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1.6. Of Boene, Anze, Buchquhaue, Mar, Meruis, Fiffe, and Angus, with the lakes, floudes, Abbeyes, townes, and other notable things contey|ned in the ſame. Chap. 6.

Of Boene, Anze, Buchquhaue, Mar, Meruis, Fiffe, and Angus, with the lakes, floudes, Abbeyes, townes, and other notable things contey|ned in the ſame. Chap. 6.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 NExt vnto the Murray lieth Boene; and Anze, two fertile and plentifull regions, whiche extend their boundes euen vnto the [...]. They are both very notably indued with ba [...]|ble paſtures, and by reaſon thereof are very full of cattell, they yeelde moreouer excellent corne, & by meanes of theyr large woodes and foreſts not without great ſtore of wilde beaſt [...]s, of ſun|dry kindes and natures. Neare alſo vnto the Douerne water, which is a riuer marueylouſly ſtored with fiſh, ſtãdeth a towne named B [...], and vnder theſe two regions aforeſayde lieth Buchquhane, a very barable ſoyle for all kindes of cattell, but eſpecially of ſheepe, whoſe wooll exceedeth that of the like beaſt of all other coun|tries there aboutes for whiteneſſe and [...]. The riuers that are in this countrey do in lyke maner abound with Salmons, ſo that there is no one of them voyde of this commoditie, ex|cept the Rattra onely, wherein it is not hearde that any hath ben ſeene: herein alſo ſtandeth the caſtell of Slanis, in which the high conſtable of Scotlãd dwelleth, and neare vnto the ſame is a marueylous caue: for the water that droppeth into the ſame, in a ſhort proceſſe of time becom|meth an harde white ſtone, and except they had bene oft remoued heretofore, the caue it ſelf had bene filled vp with the ſame many yeres agone. EEBO page image 7 This region is voide of rattes, & ſuch is the na|ture therof, that if any be brought thither from other places, they are found to die immediatly: finally it is moſt marueylous of all, yt as Otes do growe there in many places of themſelues without culture & tillage, ſo if a man come thi|ther of ſet purpoſe to mow downe the ſame, he ſhal find nothing els but empty hulles & ſtraw: but if he chaunce vpon the ſodaine and without premeditatiõ of the thing to cut downe any (a matter impoſſible in my minde) he ſhall finde them ſo good & ful as any are elſwhere to be ga|thered & ledde home. Certes it appeareth hereby, that this is nothing els but an illuſion, where|with the wicked fends do captiuate & blinde the ſenſes of the ſuperſtitious ſort: for that it ſhould be ſo by nature, it is a thing altogither impoſſi|ble.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Nexte vnto this, lieth the greate region of Mar, whiche is very plentifull of cattell, and extendeth 60. miles in length, frõ the Almaigne ſeas to Badzenoch.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In this is the Citie of Aberdene, wherein is a Biſhops ſea, and noble Vniuerſitie, ſome|time founded by William Elphinſton Bi|ſhop there. This citie lieth betwixt two riche ri|uers, the Done & the Dee, wherin is the greateſt ſtore of Salmons that is to be founde againe within the compaſſe of Albion, and likewiſe the greateſt & longeſt if you reſpect their quantitie. Next vnto Marre, we haue Mernis toward ye ſea, a very fatte ſoyle ful of paſture, & abundant|ly repleniſhed with euery ſort of cattell. In this portion ſtandeth Dunnother the Marſhall of Scotlands houſe, & likewiſe the towne of For|don, in whiche the bones of Palladius do reſt, who is taken generally for the Apoſtle of our nation. The water of Eſke is bound vnto this region, whiche is otherwiſe called Northeſke, a very daungerous chanell, & wherin many haue periſhed for default of a bridge, as they haue at|tempted to paſſe & repaſſe ouer the ſame. Angus bordereth vpon the Mernis, it was ſometime part of Horreſtia, & now watered with three no|table riuers, as the Northeſke already mentio|ned, & marueylouſly repleniſhed with Salmõs, likewiſe the Southeſke, & finally the Tay, the nobleſt water in all Scotland, and remembred by the Romayne writers vnder the name of Tau.