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2 Gathelus
hauing peace thus with his neighbors, sat vpon his marble stone in Brigantia, where he gaue lawes, and
ministred iustice vnto his people, thereby to mainteine them in wealth and quietnesse. Gathelus mi|nistred iustice. A description of the seat. This stone was in fashion like a seat or
chaire, ha|uing such a fatall destinie, as the Scots say, follow|ing it, that wheresoeuer it should be
found, there should the Scotishmen reigne and haue the supreme gouernance. Hereof it came to passe, that
first in Spaine, after in Ireland, and then in Scotland, the kings which ruled ouer the Scotishmen, receiued
the crowne sitting vpon that stone, vntill the time of Robert the first king of Scotland. The inscription
al|so of the stone, though ingrauen long time after, as should appeare, was this:
Nifallat fatum, Scoti quocún locatum
Inuenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem.
Snippet: 10 of 700 (1587, Volume 5, p. 30) Compare 1577 edition:
1 Which may be
thus translated:
Except old sawes doo faile, and wisards wits be blind,
The Scots in place must reigne, where they this stone shall find.
Snippet: 11 of 700 (1587, Volume 5, p. 30) Compare 1577 edition:
2 But to
returne where I left touching Gathelus. Galitia n [...] sufficient to find the Scots. When he perceiued that his people multiplied in such wise, as
the countrie which was appointed him by the last agréement, was not able to susteine them, he was loth to
breake the peace which he had established with the Spaniards, by séeking to in|large the bounds of his
dominion with breach of co|uenant: and therefore vnderstanding that there was The Scots
séeke new seats. an Iland lieng north ouer against Spaine, wherein were but few inhabitors, he
caused all such ships as he was able to make, to be brought togither into an hauen néere vnto Brigantia, and
commanding a great armie of his owne people and subiects to be assembled, he appointed his two sonnes whome
hée had by his wife Scota, the one named Hiberus, and the other Himecus, to conueie them ouer into that
Iland, which afterwards they named Hibernia, after Hiberus, but now it is commonlie called Ireland.