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5.80. Cadwallader.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 BVt now to returne vnto that which is founde in the Brittiſh hiſtories,Cadwa|lader. by the tenor whereof it ſhould appeare, that whẽ their King Cadwal|lo was dead, his ſon Cadwallader ſucceeded him in rule of the Britaynes in the yeare of our Lord 678. which was about the tenth yere of the Em|perour Conſtantinus Pagonatus,976 hath Math. Weſt. and in the thirtenth yeare of the raigne of Childericus kyng of Fraunce.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 This Cadwallader beeing the ſonne of Cad|wallo,Galfrid. was begot by him of the halfe ſiſter of Pẽ|da King of Mercia, for one father begote them both, but of two ſundry mothers, for ſhee had to mother a Lady, diſcended of the noble bloud of the Weſt Saxons, and was married vnto Cad|wallo when the peace was made betwixt him, & hir brother the ſaid Penda. After that Cadwalla|der had raigned the ſpace of twelue yeres, as Gef|frey of Monmoth hathe, or as other write, but . [...]. yeares, the Britaines were broughte into ſuche miſerie through ciuill diſcorde, and alſo by ſuche great & extreame famin as then raigned through all the lande,Calwallader conſtreyned to forſake the lande. that Cadwallader was conſtreyned with the chiefeſt part of his people to forſake their natiue countrey, and by Sea to get them ouer in|to Britaine Armorike, there to ſeeke reliefe of vit|tayles, for the ſuſtentation of their languiſhyng bodies. Along proceſſe is made by the Brittiſhe writers of this departure of Cadwallader, and of the Britaines, out of this lande, and howe Cad|wallader was aboute to haue returned againe, but that he was admoniſhed by a d [...]eame to the con|trary, the which bycauſe it ſeemeth but fabulous, we paſſe ouer. At length he wente to Rome, and there was confirmed in the Chriſtian Religion by Pope Sergius, and ſhortly after fell ſicke, and dyed the twelfth Kalends of May, in the yeare of our Lord .689. But herein appeareth the error of the Britiſh writers in taking one for another,689 by reaſon of reſemblance of names, for where Ce|adwalla King of the Weſt Saxons about that time moued of a religious deuotion, after he was conuerted to the faith, wẽt vnto Rome, and was there Baptiſed or elſe confirmed of the foreſayde Pope Sergius, and ſhortly after departed thys life in that Citie, in the foreſayde yeare of .689. or thereaboutes, the Welchmen accompt hym to be their Cadwalladar: whiche to be true is very vn|like by that whiche may be gathered by the wri|tings of diuers approoued authors.

5.81. Ceadwalla.


[figure appears here on page 183]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THis Ceadwalla King of the Weſt Saxons ſucceeded after Centwine or Centiuinus,Cead|walla. Beda. VVil. Mal. whiche Centwine raigned nine yeares, though it ſhoulde appeare by that whiche is written by Authoures of good credite, that du [...]y [...] EEBO page image 184 two of thoſe yeares at the leaſt, the Kingdome of Weſt Saxons was deuided betwixte him, and Elcuinus or Eſcuinus, ſo that hee ſhoulde not reigne paſt ſeuen yeares alone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 But now to Ceadwall, whom ſome take to be al one with Cadwallader,VVil. Malm. Ran. Ceſtren. we finde yt he was ly|neally diſcended frõ Cutha or Cutwine, the bro|ther of Ceauline or Kenling K. of Weſt Saxõs, as ſon to Kenbert or Kenbright that was ſon to Ceadda the ſon of ye foreſaid Cutha or Cutwin. Thus he being extract of ye noble houſe of ye kings of Weſt Saxons, prooued in his youth a perſo|nage of great towardnes, & ſuch a one as no ſmal hope was of him conceyued: he would let no oc|caſion paſſe where he mighte exerciſe his force, to ſhew proofe of his high valiancie, ſo that in the ende with his worthy attemptes ſhewed therein, he purchaſed to himſelfe the enuy of thoſe that ru|led in his countrey, by reaſon whereof he was ba|niſhed by a cõſpiracie made againſt him.Ceadwallo driuen to de|part out of his countrey. Wher|vpon hee tooke occaſion as it were in reuenge of ſuche vnthankfulneſſe to withdrawe out of hys countrey, leading with him all ye principal youth of the ſame, the whiche eyther pitying his pre|ſent eſtate, or moued with pleaſure taken in hys valiante doings, followed him at his going into exile. The firſt brunt of his furious attemptes af|ter hee was out of his countrey, Edilwalke the king of the South Saxons taſted, the whiche in defence of himſelfe comming to trie battell with Ceadwalla, was ſlayne with the moſt part of all his army. Ceadwalla then perceiuing the valiãt courages of his Souldiers, filled with good hope of this happy atchieued victory, returned with good and proſperous ſpeede into his owne coun|trey, and that ere he was looked for, and earneſtly purſuing his aduerſaries, droue them out of the Kingdom, and taking vpon him to rule the ſame as king, reigned two yeares during the whych he atchieued diuers notable enterpriſes. And firſte,Beda. lib. 4. cap. 1 [...]