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In Angus alſo is an highe Mountayne or Promontory, called the redde Brayes, whiche lieth out farre off into the Almayne ſeas. The Tay alſo riſeth farre beyond the Mountaynes of Granzeben out of Loch Tay, whiche is a poole of 24. miles of length, and 10. of breadth, wherein are not onely diuerſe Iſlandes with Caſtels in them, but the water of the lake it ſelf (beyng moſte fine and ſubtile) is notably reple|niſhed with great ſtore of fiſh, and therfore very commodious for ſuch as dwell about it. It fal|leth into the Almayne ſea beſide Dundee, a towne called in olde tyme Alectum, wherein I was borne, and in whiche the people trauayle very painefully about weauing and making of cloth. There are in Angus alſo many other ci|ties & riche Abbayes, as Mountros, Brechin & Forfayr, beſide ſo many Caſtelles as lieth not in me to number. This likewiſe is not to be paſſed ouer with ſilence, that whereas Forfair was in tyme paſt a notable Citie, ſtrengthened with two royall Caſtelles, as the ruynes do yet declare, now it is brought vnto litle more than a countrey village, repleniſhed with ſimple co|tages. Many lakes and pooles are alſo in An|gus, and thoſe well fraught with fiſh. There is alſo in this countrey one place called the vale of Eſke, whoſe ſheepe haue ſuch white, fine, and excellent wooll, as the lyke vnto it is hardly to be founde againe within the whole Ilande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After wee he ouer the Tay, we come vnto Fife, ſometime a parte of Oxtoline: In this re|gion groweth all maner of grayne ſo plentiful|ly as elſwhere in any part of Albion, and where no corne, is there is no leſſe foyſon of cattell. There are blacke ſtones alſo digged out of the grounde, whiche are very good for firing,Such are to be ſeene alſo in Lake. and ſuche is their intollerable heate when they are kindled, that they reſolue and melte yron and therefore are very profitable for Smithes, and ſuche Artificers as deale with other mettalles: neyther are they founde any where els (that I do knowe of) but betweene the Tay and the Tine within the whole Ilande. Salt is like|wiſe made in this region in great quantitie of Sea water, whiche they boyle according to theyr maner. There are furthermore ſundry ci|ties in the ſame, of whiche S. Andrewes is the cheefe, wherein is bothe the ſee of an Archbiſhop and a famous vniuerſitie. There are moreouer ſundry lakes, as Loch Torre and Loch Leuin, and in this later are diuerſe Iles, and in one of them alſo the Churche of Saint Phillane, a Scottiſhe ſaint, of no ſmall name and reputa|tion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Fife is diuided of Lowthian by the riuer of Forth that runneth a large and broade chanell into the Ocean ſeas. Certes it is a water ve|ry plentifully indued with Cockles, Oyſters, Muſkles, Seales, Pellockes, Mereſwyne, Whales, and greate foyſon of white fiſhe: and among many other Iles that are to bee founde in this Fyrth, that of Maie is of grea|teſt fame, bycauſe Adrian and his fellowes were killed in the ſame. In the middeſt of this Ile ſpringeth vp a fountayne of freſhe and EEBO page image 8 cleare water, from an high rocke, whiche is not a litle to be marueyled at, conſidering the quan|titie and ſituation of