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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 200But nowe when it was knowne that hys purpoſe was onely to aſſayle the Engliſh Coun|treys,Donalde ſent 5000. men to the ayde of the Engliſh men. according to the league newly confirmed, Donalde ſent fiue thouſande Scottiſh men [...] the ayde of the Engliſh men. And alſo appoynted two thouſand horſemen to remaine with him in Northumberlande (where he ſtayed for [...] ty [...]e) diſcharging the reſidue, and licenſing than to re|turne vnto their homes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Shortly after Gormond fought with Alured at Abingdon,Gormond is ouerth rowne by k. Alured. where in the ende [...] victorie [...]de with the Engliſh men and [...] ſame way [...] with ſuch loſſe, of men other [...] and doubtfull [...] that they [...] notable purſue the [...] but conſtrayned im|mediately after,A peace con|cluded. to con [...]de [...] peace with them on condition that the Danes [...] common [...] with the Engliſh men in Al [...]ion ſo that Gormond with this Danes ſhould be baptiſed, The Danes to be baptiſed, & to remaine in England. and [...] the Chriſtian Religion Herevppon alſo, were pledges deliuered, [...] partes, and Gormonde comming to receiue bap|tiſme [figure appears here on page 200] had his name chaunged and was called A|thelſtane,Gormonde is baptiſed with many mo. during whoſe life the peace continued betwixt the two Nations. Whileſt things paſ|ſed thus in Englande, there roſe a peece of trou|ble betwixt the inhabitants of Murrey lande,They of Roſſe inuade Mur|rey lande. and Roſſe, which diſquieted king Donald not a little. The occaſion grew by reaſon of certaine theeues, which comming forth of Roſſe in the night time, ſecretely entered into Murrey lande, to fetch boo|ties from thence. At the firſt they of Murrey land made reſiſtaunce agaynſt them as well as they might, but after calling their neighbours to ayde them, they ſkirmiſhed in ſuch wiſe, that within two Monethes ſpace,Two thouſand men ſlaine. there were ſlaine betwixt them two thouſand of the one ſyde & of the other. Donalde beeing not a little offended to haue hys peace broken with inteſtute diſcorde,The king wẽt with an armie into Murrey lande. gathered a great power, and with the ſame haſted into Mur|rey lande: where calling the chiefeſt doers and mainteyners of this buſineſſe to make anſwere to that which was layde to their charge, when they were not able to cleare themſelues of the cryme,The chiefe do|ers were put to death. he put them to open execution of death, to the en|ſample of other. This trouble beeing in this ſort quieted, he went into Northũberland, to be there in a readineſſe,The king went into Northum|berlande. if the Danes or Engliſhe men (whom he ſuſpected) ſhoulde attempt any thing agaynſt his ſubiectes in thoſe parties: where in the ende, after he had raigned almoſt .xj. yeeres he departed this worlde.Donald died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His bodie was buryed in Colmkill amongſt his aunceſters, with a Marble tombe ſet ouer his graue, as the maner in thoſe dayes was cuſto|marily vſed.

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