. whereas Berthun and Authune Dukes of Suſ|ſex & ſubiectes vnto ye late K. Edilwalke, had both expulſed him out of ye countrey, after he had ſlain the ſaid Edilwalke, and alſo taken vpon them the rule of that Kingdome, he hauing now atteyned to the gouernement of the Weſt Saxons,Berthune [...] Earle of Suſ|ſex ſlayne. inua|ded ye countrey of Suſſex againe, and ſlewe Ber|thune in battell, bringing that coũtrey into more bondage than before. He alſo ſet vpon the Iſle of wight, and welneere deſtroyed all the inhabitãts, [figure appears here on page 184] meaning to inhabite it with his owne people, hee bound himſelfe by vowe,Ceadwallo his vowe. The Ile of Wight con|quered. although as yet he was not baptiſed, that if he might cõquere it, he would giue a fourth part thereof vnto the Lorde. And in performãce of that vowe, he offered vnto Biſhop Wilfride who then chanced to be preſent, when he had taken that Iſle, ſo muche thereof, as con|teyned three hundred houſholdes or families, where the whole conſiſted in .1200. houſholdes. Wilfrid receiuing thankfully the gift, deliuered ye ſame vnto one of his Clearkes named Berne|wine yt was his ſiſters ſon, appointing to him al|ſo a Prieſt named Hildila, ye which ſhould mini|ſter the word, & the Sacramẽt of Baptiſme vnto al thoſe yt would receiue the ſame. Thus was ye Ile of Wight brought to ye faith of Chriſt laſt of al other ye parties of this our Britain,The Wi [...] recey [...] ſay [...]. after that ye ſame faith had failed here by the comming of the Saxons. Moreouer, K. Ceadwalla inuaded the kingdom of Kent, wher he loſt his brother Mol|lo, as after ſhall appeare, but yet hee reuenged hys death with great ſlaughter made of ye inhabitats in yt countrey. Finally, this worthy Prince Ce|adwalla turning himſelf from ye deſire of warre & bloudſhed, became right courteis, gentle, & liberal towardes all men, ſo that ye could not haue wi|ſhed more vertuous manners to reſt in one as yet not Chriſtned. And ſhortly after, willing EEBO page image 185 to be admitted into the fellowſhip of the Chriſti|ans, (of whoſe Religion he had taken good taſt) he went to Rome, where of Pope Sergius her was baptiſed, and named Peter, and ſhortly af|ter ſurpryſed with ſickneſſe died, and was buried there within the Churche of Saint Peter in the yeare of our Lorde .689.689 [...]eda lib. 4. [...]p. 26.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane while, that is to witte, in the yeare of our Lorde .684. Ecgfrid king of Nor|thumberland ſent an armie vnder the guiding of a Captaine named Bertus into Irelande, the which waſted that Countrey, ſparing neyther Church nor Monaſterie, ſore endomaging the people of that Countrey, [...]reland inua| [...]ed by the [...]orthũbers. whiche had euer beene friendes vnto the Engliſh Nation, and deſerued nothing leſſe than ſo to be inuaded and ſpoyled at their handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Iriſh men defended themſelues to theyr power, beſeeching god with manye a ſal [...]e teare, that he woulde reuenge theyr cauſe, in puniſhing of ſuche extreeme iniuries. And though curſers may not inherite the Kingdome of heauen, yet they ceaſſed not to curſe, hoping the ſooner thoſe which with good cauſe were thus accurſed, ſhould worthily be puniſhed for their offences by God, and ſo (peraduenture) it fell out. For in the yeare following the ſayde king Egfrid had led an army into Pictlande,King Ecgfrid [...]ain by Bru|deus king of [...]he Pictes. agaynſte Brudeus king of the Pictes, and beeing trayned into ſtraytes within hilles and craggie mountains, he was ſlain with the moſt part of all his armie, in the yeare of hys age .xl. and of his raigne .xv. vpon the .xiij. kalends of Iune.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 There were diuerſe of Ecgfrides friends, and namely Curbert (whome hee had aduaunced the ſame yeare vnto the Biſhops ſea of Lindeſfarne) that aduiſed him in no wiſe, eyther to haue taken this warre in hande agaynſt the Pictes, or the o|ther againſt them of Irelande, but he woulde not be counſayled, the puniſhment appoynted for his ſinnes being ſuch, that hee might not giue care to his faythfull friendes, that aduiſed him to the beſt. From that time forth, the hope and power of the Engliſh people began to decay.Theſe Britains were th [...]ſe vn|doubtedly that [...]welt in the North weſt [...]uttes of this [...]e, and is not [...]ent onely by [...]