the Ile. Beſide this alſo is a wonderfull cragge, ryſing within the Sea, wherevnto is ſo ſtricte and narrow a paſſage, that a man ſhall hardly come vnto it by a fiſher boate, and thereto but at one place. This rocke (called the Baſſe caſtell) is inuincible, and ther|in are many caues very profitable for defence, made heretofore by great labour and induſtry of man. Certes, there is nothing in this rocke that is not full of admiration and wonder: ther|in alſo is great ſtore of Soland geeſe (not vn|like to thoſe which Plinie calleth water Egles or as we, ſea Herons) & no where els but in Iilſay and this Rocke. At theyr firſt comming which is in the ſpring of the yeare, they gather ſuche great plenty of ſtickes & bowes togither for the buylding of their neſtes, that the ſame doth ſuf|fice the keepers of the caſtel, for the yearly main|tenaunce of their fewel without any other pro|uiſion. Theſe foules do feede theyr young with the moſt delicate fiſh that they can come by. For though they haue already praied vpon any one, and haue it faſte in their becke or talons, yet if they happen as they flie toward the land to eſpy a better, they let the firſt fall againe into the ſea, & purſue the later, with great & egre ſwiftneſſe vntill they take holde thereof. Sometimes their pray is taken from them by the keepers of the caſtel, as are alſo their ſtickes from time to time for the aforeſayde vſe: but they making ſmall or rather no reſiſtaunce, do turne agayne forth|with, for more wood or fiſhe (as their loſſe requi|reth) not ceaſing till they haue buylded theyr neſtes with the one, & nouriſhed vp their young with the other, ſo that what by the timber of their neſts, the beguiling them of their pray, and ſtealyng away of their young, they bring yere|ly no ſmall commoditie vnto the owner of the caſtell. Within the bowells of theſe geeſe there is a kinde of greace to be had of ſingular force in Medicine, and flaying likewiſe the ſkinne from their bodies with the fatte, they make an oyle very profitable for the Gowte and many other diſeaſes in the haunches and groynes of man|kinde. In this cragge more, there groweth an hearbe very pleaſaunt & delicious for Salades, but if it be taken vp and planted elſwhere, it ey|ther groweth not at all, or vtterly giueth ouer the vertues wherewith it was earſt indued. There was ſometime a ſtone found here in this rocke muche like to a water ſponge or pumiſe, hollow on the one ſide, and of ſuch nature, that if any ſalte water had bene powred thereinto, and ſuffred to runne thorow, it woulde forth|with loſe the naturall ſaltneſſe, and become freſh and very pleaſant vnto the mouth and taſte: we heare in theſe dayes that this ſtone is to be ſeene in Faſt caſtell, whether it was brought after it had paſſed many handes for the triall of this matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this Firth alſo is the Ile Aymon, where|in is an Abbay. There are likewiſe diuers other Ilandes, and thoſe very full of Conies: and in the ſayde Firth are ſundry fiſſhes oftentimes ſeene of monſtrous ſhape, with cowles hanging ouer theyr heades lyke vnto Monkes, and in the reſt reſemblyng the body of man. They ſhewe themſelues likewiſe aboue the water to the n [...]|uell, howbeit they neuer appeare but agaynſt ſome great Peſtilence of menne, or Murrey [...] of cattell: wherefore their onely ſight doth breede great terrour vnto the Scottiſhe nation, who are very great obſeruers of vncouth ſignes and tokens.

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1.6. Of Boene, Anze, Buchquhane, Mar, Mernis, Fiffe, and Angus, with the lakes, flouds, abbies, townes, and o|ther notable things conteined in the same. The sixt Chapter.

