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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 192There be that wryte howe he was ſtrangled in priſon by Dongall his procurement, leaſt by aduenture he might haue bene reſtored vnto liber|tie, and with all haue made clayme to the crowne againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Gregorie being thus eſtabliſhed in the eſtate, conſidering that the ſuretie of all Realmes reſted in the handes of the diuine Maieſtie, to begin his gouernment with ſome luckie enterpriſe,A conuocation of the clergie. cauſed a conuocation to be holden at Forfai [...] for the ad|uancement [figure appears here on page 192] of Chriſtes religion: where amongſt other things,Prieſts are free of all tribute. it was ordeyned, that Prieſts from thenceforth (to the ende they might more freely attende to their vocation) ſhould be exempt from paying of trybute and all maner of exactions. Al|ſo that they ſhould not be conſtrayned to go vnto the warres,They ſhoulde not be called to ſerue in the warres. neyther to come before any temporal iudges, but only afore their Ordinaries and Bi|ſhops, by whom they ſhoulde be iudged in al cau|ſes.Authoritie gi|uen vnto Bi|ſhops to order things. The ſame Ordinaries and Biſhops ſhould alſo haue authoritie to order all men, both publike and priuate, aſwell for the keeping of fayth giuen, as to conſtraine them to confirme the ſame, and to puniſh ſuch as ſhould be founde in the contra|rie. Likewiſe in cauſes of controuerſie touching matrimonie, tythes, teſtamentes, legacies, and ſuch like. Moreouer the correcting of thoſe that blaſpheme eyther God or his Saincts. Heretikes and Nicromancers, with other the like offenders agaynſt the lawes and articles of the Chriſtian religiõ, was aſſigned vnto the Biſhops and their ſubſtitutes, ſo that all thoſe which were founde diſobedient vnto them, and refuſed to bee at their commaundement, they ſhould haue authoritie to excommunicate them out of the Church, and from companying with any of the congregation, ſo that they that were thus excommunicated, ſhould be depriued of all abilitie to enioy any in|heritance or right to landes or poſſeſſions what|ſoeuer they were. Neither ſhoulde they be accep|ted as a witneſſe in any maner of cauſe, neyther beare any office or rule in the common wealth. This Gregorie alſo (as is ſayde) was the fyrſt auctour of that ordinance, by the which the Scot|tiſh kings at their coronation vſe of auncient cu|ſtome to vowe by ſolemne othe,Whẽ the Scot|tiſh kings firſt began to pro|miſe by othe to maintiane the libertie of the Church. that during their lyues, they ſhal mainteyn and defend the Church with hir miniſters, in al ancient liberties and pri|uiledges, and not to ſuffer any man to hurt or in|fringe the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There was ſurely in this Gregorie a certaine naturall inclination to vertue,King Gregory was giuẽ who|ly vnto god|lineſſe. with ſuche adui|ſedneſſe in all his wordes, that he vttered few or none but that the ſame ſeemed to be ſpoken with right great conſideration. He was neuer maried,King Gregory was neuer maryed. but continued in chaſtitie all his lyfe time. Of meate and drinke he was verie ſpare, deliting in all kinde of ſobrietie,He was ſober. more watchefull than giuen to ſleepe. But his fame encreaſed moſte for hys mainteyning of iuſtice and ciuill adminiſtration concerning the ſtate of the common wealth, not omitting the practiſe of warre, where neceſſitie requyred.

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