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Compare 1587 edition: 1
I am free march as paſſengers may ken,
Balantine.To Scots, to Brytons, and to Engliſh men.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The picts hope is deceiued.The Pictes which had bene with the Engliſh men in this iourney, euer hoping to be reſtored to their landes and former poſſeſſions by Oſbert, when they ſawe how he reteyned the ſame in his owne handes, appoynting his ſubiectes to inha|bite therein, they doubted that which afterwards came to paſſe in deede, leaſt the Engliſhe men of friendes woulde nowe become enimies, ſeeking the deſtruction of the whole Pictiſhe generation, thereby to aſſure themſelues in the poſſeſſion of thoſe landes and liuings, wherevnto the Picts as they thought would euer make ſome clayme and tytle, whileſt any of them remayned aliue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon this miſtruſt therfore did thoſe Pictes which were amongſt the Engliſh men, make the beſt ſhift they coulde for themſelues, ſo that many of them got ſhippes,The picts were into Norwaye and Denmark. and ſayled into Norway & Denmark, vnto their coũtrey men there: the other that could not make ſhift to get away, were ſlain anon after by the Engliſh men, that one of them was not to bee founde aliue within any of the Engliſh Dominions. And ſuch was the ende of the Pictes that fledde vnto the Engliſh men for ſuccour.

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