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5.93. Edmonde.


[figure appears here on page 227]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EdmõdAFter that Adelſtane was departed this lyfe, without leauing iſſue behind to ſucceede hym in the Kingdome, his brother Edmond, ſonne of Edward the elder, borne of his laſt wife Edgiue, tooke vpon him the gouernment of this land,VVil. Malm. 940 and beganne his raigne in the yere of our Lord .940. which was in the fifth yere of the Emperour O|tho the firſt, in the .13. of Lewis,Simon Dun. ſurnamed tranſ|marinus, K. of France, and about the .38. yeare of Cõſtantine ye third K. of Scotland. The Danes of Northumberlãd rebelled againſt this Edmõd, and ordeyned Aulafe to bee their K. whome they had called out of Ireland. Some write, that thys Aulafe which now in the beginning of king Ed|monds raigne, came into Northumberland, was King of Norwey, and hauing a greate power of men with him, hee marched foorthe towardes the South parties of this lande, in purpoſe to ſubdue the whole: but K. Edmonde rayſed a mighty ar|my, and encoũtred with his enimies at Leceſter. But ere the matter came to the vttermoſt triall of Mars his iudgement, through the earneſt ſute of the Archbiſhop of Canterbury and Yorke Odo & Wolſtan, a peace was concluded,A peace con|cluded. ſo as Edmond ſhould enioy all that part of the land whiche lieth from Watling ſtreete Southwarde, and Aulafe ſhoulde enioy the other parte as it lieth from the ſame ſtreete Northward. Then Aulafe tooke to wife the Lady Alditha, daughter to Earle Or|mus, by whoſe coũſell and aſſiſtance he had thus obteyned the vpper hande.941 Math. VVeſt. Aulafe de|ceaſſeth. Another Au|lafe taketh vp|pon him to rule. But this Aulafe in the yere folowing, after he had deſtroyed the Church of Saint Balter, and brenned Tynningham, hee departed this life. Then the other Aulafe that was ſonne to Kyng Sithricke, tooke vppon hym to gouerne the Northumbers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, in the yere .942. King Edmond aſ|ſembling an army, firſte ſubdued thoſe Danes which had gote into their poſſeſſiõ the Cities and Townes of Lincolne, Leceſter, Derby, Stafford and Notingham, conſtreyning them to receyue the Chriſtian fayth, and reduced all the countreis euen vnto Humber vnder his ſubiection. Thys done, Aulafe and Reignold the ſonne of Gurmo,Gurmo or Godfrey. VVil. Malm. the which as you haue heard, ſubdued Yorke. for meane ye ſooner to obteyn peace, offered to become Chriſtians, and to ſubmit themſelues vnto him: wherevpon he receyued them to his peace. There be that write, that this Aulafe is not that Aulafe whiche was ſonne to King Sithricke, but rather that the other was hee with whome Kyng Ed|mond made partition of the Realme: but they a|gree, that this ſeconde Aulafe was a Dane alſo, and being conuerted to the faith as well through conſtrainte of the Kyngs puiſſance, as through the Preaching of the Goſpell, was Baptiſed, Kyng Edmonde beeyng Godfather both to him, and to the foreſayde Reignolde: to Aulafe at the fontſtone, and to Reignolde at his confirma|tion at the Biſhoppes handes. But their wic|ked natures coulde not reſt in quiet, ſo that they brake bothe promiſe to GOD, and to theyr prince, 944 Simon Dun. and were therefore in the yeare nexte followyng dryuen bothe out of the countrey, EEBO page image 228 and puniſhed by perpetuall exile. And ſo K. Ed|mond adioyned Northumberlande without ad|mitting any other immediate gouernor vnto his own eſtate.Leolin Kyng of South-Wales ayded K Edmonde in this enter|priſe. 946 Moreouer, he waſted & ſpoiled whole Cumberland, bycauſe he could not reduce ye peo|ple of that countrey vnto due obeyſance, and cõ|formable ſubiection. The two ſonnes of Dun|maile K. of that prouince, hee apprehended, and cauſed their eyes to be put out. And herewith vp|pon conſideration eyther of ſuche ayde as he had receiued of ye Scottes at that time, or ſome other friendly reſpect, he aſſigned the ſaide countrey of Cumberlande vnto Malcolme K. of Scottes, to hold the ſame by fealtie of him and his ſucceſſors. The Scottiſhe Chronicles peruerting the tyme and order of the actes and doings of the Engliſhe kings whiche raigned about this ſeaſon, affirme, that by couenauntes of peace concluded betwixte Malcolme King of Scotlande, and Adelſtane King of England, it was agreed, that Cumber|lande ſhoulde remayne to the Scottes as in their Chronicles you may finde at full expreſſed. And again, that Indulfe who ſucceeded Malcolme in the Kingdome of Scotland, ayded K. Edmonde againſt Aulafe whome ye ſame Chronicles name Aualaſſus, but the time which they attribute vn|to the raignes of their Kings, will not allow the ſame to ſtand. For by accompt of their writers, King Malcolme began not his raigne till after the deceſſe of King Adelſtane, who departed thys life in the yere .9 [...]0. And Malcolme ſucceded Cõ|ſtantine the third in the yere .944. which was a|bout the third yeare of Kyng Edmonds raigne, and after Malcolme that raigned .xv. yeares ſuc|ceeded Indulfe in the yeare .959. The like diſ|cordance preceedeth and foloweth in their