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5.71. Conanus.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 139] AFter that Aurelius Conanus had ſlayn the for|ſayd Conſtã|tine,Conanus as in the Britiſh hiſto|ries is mẽcio|ned, the ſame Conan was made king of Britayn in the yeare of our Lord .546.546. n the. 20. yere of ye emperor Iuſtinianus, & in the ..33. of the reigne of Childeberte king of the Frenchmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys Aurelius Conanus (as is recorded by ſome writers) was of a noble hearte, free, and li|berall, but giuen muche to the mayntenaunce of ſtryfe and diſcorde amongſt his people, lyghte of credite, and namely had an open eare to re|ceiue and heare the reportes of ſuche as accuſed other.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, hee was noted of crueltie, as hee that tooke his vncle, who of righte ſhoulde haue bene kyng, and kepte hym in pryſon, and not ſo ſatiſfyed, ſlewe in tyrannous manner the two ſonnes of his ſayde vncle.Math. VVeſt. writeth that he reigned .30. yeares. But God woulde not ſuffer hym long to enioye the rule of the lande in ſuche vniuſt dealyng, for he dyed after he hadde reigned the ſpace of two yeares, and left a ſonne behynde hym called Vortiporus, which ſuccee|ded him in the kingdom, as authours do record.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this Aurelius Conanus Gildas writeth, cal|ling vnto him after he hath made an end with his predeceſſor Cõſtantin, in this wiſe, ſaying: And thou Lyons whelpe, as ſayeth the Prophet Au|relius Conanus what doeſt thou? arte thou not ſwallowed vp in the fylthie myre of murthering thy kinſemen, of committyng fornications and adulterers lyke to the other before mencioned, if not more deadlye? as it were wyth the wa|ues and ſurges of the drenching ſeas, ouerwhel|myng thee wyth hir vnmercyfull rage? Doeſt thou not in hating the peace of thy countrey as a deadly ſerpente, and thirſtyng after ciuill war|res and ſpoyles, (oftentymes vniuſtly gotten) ſhutte vp agaynſte thy ſoule, the gates of cele|ſtiall peace and refreſhement? Thou being lefte alone as a wytheryng tree in the myddle of the fielde, call to remembraunce, I praye thee, the vayne youthefull fantaſy and ouertymely death of thy fathers and thy bretherne: ſhalte thou be|ing ſette a parte, and choſen foorth of all thy ly|nage for thy godly deſertes, bee reſerued to [...]iue an hundred yeares, or remayne on earthe tyll thou bee as olde as Mathuſalem? No no.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And after theſe reprehẽſions, with further thret|nyngs of Gods vengeaunce, he exhorteth him to amendemente of life, and ſo proceedeth to talke with Vortiporus, whome he nameth the kyng, or rather the tyraunt of Southwales, as after ſhall be reherſed.

5.71.1. The beginning of the kingdom of Brenitia.

The beginning of the kingdom of Brenitia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 139] IN the yeare of oure Lord 547.Ida. which was about the firſte yeare of the reygne of Aurelius Conanus,547. H. Hunt. The kingdome of Brenitia be|ganne. the kingdom of Brenitia began vn|der a Saxon ruler there called Ida, the whiche deſcended of Woden, for where ye ſame Wo|den had three ſonnes, Weldecius, Withlegris, and Beldegius, of the firſte, the kings of Kente were lyneally ex|tracted: of the ſeconde the kings of Mertia: and of the thirde ſonne came the kings of Weſt ſax|on, and alſo of him was this Ida deſcended, be|ing the nynth in lineall ſucceſſion from the ſayd Beldicius and the tenth from Woden.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Ida was vndoubtedly a right no|ble perſonage, and chaunged fyrſt that dukedom into a kyngdome, where before that tyme the Saxons that ruled there, were ſubiectes vnto the kings of Kente. Whether he tooke vpon him of his owne accord to vſurpe the kingly title and royall authoritie, or whether that the ſame was giuen to hym by conſent of other, the certayntie EEBO page image 140 apeareth not. But ſure it is, that he beyng a worthie Prince, didde nothing degenerate from his noble aunceſtours inuincible in warre a|brode and at home, qualifying his kingly ſeueri|tie with a certayne naturall kinde of curteous humanitie. The boundes of his kingdome cal|led (as is ſaid) Brenitia, began in the ſouth at the riuer of Tyne, & ended in the North at the Forth in Scotland, in the Brytiſh tong called VVerd.

