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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus the battailes beeing ordered on both partes,Two battailes ioine. forwarde they make one towardes ano|ther to begin the fight, the Scots (after yt the ſhot and throwing of darts was ſpent, and that they came to ioyne) kept off theyr enimies with long Speares of Iauelins, in ſuch ſort, that they were not able to come neare them: which diſaduantage Cornelius perceyuing, commaunded on highe that they ſhoulde with their ſwordes cutte thoſe Iauelynes in ſunder, and as he lyfted vp the viſor of his helmet, the better to exhort his people to the execution hereof,Cornelius was ſore wounded. he was ſo wounded in the face with a Speare, that he was fain to withdraw a|part out of the fielde. The Iriſh men ſuppoſing he had fledde, incontinently to ſaue themſelues, threw off theyr armor and fell to running away.The Iriſh ran away. Thus did the victorie encline to the Scottiſhe ſtandardes. There died but a fewe to ſpeake of in the battaile, howbeit in the chaſe there was a wonderfull number ſlaine: for the Scottes pur|ſued them euen vnto Dublin Gates Which Ci|tie the next day Gregorie beſet on eche ſide wyth a mightie ſiege.Dublin beſie|ged. There was gotte into this Citie at the ſame tyme a wonderfull multitude of peo|ple, what of ſuche as were receyued into it flee|ing from the battaile, as alſo of other, whiche were there aſſembled before, in hope of aſſured victorie and ſafegarde of their goodes. By rea|ſon whereof beeing thus beſieged, they beg [...]nne quickely to want vytayles, ſo that eyther muſt they of neceſſitie yeelde, eyther elſe by ſome iſ|ſue auoyde that daunger wherein they were pre|ſently bewrapped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 But for as much as they ſaw no great likely|hoode of good ſucceſſe in that exployte, in the ende it was concluded amongſt them, that (ſithe there was no meane for thoſe Noble men which were incloſed within that Citie to eſcape the eni|mies handes, and that there were none other of any reputation abrode able to defende the Coun|trey frõ the Scottiſhmens puiſſance) they ſhould fall to ſome treatie with the Scottiſh king for a peace to be had,They conſule vpon a treatie of peace to be made. with ſo reaſonable conditions as might be obteyned: for other remedie in that pre|ſent miſchief they could deuiſe none, and therfore this was iudged the beſt way of the whole nũber, & namely of Cormach biſhop of Dublin, a man for his ſingular vertue & reputatiõ of vpright life, of no ſmal authority amongſt them. He took vpõ him alſo to go vnto Gregorie to breake ye matter,Cormach B. of Dublin went vnto king Gregorie. & ſo cõming afore his preſẽce, beſought him moſt hũbly to haue cõpaſſion vpon the poore miſerable citie, and in ſuch ſort to temper his wrath, if he had conceyued any peece of diſpleaſure agaynſt EEBO page image 198 the Citizens, that it might pleaſe him yet vppon their humble ſubmiſſion to receyue them vnto his mercie, and further to accept into his protection his couſin yong Duncane,Douncane. vnto whom the king|dome of Irelande was due of right, as all the worlde well vnderſtoode.A wittie ſaying. He beſought him alſo to remember, that it apperteyned more to the ho|nour of a king to preſerue the lawfull right of o|ther kings and princes with the quiet ſtate of Ci|ties and Countreyes, than by violent hande to ſeeke their deſtruction. Wherevnto the king an|ſwered,King Gregory hi [...] wiſe and godly anſwer. that he was not come into Irelande for any couetous deſire he had to the Realme, or to the entent to ſpoyle his kinneſman of the go|uernment thereof, but onely to reuenge ſuche in|iuries as the Iriſhmen had done to his ſubiectes: not the Scottes but the Iriſhe men themſelues were they that had gyuen the occaſion of the warre, whiche they had dearely bought wyth no ſmall portion of theyr bloud (whiche had beene ſhedde) as puniſhed for that cryme wor|thily by the iuſte iudgement of almightie God.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But as touching an ende to bee had of hys quarell, and for the reſeruing of the King|dome vnto yong Duncanes behoofe, when hee had the Citie at hys pleaſure, hee woulde then take ſuche order as hee ſhoulde thinke moſt con|uenient.

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