Of Boene, Anze, Buchquhane, Mar, Mernis, Fiffe, and Angus, with the lakes, flouds, abbies, townes, and o|ther notable things conteined in the same. The sixt Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _NExt vnto the Murrey li|eth Boene, and Anze, two fertill and plentifull regions, which extend their bounds e|uen vnto the seas. They are both verie notablie indowed with batable pastures, and by reason thereof are verie full EEBO page image 12 of cattell, they yeeld moreouer excellent corne, and by meanes of their large woods and forests not without great store of wild beasts of sundrie kinds and natures. Neere also vnto the Douerne water, which is a riuer maruellouslie stored with fish, stan|deth a towne named Bamfe, and vnder these two regions aforesaid lieth Buchquhane, a verie batable soile for all kinds of cattell, but especiallie of shéepe, whose wooll excéedeth that of the like beast of all o|ther countries thereabouts for whitenesse and fine|nesse. The riuers that are in this countrie doo in like maner abound with samons, so that there is no one of them void of this commoditie, except the Rattra onelie, wherein it is not heard that anie hath béene séene I herein also standeth the castell of Slanis, in which the high constable of Scotland dwelleth, and néere vnto the same is a maruellous caue: for the water that droppeth into the same, in a short processe of time becommeth an hard white stone, and ex|cept they had béene oft remooued heretofore, the caue it selfe had béene filled vp with the same manie yeeres agone.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 This region is void of rats, and such is the na|ture thereof, that if anie be brought thither from o|ther places, they are found to die immediatlie: fi|nallie it is most maruellous of all, that as otes doo grow there in manie places of themselues without culture and tillage; so if a man come thither of set purpose to mow downe the same, he shall find no|thing els but emptie huls and straw: but if he chance vpon the sudden and without premeditation of the thing to cut downe anie (a matter impossible in my mind) he shall find them so good and full as anie are elsewhere, to be gathered and led home. Certes it appeareth hereby, that this is nothing else but an illusion, wherewith the wicked féends doo capti|uate and blind the senses of the superstitious sort; for that it should be so by nature, it is a thing altogither impossible. Next vnto this lieth the great region of Mar, which is verie plentifull of cattell, and ex|tendeth 60 miles in length, from the Almaine seas to Badzenoch. In this is the citie of Aberden, wherin is a bishops sée, and noble vniuersitie, some|time founded by William Elphinston bishop there. This citie lieth betwixt two rich riuers, the Done and the Dée, wherein is the greatest store of samons that is to be found againe within the compasse of Albion, and likewise the greatest and longest if you respect their quantitie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Next vnto Mar, we haue Mernis toward the sea, a verie fat soile, full of pasture, and abundantlie re|plenished with euerie sort of cattell. In this portion standeth Dunnother the marshall of Scotlands house, and likewise the towne of Fordon, in which the bones of Palladius doo rest, who is taken general|lie for the apostle of our nation. The water of Eske is bound vnto this region, which is otherwise called Northeske, a verie dangerous chanell, and wherein manie haue perished for default of a bridge, as they haue attempted to passe and repasse ouer the same. Angus bordereth vpon the Mernis, it was sometime part of Horrestra, and now watered with three nota|ble riuers, as the Northeske alreadie mentioned, and maruellouslie replenished with samons, like|wise the Southeske; and finallie the Taie, the no|blest water in all Scotland, and remembred by the Romane writers vnder the name of Tau.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In Angus also is an high mounteine or promon|torie, called the Red braes, which lieth out far off into the Almaine seas. The Taie also riseth farre beyond the mounteins of Granzben out of loch Taie, which is a poole of 24 miles of length, and 10 of breadth, wherein are not onelie diuers Ilands, with castels in them, but the water of the lake it selfe (being most fine and subtile) is notablie replenished with great store of fish, and therefore verie commodious for such as dwell about it. It falleth into the Almaine sea beside Dundée, a towne called in old time Alectum, wherein I was borne, and in which the people tra|uell verie painfullie about weauing and making of cloth. There are in Angus also manie other cities and rich abbeies, as Mountros, Brechin, and For|faire, beside so manie castels as lieth not in me to number. This likewise is not to be passed ouer with silence, that whereas Forfaire was in times past a notable citie, strengthened with two roiall castels, as the ruines doo yet declare, now it is brought vn|to little more than a countrie village, replenished with simple cotages. Manie lakes & pooles are also in Angus, and those well fraught with fish. There is also in this countrie one place called the vale of Eske, whose shéepe haue such white, fine, and excellent wooll, as the like vnto it is hardlie to be found againe within the whole Iland.