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Compare 1587 edition: 1 The interpre|tation of theſe tokens.Theſe vnkouth wonders were interpreted by deuinors diuerſly: ſome affirming the ſame to betoken ioy and happie proſperitie, and other al|ledgyng, how they ſignified rather miſhap and vtter calamitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to returne to our purpoſe, King Kẽneth hauing thus deſtroyed the Pictiſh kingdome to|gither almoſt with the whole nation, cauſed the marble ſtone (whiche Symon Breke ſometime brought out of Spaine into Ireland, & the firſte Ferguſe out of Ireland into Albion, as before is recited)The marble ſtone is remo|ued frõ Argile into Goury, in the place cal|led Scone. to be brought now forth of Argile where till that time it had bene diligently kepte) into Goury, whiche region before appertayned to the Picts, there to remaine from thenceforth as a ſa|cred token for the ſtabliſhment of the Scottiſhe kingdome in that coũtrey: he placed it at Scone vpõ a reyſed plot of ground there, bicauſe that the laſt batayle whiche he had with the Pictes was fought neare vnto the ſame place, the victory as before is ſpecified chaũcing to the Scots. Vpon this ſtone, as before is rehearſed, the Scottiſhe kings were vſed to ſit, when they receyued the inueſture of the kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Some wryters haue recorded that by com|maundement of Kenneth at the ſame time, whẽ this ſtone was thus by him remoued, thoſe latine verſes were engrauen vpon it, whereof mencion is made before, where we ſpake of the aforeſayd Ferguſe the firſt his cõming ouer foorth of Ire|land into Albion there to reygne.

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