ẽlof Wales. For not onely the Pictes recouered that part of theyr Countrey which the Engliſh men had helde before in theyr poſſeſſiõ, but alſo the Scots that inhabited with in this Iſle, and likewiſe ſome part of the Bry|taynes tooke vppon them libertie which they kept and mainteyned a long time after, as Bede con|feſſeth. Ecgfride left no children behinde him. He had to wife one Ethelreda, or Edildrida, that was daughter vnto Anna king of the Eaſtangles which liued with hir huſbande the foreſayd Ecg|fride .xij. yeares in perfite virginitie (as it is ſuppo|ſed) contrarie to the purpoſe of hir huſbande, if hee might haue perſwaded hir to the contrarie, but ſhe founde ſuch meanes, that finally he was conten|ted that ſhe ſhould keepe hir firſt vow of chaſtity, which ſhe had made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 She was both widow and virgin when hee maryed hir,Ethelreda. being firſt coupled in wedlocke with one Eunbert a noble man and a ruler in the ſouth partes of the Countrey, where the people called Giruij inhabited, whiche is the ſame where the fennes lye in the confines of Lincolnſhire,Giruii. Nort|folke, Huntingtonſhire, and Cambridgſhire, but he liued with hir but a ſmall while.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After ſhe had obteyned licence to departe from the Court, ſhe got hir firſt into Coldingham Ab|bay, and there was profeſſed a Nunne. And after ſhe went to Ely, and there reſtored the Monaſte|rie, and was made Abbes of the place, in the which after ſhee had gouerned .vij. yeares, ſhee departed this life, and was there buried.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This ſame was ſhe which commonly is cal|led Saint Aubrey of Ely, had in great reuerence for the opinion conceyued of hir great vertue and puritie of life.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 185] AFter that king Ecg|frid was ſlain Alfride 685(as before is [...]mẽcioned his brother Al|frid was made king of Nor|thumberland. This Alfride was the ba|ſtarde ſonne of king Oſwy, and in his brothers daye [...], eyther willingly, or by violent meanes cõ|ſtrayned, he liued as a baniſhed man in Irelande, where applying himſelfe to ſtudie hee became an excellent Philoſopher, and therefore being iudged to be better able to haue the rule of a kingdome, he was receyued by the Northumbers, and made king, gouerning his ſubiects by the ſpace of .x [...]. yeares & more, with great wiſedome and policie, but not with ſuch large bounds as his aunceſters had done: for the Pictes (as before is mencioned) had cut off one peece on the North part of the auncient limits of that kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the .xiij. yeare of his raigne, 698 Beda in Epit. Mat. VVeſt. that is to wit, in the yeare of our Lorde .698. one of hys Captaynes named Earle Berthred, or Bertus, was ſlaine in battaile by the Picts, whoſe cõfines he had as then inuaded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The curſe of the Iriſhe men whoſe countrey in the dayes of king Ecgfrid he had cruelly wa|ſted (as before is mentioned) was thought at this time to take place.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Finally king Alfride after he had raigned .xx. yeares and odde monethes departed this life,705 Beda. in the yeare of our Lorde .705.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of king Alfrides dayes Eata EEBO page image 186 the Biſhop of Hexham being deade, one Iohn a man of great holineſſe was admitted Biſhop, and after that Biſhop Wilfride was reſtored, after he had remayned a long time in exile.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Iohn was remoued to the Church of Yorke,Iohn Archby|ſhop of York. the ſame beeing then voyde by the death of the Archbyſhoppe Boſa. At length the foreſayd Iohn aweried with the cares-of pub|lyke affayres reſigned his Sea, and got him vn|to Beuerley,He reſigneth his See. 721 where hee lyued a ſolitarie lyfe for the ſpace of foure yeares, and then dyed, about the yeare of our Lorde .721. King Oſrike as then reigning in Northumberlande. Hee continued Byſhoppe for the ſpace of .xxiiij. yeares, and buylded a Churche, and founded a Colledge of Prieſts at Beuerley aforeſayde, in which church he lyeth buried.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame yeare, or in the yeare after that king Ecgfride was ſlaine, Lother king of Kent departed this life,686. hath. Mat Weſt. Lother king of Kent dyeth of a wounde. the .viij. Ides of Februarie, of a wounde by hym receiued in a battaile whiche he fought agaynſt the South Saxons, the which came in ayde of Edricke, that was ſonne vnto his brother Ecgbert, and had mainteyned warre agaynſt his vncle the ſayde Lother, euen from the begynning of his raigne, till finally he was nowe in the ſayd battaile ſtriken through the bodie with a dart, and ſo died thereof, after he had raigned .xj. yeares, and .vij. Monethes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It was thought that hee was diſquieted with continuall warres and troubles, and finally brought to his end before the natural courſe of his time, for a pun [...]