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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Conſtantine the Scottiſhe king being kind|led in the meane time with paſſing great diſplea|ſure, for theſe ſo notable iniuries receyued at the handes of the Danes, thought good with all ſpeed to go agaynſt them, and to attempt the chaunce of battaile before they had waſted any further within his dominions, ſo greatly to the dimini|ſhing of his royal power and eſtimation amongſt his ſubiects. Hereupon leuying his people,Conſtantyne aſſembled a mightie army. and aſſembling a mightie hoſt togither, he paſſed forth with the ſame towardes his enimies, the whiche were lodged in two ſeuerall campes, the one be|ing diſtant from the other aboute a quarter of a myle, ſeuered in ſunder with the courſe of a little ryuer called Leuyn, the which (vpon the approch of the Scottes vnto that parte of the campe that lay on the further ſyde next vnto them) chaunced to be rayſed on ſuch height through abundance of raine, that in two dayes after vneth it might bee paſſed ouer at the fourdes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this ſore and tempeſtuous weather, the ayre cleared vp and waxed verie fayre and calme, giuing occaſion to the Scottes to worke theyr feate agaynſt one part of theyr enimies, whyleſt the other coulde not come ouer vnto theyr ayde and ſuccours. In this campe which lay on that ſide the ryuer next to the Scottes, Hubba was lodged, who did what he coulde to haue ſtayde his men from iſſuing forth of the campe to giue bat|taile when the Scots drew neare to the ſame,The Scots and Danes ioyne their battailes. & aſſaied all wayes by prouoking the Danes with ſkirmiſhes to come forth and fight with them in plaine field, but notwithſtanding al that he could do, forth they ruſhed in ſuch wiſe by plumpes, and with ſo great noyſe and claymour, that the Cap|taines were conſtrayned of neceſſitie to ſet them in order of battaile, ſithe they would needes giue the onſet vpon their preſent enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Danes did weare aloft vppon their ar|mour certaine lynnen garments,The Danes ap|parell. wrought with red ſilke, ſhewing fayre and white both at hande and a farre off.Their weapons Their weapons were of ſuch ſort as ſerued for the puſh rather than for down right blowes, the poynts being of ſuche a handſome EEBO page image 189 ſtrong faſhion, that no armor might lightly hold forth agaynſt them.T [...]ll men of body and lim|bes Theſe kinde of weapons to|gither with the muſter of their huge bodies was dreadfull at the firſt for the Scottiſhe men to be|holde, as they marched towardes them in aray of battail. But anon comming neare togither rea|die to ioyne, the Scots manfully taking to them newe courages,A battayle. ſet vpon the Danes with great violence, who likewiſe beganne the battaile very ſtoutly, ſo that the ſame cõtinued fight fierce and [figure appears here on page 189] cruell a good ſpace. At length the Danes beeing aſſayled on eche ſide, both a front before, and on their backes behinde,The Danes take the flight. oppreſſed as it were wyth multitude, they threwe downe theyr weapons and fled amain. Many of them making towards their campe were ouertaken and ſlaine, diuerſe of them falling into the ditches were oppreſſed with throng, aſwel of their owne companie, as of their enimies, as they paſſed ouer them in following the chaſe, and ſtryuing to enter the campe vpon ſuch as ſtoode to defende them from entring. O|ther ther were that leaping into the water in hope to get ouer, were drowned in the whorling wa|ues of the ſtreame, though ſome (through helpe of their fellowes whiche ſtoode on the other ſyde readie to haue paſſed the water if they might ſo haue done without manifeſt daunger of drow|ning) eſcaped and got ouer,Habba was ſa|ued from drowning. amongſt whom Hub|ba was one, to the great reioyſing of his brother Hungar, to ſee him thus deliuered twiſe from pe|rill of death, as firſt from amongeſt his enimies, and ſecondly out of the roaring ſtreame of that deepe and ſwift raging ryuer. The Scottes ha|uing thus put one part of their enimies to the wurſe,The Scots toke of this victory immoderate ioye. with that happie ſucceſſe tooke ſuch com|fort and immoderate ioy, as though they had bin nowe ſure of victorie ouer all the reſidue, ſo that for two dayes togither, there was ſuch dauncing, ſinging, and pyping amongſt them, as the lyke hath not beene heard of.The Scots for ioy readie to fall out. Yea ſo farre proceeded their inſolent outrage, that they began to contend amongſt themſelues for the priſoners and ſpoyle, which they accopted now theyr owne, as though already they had the ſame wholy in their poſ|ſeſſion: and further reaſoned not without alter|cation, whether the Daniſh Captaines after they had them once in theyr handes ſhould bee put to death, or elſe be kept aliue to be ſhewed to the peo|ple in triumph or no. Great a do and many vaine wordes were ſpent hereabout in ſuch earneſt ſort that they were at poynte to haue fallen out a|mongſt themſelues: but there was no mention at all made touching the ordering of their battailes and other the neceſſarie proceedings agaynſt the enimies.

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