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 After we be ouer the Taie, we come vnto Fife, sometime a part of Ottoline. In this region grow|eth all maner of graine so plentifullie as elsewhere in anie part of Albion; and where no corne is, there is no lesse [...]oison of cattell. There are blacke stones also digged out of the ground, which are verie good for firing, and such is their intollerable heat, when they are kindled, that they resolue and melt iron, and therefore are verie profitable for smiths, and such artificers as deale with other mettals; neither are they found anie where else (that I doo know of) but betwéene the Taie and the Tine within the whole Iland. Salt is likewise made within this region in great quantitie of sea water, which they boile accor|ding to their maner. There are furthermore sun|drie cities in the same, of which S. Andrewes is the chiefe, wherein is both the sée of an archbishop and a famous vniuersitie. There are moreouer sundrie lakes, as loch Torre and loch Leuin, and in this later are diuerse Iles, and in one of them also the church of S. Phillane, a Scotish saint, of no small name and reputation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Fife is diuided of Lowthian by the riuer of Forth that runneth a large & broad chanell into the ocean seas. Certes it is a water verie plentifullie indued with cockles, oisters, muskels, seales, pellocks, mereswine, whales, and great foison of white fish: and among manie other Iles that are to be found in this Forth, that of Maie is of greatest fame, because Adrian and his fellows were killed in the same. In the middest of this Ile springeth vp a founteine of fresh and cleare water, from an high rocke, which is not a little to be maruelled at, considering the quantitie and situation of the Ile. Beside this also is a woonderfull crag, rising within the sea, where|vnto is so strict and narrow a passage, that a man shall hardlie come vnto it by a fisher bote, and there|to but at one place. This rocke (called the Basse|castell) is inuincible, and therein are manie caues verie profitable for defense, made heretofore by great labor and industrie of men.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Certes, there is nothing in this rocke that is not full of admiration and woonder: therein also is great store of soland géese (not vnlike to those which Plinie calleth water eagles, or (as we saie) sea herons) and no where else but in Ailsaie and this rocke. At their first comming, which is in the spring of the yeare, they gather such great plentie of sticks and boughs togi|ther for the building of their nests, that the same doo satisfie the kéeper of the castell, for the yéerelie maintenance of his fewell, without anie other pro|uision. These foules doo féed their yoong with the most delicat fish that they can come by. For though they haue alreadie preied vpon anie one, and haue EEBO page image 13 it fast in their beake or talons, yet if they happen as they flie toward the land to espie a better, they let the first fall againe into the sea, and pursue the later with great and eager swiftnesse, vntill they take hold thereof.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Sometimes their preie is taken from them by the kéepers of the castell, as also their sticks from time to time for the aforesaid vse; but they making small or rather no resistance, doo turne againe forthwith, for more wood or fish (as their losse requireth) not ceasing till they haue builded their nests with the one, and nourished vp their yoong with the other, so that what by the timber of their nests, the begui|ling them of their preie, and stealing awaie of their y [...]ng, they bring yéerelie no small commoditie vn|to the owner of the castell. Within the bowels of these géese there is a kind of grease to be had of sin|gular force in medcine, and fleaing likewise the skin from their bodies with the fat, they make an oile ve|rie profitable for the gout and manie other diseases in the hanches and groines of mankind. In this crag more, there groweth an hearbe verie pleasant and delicious for salads, but if it be taken vp and planted elswhere, it either groweth not at all, or vtterlie giueth ouer the vertues wherewith it was earst indued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There was sometime a stone found here in this rocke much like to a water sponge or pumice, hol|low on the one side, and of such a nature, that if anie salt water had béene powred thereinto, and suffered to run through, it would forthwith lose the naturall saltnesse, and become fresh and verie pleasant vnto the mouth and tas [...] We heare in these daies that this stone is to be séene in Fast castell, whither it was brought after it had passed manie hands for the triall of this matter. In this firth also is the Ile Aimon, wherein is an abbeie. There are likewise diuers o|ther Ilands, and those are verie full of conies; and in the said firth are sundrie fishes oftentimes seene of monstrous shape, with cowles hanging ouer their heads like vnto moonks, and in the rest resembling the bodie of man. They shew themselues likewise aboue the water to the nauill, howbeit they neuer appeare but against some great pestilence of men, or murren of cattell; wherefore their onelie sight dooth bréed great terror vnto the Scotish nation, who are verie great obseruers of vncouth signes & tokens.