ſhment of his wicked conſent gi|uen, to the putting to death of his couſins Ethel|bert, and Ethilbrit, as appeared in that, when they were reported to be Martyrs, bycauſe it was knowne they dyed innocently,VVil. Malm. hee mocked them, and made but a ieaſt at it, although his brother in acknowledging his fault, repented him therof,Capg [...] their [...]. and gaue as it were in recompence to theyr mo|ther, a part of the Ile of Thanet to the buylding of a Monaſterie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edrick [figure appears here on page 186] THe foreſaid Edrick af|ter that Lo|ther was dead, got the domi|nion of Kent, and ruled as king thereof, but not with|out ciuill war, inſomuch that before he had raigned the ful tearme of two yeres, he was ſlaine in the ſame warre.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then Ceadwalla king of the Weſt Saxons being thereof aduertiſed, ſuppoſing the time now to bee come that would ſerue his purpoſe, as one ſtill coueting to worke the Kentiſh men all the diſpleaſure he coulde, entred with an armie into their Countrey, and beganne to waſt and ſpoyle the ſame on eche ſide, till finally the Kentiſhmen aſſembling themſelues togither, gaue battaile to their enimies and put them to flight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mollo brother to Ceadwalla was dryuen from hys companie, and conſtrayned to take an houſe for his refuge: but his enimies that purſued hym ſette fyre thereon, and burned both the houſe, and Mollo within it to Aſhes.Mollo [...] to king Cead|walla [...] death. Yet dyd not Ceadwalla herewith depart oute of the Countrey, but to wreake his wrathe, and to reuenge the griefe which he tooke for the death of his brother, hee waſted and deſtroyed a greate parte of Kent ere hee returned home, and left (as it were) an occaſion to his ſucceſſor alſo to purſue the quarell (as after ſhall appeare.)

[figure appears here on page 186]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 187The Kentiſhmen being deſtitute of a king, af|ter that diuerſe had coueted the place, and ſought to ataine therto, as well by force as otherwiſe, to the great diſquieting of that prouince for ye ſpace of ſixe yeares togither, at length in the .vij. yeare after the death of Edrick. [...]ictred is [...]ade king of [...]ent. Withred an other of the ſonnes of king Ecgbert, hauing with diligente trauaile ouercome enuie at home, and with mo|ney redeemed peace abrode, was with great hope conceyued of his worthineſſe made king of Kent, the .xj. of Nouember .205. after the death of Hen|geſt, and raigned .xxxiij. yeares, not deceyuing his ſubiectes of their good conceyued opinion of him: for ouercomming all his aduerſaries which were readie to leuie cyuill warre agaynſt him, he alſo purchaſed peace of Inas king of the Weſt Sax|ons, whiche ment to haue made him warre, till with money he was made his friend.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A little before that Withred was confirmed in the kingdome of Kent, Hen. Hunt. Beda. li. 5. ca. 8 Webhard and Nitred, kings [...]y vſurpation [...]nd not by [...]cceſsion, as H. Hunt. wri| [...]eth. there raigned two kings in that countrey, Suebhard, or Nidred, or rather the ſame Withred, if the printed copie of Be|das booke intituled Eccleſiaſtica hiſtoria gẽtis An|glorum, haue not that name corrupted: for where he ſheweth that the Archbiſhop Theodorus being of the age of .88. yeares, departed this life in the yeare of our Lorde .690. in the next chapter he de|clareth, that in the yeare .692. the firſt day of Iuly one Brightwalde was choſen to ſucceede in the Archbiſhops ſea of Canterburie, Wictredus, and Suebhardus as then raigning in Kent: but whe|ther Wicttedus gouerned as then with Sueb|hardus, or that ſome other named Nitred, it for|ceth not, for certain it is by the agreement of wri|ters, that till Wictred obteyned the whole rule, there was great ſtrife and contention moued a|bout the gouernment, and diuerſe there were that ſought and fought for it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brightwald the firſt Arch|biſhop of the Engliſh nationBut this ought to be noted, yt the forenamed Brightwalde was the eight Archbiſhop in num|ber, and firſt of the Engliſh nation that ſat in the ſea of Canterburie: for the other ſeuen that were predeceſſors to him, were ſtraungers borne, and ſent hither from Rome.