wri|ters, as to the diligent Reader in conferring their Chronicles wt ours, it manifeſtly appeareth. We therefore (to ſatiſfie the deſirous to vnderſtande & ſee the diuerſitie of writers,) haue for the more part in their Chronicles left the ſame as we haue found it. Polidor. The lawes of K. Edmonde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to the other doings of K. Edmond: it is recorded, that hee ordeyned diuerſe good and wholeſome lawes very profitable and neceſſary for the common wealth, whiche lawes with dy|uerſe other of like antiquitie are forgot and blot|ted out by ruſt of time, the conſumer of thynges worthy of lõg remembrance, as ſayth Polidore: but ſithence his time they haue bin recouered for the more part, and by maſter William Lambert turned into Latyne, were imprinted by Iohn Day in the yeare .1568. as before I haue ſayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 Fiue yeres and ſeuen monethes hath St. Dun.Finally, this Prince K. Edmond, after he had raigned ſixe yeres and a halfe, he came to his end by great miſfortune, for as ſome ſay, it chanced, that eſpying where one of his ſeruauntes was in daunger to bee ſlayne amongſt his enimies that were about him with drawen ſwords, as he ſtep|ped in to haue holpen his ſeruante, he was ſlayne at a place called Pulcher Church,Prideci [...]e hath Si. D [...] VVil. M [...] Math. VV [...] 946 or as other haue Michelſbourgh. Other ſay, that keeping a great feaſt at the aforeſayde place on the day of Saint Auguſtine the Engliſh Apoſtle (which is the .26. of May, and as that yeare came about, it fell on the tewſday) as hee was ſet at the table, he eſpyed where a common robber was placed neere vnto him, whome ſometime he had baniſhed the land, and now being returned without licence, he pre|ſumed to come into the kings preſence, wherwith the King was ſo moued with high diſdaine, that he ſuddaynely roſe from the table, and flew vpon the Theefe, and catching him by the heare of the head, threwe him vnder his feete, wherewith the theefe hauing faſt holde on the King, broughte him downe vppon him alſo, and with his knyfe ſtroke him into the belly in ſuche wiſe, that the Kings bowels fell out of his cheſt, and there pre|ſently dyed: the theefe was hewen in peeces, by the Kings ſeruauntes, but yet he ſlewe and hurt diuers before they coulde diſpatch him. Thys chance was lamentable, namely to the Engliſhe people, whiche by the ouertimely deathe of theyr King, in whome appeared many euident tokens of great excellencie, loſt the hope whiche they had conceiued of great wealth to encreaſe by his pru|dent and moſt princely gouernemente. His body was buried at Glaſtenbury where Dunſtan was then Abbot. There be that write, that the death of King Edmonde was ſignified aforehande to Dunſtane, who about the ſame time attendyng vppon the ſame Kyng,Capgra [...]e. as hee remooued from one place to an other, chanced to accompany hym|ſelfe with a noble man, one Duke Elſtane,A vayne tale. and as they rode togither, beholde ſuddaynely Dun|ſtane ſawe in the way before hym where the Kings Muſitions rode, the Deuill running and leaping amongſt the ſame Muſitions after a re|ioycing manner, whome after hee had behelde a good while, he ſaid to the Duke, is it poſſible that you may ſee that whiche I do ſee, and the Duke aunſwered he ſawe nothing otherwiſe than hee ought to ſee. Then ſaide Dunſtane,Croſsing bringeth fight of the De [...]ies, and croſsing driueth them away. bleſſe youre eyes with the ſigne of the croſſe, and trie whether you can ſee that I ſee. And when hee hadde done as Dunſtane appoynted hym, hee ſawe alſo the Fende in likeneſſe of a little ſhort euill fauoured Ethyopian daunſing and leaping, whereby they gathered that ſome euill happe was towardes ſome of the company. But when they had croſ|ſed and bleſſed them, the foule Spirit vaniſhed out of their ſight. And after they had talked of this viſion,Dunſtan as interpretor of dreames. and made an end of their talke tou|ching the ſame, ye Duke required of Dunſtane to interpret a dreame which he had of late in ſleepe, EEBO page image 195 and that was this: he thought that he ſawe in vi|ſion the King with all his Nobles ſit in hys di|ning chamber at meate, and as they were there|with making merry togither, the K. chanced to fall into a dead ſleepe, and all the Noble men, and thoſe of his counſell that were aboute him were changed into Roobuckes and Goates. Duſtan quickly declared, that this dreame ſignified the Kings deathe, and the chaunging of the Nobles into dumb and inſenſible beaſtes, betokened, that the Princes and gouernours of the Realm ſhould decline from the way of truth,Dunſtan ſeeth the Deuill of|ten, but now he was be|come a wayter at the Table when Dun|ſtane ſate with the King. and wander as fo|liſh beaſtes, without a guide to rule them. Alſo the nighte after this talke when the King was ſet to ſupper, Dunſtan ſawe the ſame ſprite or ſome other walke vp and downe amongſt them that wayted on the table, & within three days after the K. was ſlayne, as before ye haue heard.

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