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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon this miſtruſt therfore did thoſe Pictes which were amongſt the Engliſh men, make the beſt ſhift they coulde for themſelues, ſo that many of them got ſhippes,The picts were into Norwaye and Denmark. and ſayled into Norway & Denmark, vnto their coũtrey men there: the other that could not make ſhift to get away, were ſlain anon after by the Engliſh men, that one of them was not to bee founde aliue within any of the Engliſh Dominions. And ſuch was the ende of the Pictes that fledde vnto the Engliſh men for ſuccour.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane tyme the Scottiſh king Do|nald being reſtored againe to his Countrey, was receyued with more ioy and honour than hee had deſerued, in hope yet by this ſcourge of aduerſe fortune, that he woulde haue reformed his former abuſes. Neuertheleſſe,King Donald falleth to hys old vices againe. he had not bin at home any long time, but that he fell to his old vicious trade of life againe, remouing from his companie ſuche honorable perſonages as wiſhed the ſuretie of his eſtate, with the aduãcement of the cõmon welth, to the reliefe and eaſe of his poore miſerable ſub|iects. At length the nobles of the realm perceiuing the daunger that their countrey ſtoode in, by rea|ſon of Donaldes inſolent miſorder, vndiſcrete rule and gouernment,King Donalde is laid in priſõ. they found meanes to ap|prehend and commit him vnto ſafe keeping, but the monſtrous creature within a fewe dayes after he was thus put in ward,

He ſlaieth him ſelfe in priſon.


in great deſperation ſlue himſelfe, in the ſixt yeare after he began his infor|tunate raigne, & in the yeare of our ſaniour 860.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare that the realme of Scotlande was brought vnto ſuch miſerable ſtate by the pu|iſſant force of the Engliſh men and Brytains, as aboue is rehearſed, there were ſundrie wonders heard of in the countrey:A young babe giueth warning vnto hys mo|ther. as in Lothian a childe of one Moneth olde and a halfe, admoniſhed the mother to flie out of that countrey, for it woulde come to paſſe, that the enimies ſhoulde come and take that region out of the Scottiſh mens hands. Beaſts alſo as they were paſturing abrode in the fieldes there, roaring after a ſtraunge ſort,Beaſtes roa|ryng dyed. ſoden|ly dyed. Fiſhes likewiſe in ſhape reſembling the figure of man,Fiſhes lyke in ſhape to men. were founde deade in the ſandes of the Scottiſh ſea. In Galloway there fell ſuch a|bundance of Adders and Snakes out of the ſkie,Adders & ſna|kes fell downe out of the sky. that the ayre being corrupted with the ſauour of them lying on the grounde, both men and beaſtes dyed of certain diſeaſes, which they tooke through infection thereof.

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