5.82. Inas king of VVeſt Saxons.

Inas king of VVeſt Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Inas. 689 [figure appears here on page 187] IN this meane whyle after that Cead|walla, late King of the Weſt Sax|ons was gon to Rome, where he de|parted thys yfe (as before is ſhewed) his coſin Inas, or Ine, was made king of the Weſt Saxons, beginning his raigne in the yeare of our Lorde .689. in the thirde yeare of the Emperour Iuſtinianus the thirde in the .xj. yeare of the raigne of Theodori|cus king of Fraunce, and about the ſeconde yeare of the raigne of Eugenius king of Scots.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bycauſe that now the rule of the Brytaines commonly called Welchmen,The Brytaynes ceaſſe to raign in this lande. ceaſſed in thys Realme, as by confeſſion of their awne wryters it appeareth, and that in the ende the whole Mo|narchie of the ſame Realme came to ye hands of ye kings of Weſt Saxons, we haue thought meete to referre things general vnto ye raignes of ye ſame kings, as before wee did in the Brytaine Kings, reſeruing the particuler doings to the kings of the other Prouinces or kingdomes, as the ſame haue fallen out, and ſhall come to hande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Inas, which ſome miſtaking the [...] for an u, do wrongfully name Iue or Iewe,Fabian. Henric. Hũt. proued a right excellent Prince, hee was diſcended of the auncient lynage of the kings of the Weſt Sax|ons, as ſonne to one Kenred, that was ſonne to Ceolwald, the ſonne of Cutha, or Cutwyne, that was ſonne to Kenrick, the ſonne of Certicus the firſt king of Weſt Saxons. But he was a [...]it|ted to the kingdome more for the valiant prowes knowne to reſt in his worthie perſon, than for the ſucceſſiue ofſpring of which he was deſcended.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The firſt voyage that [...]e made, was agaynſt the Kentiſhmen, on whom [...] purpoſed to reuenge the death of his coſin Moll [...], the griefe where of as yet he kept in freſh memori [...].Mat. VVeſt. VVil. Malm. But when the Ken|tiſh men perceiued, that to reſiſt him by force, they were nothing able, they attempted by money to buy theyr peace, and ſo obteined their purpoſe vp|pon payment made to him of .xxx. M. markes of ſiluer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, about the .xxj. yeare of his raigne,Anno. 708 as is noted by Mat. VVeſt. king Inas and his coſin Nun, fought with [...]e|rent king of the Brytaynes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the beginning of the battaile one Higel|bald a noble man of the Weſt Saxons part was ſlaine,H. Hunt. but in the ende Gerent with his Brytains was chaſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xxvi. yeare of his raigne,Mat. VVeſt. hath. 718. the ſame Inas fought a mightie battaile againſt Cheolred King of Mercia, at W [...]eneſburie, with doubtfull vic|torie, for it could not well be iudged whether part ſuſteyned greater loſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xxxvi. yeare of his raigne, king Inas inuaded the South Saxons with a mightie ar|mie, and [...] in battaile Ealdbright, or [...] king of the South Saxons, & ioyned that king|dome vnto the kingdome of the Weſt Saxons:Mat. VVeſt. hath. 722. ſo that from thence forth the kingdome of thoſe South Saxons ceaſſed after they had raigned in that kingdome by the ſpace of fiue kings ſucceſ|ſiuely, that is to wit, [...]lla, Ciſſa, Ethelwalke,The end of [...] kingdome of the South Saxoes. Berutius, and this laſt Aldhinius, or Ealdbright.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 188Finally, when Inas had raigned .xxxvij. yeares, and .x. or .xj. odde Monethes, hee renoun|ced the rule of his kingdome, togither with all worldly pompe, and went vnto Rome as a poore pylgryme,Inas went to Rome and there dyed. and there ended his life: But before this, during the time of his raigne, hee ſhewed himſelfe verie deuout and zealous towardes the aduauncement of the Chriſtian Religion. He made and ordeyned alſo good and wholeſome lawes for the amendment of maners in the peo|ple, whiche are yet extant and to bee re [...]e, written in the Saxon tongue, and tranſla|ted into the Latine in tymes paſt, and nowe lately agayne by maiſter William Lambert, and imprinted by Iohn Day, in the yeare .1568. togither wyth the lawes and Statutes of other Kings before the Conqueſt, as to the learned it may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, King Ine builded the Mona|ſterie of Glaſtenburie,Polidor. where Ioſeph of Arima|thea, [figure appears here on page 188] in times paſt builded an Oratorie or Chap|pell (as before is recited) when he with other chri|ſtians came into this lande in the dayes of Arui|ragus, and taught the Goſpell here to the Bry|tayns, conuerting many of them to the fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer king Ine or Inas buylded the Church of Welles, dedicating it vnto ſaint An|drew, where afterwardes a Biſhops Sea was placed, which at length was tranſlated vnto Sa|liſburie.Ethelburga. He had to wife one Ethelburga, a wo|man of noble lynage, who had beene earneſt in hande with him a long time to perſwade him to forſake the worlde: but ſhee could by no meanes bring hir purpoſe to paſſe,VVil. Malm. till vppon a time the king and ſhe had lodged at a Manor place in the Countrey, where all prouiſion had beene made for the receyuing of them and theyr trayne in moſt ſumptuous manner that might be, as well in riche furniture of houſeholde, as alſo in coſtly viandes, and all other things needefull, or that might ſerue for pleaſure, and when they were departed, the Queene the foreſayde Ethelburga, cauſed the keeper of that houſe to remoue all the bedding,The deuiſe of Queene Ethel|burga to per|ſwade hir huſ|band to forſake the world. hangings, and other ſuch things as had beene brought thither and ordeyned for the beau|tifull ſetting forth of the houſe, and in place ther|of to bring ordure, ſtrawe, and ſuche lyke fylth, as well into the Chambers and Ha [...], as into all the houſes of office, and that done to lay a Sowe wyth Pigges in the place where before the kings bed had ſtoode.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herepon when ſhe had knowledge that eue|rye thing was ordered according to hir appoynt|ment, ſhe perſwaded the King to returne thyther agayne, feyning occaſions great and neceſſarie [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he was returned to that houſe, whiche before ſeemed to the eye a Palace of moſte plea|ſure, and nowe fynding it in ſuche a fylthie ſ [...]te as might lothe the ſtomacke of any man to be|holde the ſame, ſhee tooke occaſion thereof to perſwade him to the conſideration of the [...] pleaſures of this worlde, whiche in a moment turned to naught, togyther with the corruption of the fleſhe, beeing a fylthie lumpe of Claye, after it ſhoulde once be dyſſolued by death: and in fine where before ſhee had ſpente muche la|bour to moue hym to renounce the Worlde, though all in vayne, yet nowe the beholding of that chaunge in his pleaſant Palayce wherein [...]o late hee had taken ſo greate delight, wrought ſuche an alteration in hys mynde, that hir wordes laſtlye tooke effecte: ſo that hee reſig|ned the Kingdome to his couſin Ethelard and went himſelfe to Rome (as aboue i [...] mentioned,) and his wife became a Nunne in the Abbey of Barking, where ſhe was made Abbeſſe, and fi|nally there ended hir lyfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Inas was the fyrſt that cauſed the EEBO page image 189 money called Peter pens,Peter pens. to bee payde vnto the Biſhop of Rome, which was for euery houſhold within his dominion a pennie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time Edilred or Ethelred, hauing gouerned the Kingdome of Mercia by the terme of .xxix. yeares,King Ethelred becommeth a Monke. became a Monke in the Abbey of Bardeny, and after was made Abbot of that houſe.Oſtrida. He had to wyfe one Oſtryda the ſiſter of Ecgfride King of Northumberlande, by whome hee had a ſonne named Ceolred. But he appoynted Kenred the ſonne of his Brother Vulfhere to ſucceed him in the kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beda in Epit.The ſayde Oſtrida was cruelly ſlaine by the treaſon of hir huſbandes ſubiectes, about the yeare of our Lorde .697.697 King Kenreds

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayde Kenred was a Prince of greate vertue, deuoute towardes God, a fur|therer of the common wealth of his Countrey, and paſſed hys lyfe in greate ſynceritye of maners.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the fifth yeare of his raigne, he renounced the worlde, and went to Rome, togither with Offa king of Eaſt Saxons, where he was made a Monke and finally dyed there, in the yeare of our Lord .711. 711 Nauclerus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By the ayde and furtherance of this Kenred, a Monke of Saint Benet [...] order (cleped Egwin) buylded the Abbay of Eu [...]ſhame.Egwin Biſhop of Worceſter. Afterwardes the ſame Egwine was made Biſhoppe of Wor|ceſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Wee finde it recorded by wryters, that this Egwine had warning giuen to him by viſions, (as hee conſtantly affyrmed before Pope Con|ſtantine,) to ſet vp an Image of our La [...]e [...] in his Churche. Herevppon the Pope approuing the teſtifications of this Byſhoppe, by hys Bulles, wrytte to Bryghtwalde the Archeby|ſhoppe of Canterburie, to aſſemble a Synode, and by authoritie thereof to eſtabliſhe the vſe of Images, charging the kings of this lande to bee preſent at the ſame Synode, vpon paine of ex|communication.

