots and Danes cõfede|rate themſelfe togither. thinking verily to ſubdue the Engliſhmen, and to bryng them to vtter deſtruction. Malcolme ſonne to king Donald was appointed by king Conſtan|tine to haue the leading of the Scottiſhe army,Malcolme is made chief ge|nerall of the armie. conteyning the number of twentie thouſande men. The ſame Malcolme alſo at the ſame time was created beyre apparant of the realme,

He is created alſo heyre ap|parant.

The Earle of Cumberland beyre apparãt to the king of Scots.

The Scots and Danes ioyne theyr powers togither.

hauing Cumberland of ſigned vnto him for the mayntenaunce of his [...]. And [...] then it was ordeyned, that he whiche ſhould ſucceede to the crowne after the kings deceaſſe ſhoulde euer away [...] [...]ince. Malcolme ioyning his [...] with Aualaſſe and Godfrey (who had aſſembled in [...] ma [...] a mightie hoſte of Danes th [...] all together brake into the En|gliſh [...] no hinde of,They began a cruell warre. crueltie that [...] the people without a [...] piti [...] [...] in all places where they [...], to the [...] the Engliſhmẽ moued with the ſlaughter of theyr kinſfolkes and fr [...]ndes, ſhould come fo [...]rth into the field to giue batayle ſuppoſing they ſhould not be able to withſtande the force of the Danes and Scottiſhmen nowe ioyned in one army togither. But the more vi|la [...]ie they ſhewed in theyr [...], the ſooner were they puniſhed for the ſame.Adelſtane baſe ſonne vnto king Edward. For Adelſtane the baſe ſonne of king Edward whom the En|gliſhmen has choſen to ſuccede an gouernment of their kingdome after his fathers deceaſſe, with al ſpeade ſought to be reuenged of ſuch [...] doings. Wherevpon getting togither an army,Adelſtane came againſt the Scottes. 9370 he encountred with them at a place called Bra|ningfield, or Brimenburgh in Iulie, Anno [...] where the Engliſhmen at the firſte of purpoſe gaue ſome thing broke as though they had fled: which maner when the Danes and Scottes be|helde,The Scots and Danes out of order. ſuppoſing the Engliſhmen had fledde in deede, they began to purſue amayne, leauyng theyr order of batayle, eche of them ſtriuing who might be the formoſt. The Engliſhmen accor|ding to the order appoynted to them by theyr Captaines, ſodenly fell into array againe, and fiercely returning vpon they enimies,The Scots and Danes ouer|throwen. br [...]t them downe in great numbers, and ſo atteined a moſt triumphant victorie. They did in this mor|tall batayle many thouſands of Danes & Scot|tiſhmẽ,The nobilitie wẽt to wrach. but chiefly the Scottiſh nobilitie bought the bargaine moſt deare, who chooſing rather to die in the fielde than to ſuffer rebuke by diſhono|rable flight, it came ſo to paſſe that fewe of them eſcaped. There died on that ſide (as ſome wryte) 20000. men in this bataile, togither with Wilfere king of the Euentes, Hanwall king of Brytons, and .vij. Dukes that came to help the Scottes and Danes.Adelſtane take Northumber|land. Athelſtane by good aduiſe following the victorie, mind into Northum|berland, and finding the countrey diſpurneyed of menne of warre, he eaſily made a full conqueſt thereof, hauing all the holdes and fortreſſes deli|uered into his bandes. Then without further delay he paſſed into Weſtmerland,Weſtmerland & Cumberlãd recouered. and after in|to Cumberland, when the inhabitants of bothe thoſe regions [...] forced, and bare headed, in t [...]| [...]en of moſte humble ſubmiſſion yeelded them|ſelues EEBO page image 202 vnto him, promiſing from thencefoorth to continew his faithfull ſubiectes.Malcolme eſ|caped his hurtes. In the meane [...] Malcolme eſ|caped his hurtes. A councel cal|lad by Con|ſtantine. Conſta [...] the becommeth a Chanon. in the yeare of our Sauiour. 942.943. and in the xl. yeare of his owne reygne: as Hector Boe|tius ſaith: but it he did thus forſake the worlde and entred into religion immdediatly after the batayle ſought at Broningfielde or Brunen|burgh (for ſo we finde it named by come wry|ters) then muſte needes be afore this ſuppoſed [...] alledged by the ſame Boetius,M. VVeſtm. for that ba|tayle was fought, Anno .937. as the beſte ap|proued amongeſt our Engliſhe wryters do re|port, ſo that it ſhoulde rather ſeeme that Con|ſtãtine refuſed in deede to deale with the gouern|ment of the realme, about the ſame yeare of our Lord .937. of ſhortly after, and that Malcolme gouerned as Regent and not as king whileſt Contantine liued, who departed this life (after he had cõtinued in the Abbey of S. Andrewes a certayne time) in the foreſayd yeare .943. falling in the .xl. yeare after he firſt beganne to reygne.943. He was firſt buried in the church there amongſt the Biſhops,Conſtantine died. but afterwards he was taken vp & trãſlated vnto Calmekill, where he had a tumbe ſet ouer him, as was conuenient for the memory of his name.

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