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Compare 1587 edition: 1 He commaunded further, that all the youth of his realme, ſhoulde exerciſe running, wraſtling, ſhooting, throwing of the dart and bowle, ſo to auoyde ſlouthfulneſſe, that their bodies myghte with ſuch exerciſes be made the more able to en|dure paynes and trauaile: and for the ſame pur|poſe he tooke order, that they ſhoulde lye vpon the bare bourdes, with one mantell onely throwne vnder them,Youth to be treined vp in hardneſſe. ſo that they ſhould taſt nothing nei|ther by day nor night, that might noozell them in any wanton delytes or effeminate pleaſures.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kepers of bã|ketting houſes to be baniſhed.It was alſo ordeyned, that all ſuch as kept vitayling houſes for banketting cheare, ſhould be baniſhed the realme, with thoſe that kept brothell houſes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus were the Scottes by obſeruing of theſe ordinances,Scottes were made ſober & able to abyde hardnes. made within ſhort time of gluttons & exceſſiue feeders, ſober and temperate men: of de|licate and eaſefull perſons, hard, tough, and able to abide any trauail or labour, were the ſame ne|uer ſo painfull: and hereof the ſtate of the common wealth began to grow to good perfection, ſo that Conſtantines adminiſtration was lyked of the moſt part of all his ſubiects.

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