[figure appears here on page 189]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sinode was holden about the yeare of our Lorde .712. in the dayes of Inas King of Weſt Saxons,Bale. 710. and of Ceolred king of Mercia, ſucceſſor to the foreſayde Kenred.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Kenred ſucceeded Ceolredus, the ſonne of his vncle Edilred, and died in the .viij. yeare of his raigne,Hariſon hath three onely. Henric. Hũt. and was buried at Lichfielde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then ſucceeded Ethelbaldus that was diſ|cended of Eopa the brother of king Penda, as the fourth from hym by lineall ſucceſſion. Thys man gouerned a long time without any notable trouble: ſome warres he had, and ſped diuerſly.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .xviij. yeare of his raigne he beſieged Sommerton,Ran. Ceſtren. and wanne it. Hee alſo inuaded Northumberlande, and gotte there great ryches by ſpoyle and pyllage, whiche hee brought from thence without any battaile offered to him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Welchmen he ouercame in battaile,H. Hunt. be|ing then at quiet, and ioyned as cõfederates with Cuthred K. of Weſt Saxõs. But in the .xxxvij. yeare of his raigne, hee was ouercome in battaile at Bereforde by the ſame Cuthred,Bereforde. with whome he was fallen at variance, and within foure yeres after, that is to witte, in the .xlj. yeare of hys raigne,755 Three miles from Tam|worth. hee was ſlaine in battaile at Secan|done, or Sekenton, by his owne ſubiectes, whiche arreared warres agaynſte hym, by the procurement and leading of one Bernred,VVil. Malm. which after hee had ſlayne his naturall Prince, tooke vppon him the Kingdome: but he proſpered not long, being ſlaine by Offa that ſucceeded him in rule of the kingdome of Mercia, 758 Math. VVeſt. as after ſhall be ſhewed. The bodie of Ethelbald was buried at Ripton.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 190Bonifarius the Archbiſhop of Menze or Ma|guntze,The hyſtorie [...] Magd. hauing aſſembled a Councell wyth o|ther Byſhoppes and Doctours, deuiſed a letter and ſent it vnto this Ethilbert, commending him for his good deuotion and charitie in almes gy|uing to the reliefe of the poore, and alſo for his vp|right dealing in adminiſtration of Iuſtice, to the puniſhment of robbers and ſuch lyke miſdo|ers: but in that he abſteyned from maryage and wallowed in filthie lecherie with diuerſe women, and namely with Nunnes, they ſore blamed him and withall declared in what infamie the whole Engliſhe Nation in thoſe dayes remayned by common report in other Countreys for theyr lycencious lyuing in ſinfull fornication, and namely the moſte parte of the Noble men of Mercia by hys euill example did forſake theyr wyues,Nunnes kept or concubines and defloured other women whiche they kept in adulterie as Nunnes and other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer hee ſheweth howe that ſuche euill women, as well Nunnes as other, vſed to make awaye in ſecrete wiſe theyr children whiche they bare oute of wedlocke, and ſo fylled the gra|ues wyth deade bodyes, and hell wyth damned ſoules.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Bonifacius in an other Epyſtle whiche hee wrote vnto Cutbert the Archbyſhop of Canterburie, counſayleth him not to per|mitte the Engliſhe Nunnes to wander abrode ſo often on Pylgrymage,Pilgrimage of Nunnes. bycauſe there were fewe Cities eyther in Fraunce or Lombar|dye, wherein might not bee founde Engliſh wo|men, that lyued wantonlye in fornication and whordome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Kings of the Eaſt Saxons. Bed. li. 5. ca. 20 Offa king of Eaſt Saxons.In this meane tyme Sigharde and Seu|fred, Kings of the Eaſt Saxons, being depar|ted thys lyfe, one Offa that was ſonne to Si|gerius, ſucceeded in gouernment of that King|dome, a man of greate towardneſſe, and of right comely countenaunce: but after hee had ruled a certayne tyme, hee beeing mooued of a religious deuotion, wente vnto Rome in companie of Kenred King of Mercia, and of one Ergvine Byſhoppe of Worceſter, and beeing there ſha|uen into the order of Monkes, ſo continued tyll hee dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 King Selred.After him one Selred the ſonne of Sigbert the good, ruled the Eaſt Saxons the tearme of xxxviij. yeares. Hariſon .28.