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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donald being at the firſte ſore troubled with theſe newes, yet at length by the aduiſe of his no|bles hee tooke a good harte vnto him, and in de|fence of his realme, cauſed muſters to be taken throughout all his dominions,Osbert is put to the flight, at Iedworth, or Iedburgh. and foorthwith came into the fielde to encounter his enimies, whom hee founde at Iedworth ready to giue battell, where after ſore fight, in the ende Oſ|bert with his people was chaſed to the nexte mountaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Donald hauing thus obtayned the victory in this conflict, ſuppoſed all had bene his owne, and therevpon remoued ouer Tweede with all poſſible haſte, marchyng foorth till hee came to the mouthe of that ryuer, where there lay at anker certayne Engliſhe veſſels, laden with pro|uiſion of vitayles and all other things neceſſarie for the furniture of an armie.Osbert his prouiſion by water is taken by the Scot|tiſhmen. Donald ſetting vppon theſe ſhippes, with ſmall reſiſtaunce tooke them, ſpoyled them of all ſuche things as were founde aboarde, and after ſet fire on them. The ſpoyle was deuided amongeſt the Souldiers and menne of warre, whiche ſerued them to ſmall vſe or commoditie, for all the youth of the armie through enſample of theyr Prince was ſo corrupted in vicious cuſtomes, that the campe was repleniſhed with Hoores and Bawdes, Stewes and dicyng tables, in ſuche wiſe that all ſuche prouiſion as ſhoulde haue ſerued for ſtore and ſtaple of vitayles, was ſpente in rio|tous banqueting without any order or meaſure: and oftentymes (as it chaunceth where politike gouernment lacketh) there happened amongſt them in the armie,A great diſor|der in the Scot+tiſh campe. diſcorde and variaunce with ſundry murders and ſlaughters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the enimies were aduertiſed howe farre out of order all things ſtoode in the Scot|tiſhe campe for wante of good and diſcrete chief|taines, Oſbert with all ſpeede gotte a mightie hoſte togither againe, and before his approche was looked for of the Scottes, he commeth vpon them one mornyng in the breake of the day, and aſſayleth them in theyr lodgyngs, wherein hee founde them ſo vnprouided of al helpes to make reſiſtaunce, that it was a wounder to ſee the diſ|order that appeared amongſt them: ſome of [figure appears here on page 183] them rennyng vpon theyr enimies naked with|out all diſcretion,The Scottes campe ſudden|ly inuaded. other breakyng foorth of the campe to ſaue themſelues by flight, not ſpa|ryng hill nor dale where they ſawe any way to eſcape the enimies handes, though it were with preſent daunger of breaking theyr neckes downe the ſidelyng bankes and craggie rockes, beyng forced thereto by the fierce purſute of the En|gliſhmen and Brytons, who moſt egrely preaſ|ſed vpon them in all places to reuenge the late receyued ouerthrowe and ſlaughter of theyr friendes and kinſfolke.

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