Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brechus came into Irelande.This Simõ being glad of theſe tidings, ſayled quickly into Irelande, and brought thither with him amongſt other princely iewels and regall monuments, the fatal ſtone of marble, wherein he cauſed himſelfe to be crowned, in token of his full poſſeſſion, and eſtabliſhment ouer that kingdo [...].
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bre|chus. [figure appears here on page 5] BRechus beeyng thus crowned, was ye firſt king yt rai|gned ouer the Scottiſh men in Irelande, who began his raigned [...] in the yeere from the creation of the worlde, 3270:4504. H.B. which fynte by [...] Hariſons ac|com [...]t is after the ſtoud, 1616:60. H. B. from the firſt buylding of Rome, 5.5. after the entrie of Brutus into Brytaine, 870. and before the Incarnation of our Sauiour,696. H.B. 697.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 And hauing ruled his ſubiects with great iu|ſtice by the ſpace of .xl. yeres or therabout, he died, after whoſe deceaſſe ſucceeded Fandufus,Fandufus. who had iſſue Ethion, and he [...]gat Glancus, whiche Glancus begat Noitafilus the father of Roth|ſay: all of them raigned ſucceſſiuely [...] the Scotiſh men in Irelande, as in the deſcription of that land more plainly may appeare.Rothſay.