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Aldulfe the King of Eaſt-Angles was departed thys life,688 whiche chaunced aboute the yeare of oure Lorde .688. his brother Elt|wolde, or Aekwolde ſucceeded him, and raig|ned about .xij. yeares. Hariſon .2. After whoſe deceaſſe one Beorne was made king of Eaſtangles, and raig|ned about .xxvj. yeares. Hariſon .36.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, that is to witte, in the yeare of oure Lorde .705.705 Alfride king of Nor|thumberlande beeing deade, his ſonne Oſred, [...] Oſred king of Northumber|lande. a childe of .viij. yeares of age ſucceeded hym in the kingdome, and raigned .xj. yeares, ſpending hys time when he came to rype yeares in fylthie abuſing his bodie wyth Nunnes, and other reli|gious women.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſeuenth yeare of his raigne, [...] that is to witte, in the yeare of oure Lorde .711. one of his Captaynes named Earle Berthfride fought with the Pictes betwixte two places called Heue and Cere, and obteyning the victorie,Pictes o [...]e [...]|throwne by the North [...]|bers. [...] an huge number of the enimies.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length King Oſred by the trayterous meanes of hys couſins that arreared warre a|gaynſte him, was ſlaine in battaile,King Oſred ſlaine in bat|taile. and ſo en|ded his raigne, leauing to thoſe that procured his death the lyke fortune in tyme to come. For Kenred raigning two yeares, and Oſricke tenne yeares, were famous onely in this, that beeing woorthilye puniſhed for ſhedding the bloud of theyr naturall Prince and ſoueraigne Lorde, they finiſhed their lyues with diſhonourable dea|thes, as they had well deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Oſricke before his death whiche chaunced in the yeare of oure Lorde .729. appoynted Ceol|volfe the brother of his predeceſſour Kenred,729 to ſucceede him in the kingdome, whiche hee did, raigning as king of the Northumbers by the ſpace of .viij. yeares currant, and then renouncing his kingdome, became a Monke in the Ile of Lindeſferne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while, Beda. Acca Biſhop of Hexham. Byſhoppe Wilfride being dead, one Acca that was his Chaplain was made Biſhop of Hexham.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayde Wilfride had beene Biſhop by the ſpace of .xlv. yeares: but hee lyued a long tyme in exyle. For firſt beeyng Archby|ſhoppe of Yorke, and exerciſing his iuriſdiction ouer all the North partes, hee was after ba|niſhed by king Egbert, and agayne reſtored to the Sea of Hexham, in the ſeconde yeare of king Alfride, and within fiue yeares after eftſoones banyſhed by the ſame Alfride, and the ſeconde tyme reſtored by his ſucceſſour king Oſred, in the fourth yeare of whoſe raigne, beeing the yeare after the Incarnation of oure Sauiour 709. hee departed this lyfe, and was buryed at Rippon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer after Iohn the Archebyſhoppe of Yorke had reſigned, one Wilfride ſurnamed the ſeconde, was made Archebiſhoppe of that Sea: whiche Wilfride was Chaplayne to the ſayde Iohn, and gouerned that Sea by the ſpace of fiftene yeares, and then died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aboute the yeare of oure Lorde .710.710 the Ab|bot Adrian whiche came into this lande wyth Theodore the Archebyſhoppe of Canterburie (as before yee haue hearde) departed thys lyfe, a|boute EEBO page image 191 .xxxix. yeares after his comming thy|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]wo Biſhops [...].Alſo Inas the king of Weſt Saxons, a|boute the .xx. yeare of his raigne,Mat. VVeſt. deuided the Prouince of the Weſt Saxons into two By|ſhoppes Seas, where as before they had but one: Daniel was ordeyned to gouerne the one of thoſe Seas,Biſhop Daniel. being placed at Wincheſter, hauing vn|der him Suſſex, Southerie and Hamſhire: and Aldhelme was appoynted to Shireburne, ha|uing vnder him, Barkeſhire, Wyltſhire Som|merſetſhire, Dorſetſhyre, Deuonſhire, and Corn|wall.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Aldhelme was a learned man,Biſhop Aldelm and was firſt made Abbot of Malmeſburie, in the yeare of our Lorde .675. by Eleutherius then Biſhop of the Weſt Saxons. By his diligence that Ab|bay was greatly aduaunced,The Abbey of [...]almesburie. beeing afore that tyme founded by one Medulfe a Scottiſh man, but of ſo ſmall reuenues afore Aldhelmes tyme, that the Monkes were vneth able to lyue thereon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame Aldhelme was a greate fur|therer vnto king Inas in the buylding of Glaſ|tenburie.

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