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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 EEBO page image 197The bodie of Bren alſo was founde amongſt o|ther in the ryfling of the campe,Bren was ſlain. with the heade bruyſed in peeces, and the braynes paſhed oute with ſome ſtone throwne downe by the Scottiſh men from the hyll ſide. Which Gregorie at the requeſt of ſome of the priſoners cauſed to bee bu|ryed in Chriſtian Sepulture.Women and children are kept harmles. He cauſed alſo women and children to be ſent away harmleſſe, onely retayning the men of able age priſoners. Furthermore he commaunded that they ſhoulde vſe neyther fire nor ſworde,Vnarmed men were ſpared. but agaynſt ſuch on|ly as with weapon in hande made any reſiſtance.Vitailes were commaunded to be pro|uided. and cõmaunded them alſo that they ſhoulde pro|uide themſelues of vittayles to ſerue them why|leſt they ſhoulde lie abrode and remaine there in that countrey. And herevpon many of the Iriſh people thus taſting the mercifull clemencie of the Scottiſh king, yeelded themſelues vnto him with ſundrie Fortreſſes, ſo that Gregorie finding ſuf|ficient prouiſion of vyttayles to ſerue his hoſt for a long ſeaſon, he went vnto the ſtrong Citie of Doungarge,Doungarge or Doungard be|ſieged. or Doungarde, which he enuironed aboute with a ſtrong ſiege, and continuing the ſame certaine dayes, at length they within wea|ryed wyth continuall trauayle and lacke of vit|tayles,The town was yeelded. opened the gate, and ſuffered him to en|ter. He woulde not permit his men to meddle wyth anye of the ſpoyle,A gentle ran|ſome. but appoynted the Townes men to redeeme the ſame (theyr ar|mour except) of hys Souldiers for a peece of money.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Afterwarde tarying in this Citie by the ſpace of three dayes, hee departed and came afore ano|ther Citie called Pontus,Pontus was ſurrendred alſo. whiche he receyued by ſurrender, and therefore preſerued the Citizens from all hurt and annoyance. From thence hee purpoſed to haue gone vnto Dubline, about .xiiij. myles diſtant from Pontus, but as he marched thitherwardes,Cornelius came with an large armie. he was aduertiſed that Cornelius was comming towardes him with ſuch an huge armie, as the like had not beene ſeene within the memorie of man in that Ile. Wherevpon Gre|gorie chaunging his purpoſe of goyng to Dub|lin, vpon report of theſe newes, he got him vp in|to the next mountaine.The Iriſhmen came in three battayles. The next daye came the Iriſh men raunged in three battayles. In the firſt,Kernes. there was a great multitude of Kernes with Dartes and Bowes: In the ſecond were a great number of mightie tall men,Theſe might we name Gal|lowglaſſes, if they had bene furniſhed with Axes. armed in coates of male, with Bucklers and great long Swordes, which they caryed vpon their right ſhoulders. In the thirde battaile, wherein ſtoode their gene|rall Cornelius with all the chiefeſt Nobles of the Countrey, were an infinite companie of all ſortes of Souldiers, choſen forth of all the whole numbers.The Scottes came in two wings. The Scottes (according to their cu|ſtome) deuided themſelues into two wings and a middle warde, in euerie of the which were three ſortes of Souldiers: as fyrſt Archers, and thoſe with long Speares, then Bylmen, and laſt of all, ſuche as bare long Swordes and leaden Malles.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Thus the battailes beeing ordered on both partes,Two battailes ioine. forwarde they make one towardes ano|ther to begin the fight, the Scots (after yt the ſhot and throwing of darts was ſpent, and that they came to ioyne) kept off theyr enimies with long Speares of Iauelins, in ſuch ſort, that they were not able to come neare them: which diſaduantage Cornelius perceyuing, commaunded on highe that they ſhoulde with their ſwordes cutte thoſe Iauelynes in ſunder, and as he lyfted vp the viſor of his helmet, the better to exhort his people to the execution hereof,Cornelius was ſore wounded. he was ſo wounded in the face with a Speare, that he was fain to withdraw a|part out of the fielde. The Iriſh men ſuppoſing he had fledde, incontinently to ſaue themſelues, threw off theyr armor and fell to running away.The Iriſh ran away. Thus did the victorie encline to the Scottiſhe ſtandardes. There died but a fewe to ſpeake of in the battaile, howbeit in the chaſe there was a wonderfull number ſlaine: for the Scottes pur|ſued them euen vnto Dublin Gates Which Ci|tie the next day Gregorie beſet on eche ſide wyth a mightie ſiege.Dublin beſie|ged. There was gotte into this Citie at the ſame tyme a wonderfull multitude of peo|ple, what of ſuche as were receyued into it flee|ing from the battaile, as alſo of other, whiche were there aſſembled before, in hope of aſſured victorie and ſafegarde of their goodes. By rea|ſon whereof beeing thus beſieged, they beg [...]nne quickely to want vytayles, ſo that eyther muſt they of neceſſitie yeelde, eyther elſe by ſome iſ|ſue auoyde that daunger wherein they were pre|ſently bewrapped.

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