5.71.2. The kingdome of Deira beginneth.

The kingdome of Deira beginneth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ella. 561. The beginning of the kingdom of Deira. [figure appears here on page 140] ABoute the ſame time, or rather about 14. yeeres after (as Harryſon ſayth) one El|la a Saxon al|ſo reygned as king in Deira, whyche kyng|dome beganne at the ſaide ry|uer of Tyne in the North, and ended at the ri|uer of Hũber toward the ſouth. Theſe two king|domes were ſometime gouerned by two ſeuerall kings, and afterwards at other times they were ioyned in one, and gouerned by one onely king, and named the kingdome of Northumberland, the whiche in proces of tyme was muche enlar|ged, ſo that it included the ſhires of Yorke, No|tingham, Derby, Lancaſter, the Biſhoprike of Durham, Copland, and other countreys which lye betwixt the eaſt and the weſt ſeas euen vnto the ryuer of Merſee. The foreſayd Ella was ſon to Iffus, being deſcended from Woden,The riuer of Merſee. as the xij. in ſucceſſion from him, though not by righte lyne, as Will. Malmeſbury hath noted. Ida (as the ſame Malmeſbury dothe teſtifie) reigned .14. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And Ella, which was ſucceſſour to Ida (as he ſayeth) reigned thirtie yeares, and right valiant|ly enlarged his kingdome.Mat. VVeſt But one author wri|teth howe Ida reigned but .xij. yeares, and that he buylded the Caſtell of Bambure, firſte fen|cing [figure appears here on page 140] it wyth pales, and after wyth a wall of ſtone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 H. Hunt.The ſame Ida had by his wyfe ſixe ſonnes, begot in lawfull bedde, Ada, Ebric, Theodoric, Athelric,Mat. VVest. Oſmer, and Theofred. Moreouer he begat of certaine concubines (which he kept) ſixe baſta [...]de ſonnes, Oga, Aleric, Ettha, Oſbalde, Segor, and Segother. Theſe came altogether into this land, & arriued at Flemeſburk with for|tie ſhippes, as Matheus VVestmonasterienſis hath recorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The partition of the kingdome of Northum|berlande chaunced after the deceaſe of Ida, as the ſame Author ſignifieth: for Ada the ſonne of the foreſaid Ida, ſucceded his father in the kingdom of Bernitia, reignyng therein ſeuen yeares: and Ella the ſonne of Hiſtria, a moſt valiant Duke, began to gouerne Deira, as both the ſayd Mat. Weſtm. and other doe affirme.

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5.16. The beginning of the kingdome of Brenitia, of whome the king of Kent, Mer|tia, and west Saxons descended, Ida the Sax|on commended, the originall of the kingdome of Deira, the circuit and bounds therof, of Ella the go|uernour of the same, when the partition of the kingdome of Northumberland chanced; Vortiporus reigneth ouer the Britains, he vanquisheth the Saxons; Gyldas sharp|lie reprooueth Vortiporus for manie greeuous offenses, and exhorteth him to amendement. The xvj. Chapter.

The beginning of the kingdome of Brenitia, of whome the king of Kent, Mer|tia, and west Saxons descended, Ida the Sax|on commended, the originall of the kingdome of Deira, the circuit and bounds therof, of Ella the go|uernour of the same, when the partition of the kingdome of Northumberland chanced; Vortiporus reigneth ouer the Britains, he vanquisheth the Saxons; Gyldas sharp|lie reprooueth Vortiporus for manie greeuous offenses, and exhorteth him to amendement. The xvj. Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _IN the yeare of the Lord 547,Ida. which was about the first yeare of the reigne of Aure|lius Conanus,547 the kingdome of Brenitia bagan vnder a Saxon ruler there called I|da, H. Hunt. The kingdom of Brenitia. began. & descended of Woden, For where the said Woden had three sonnes, Weldecius, Withlegris, and Bel|decius; of the first, the kings of Kent were lineallie extracted: of the second, the kings of Mertia: and of the third sonne came the kings of Westsaxon, and also of him was this Ida descended, being the ninth in lineall succession from the said Beldecius and the tenth from Woden. The same Ida was vndoub|tedlie a right noble personage, and changed first that dukedome into a kingdome, where before that time the Saxons that ruled there, were subiects vn|to the kings of Kent. Whether he tooke vpon him of his owne accord to vsurpe the kinglie title and roiall authoritie, or whether that the same was gi|uen to him by consent of other, the certeintie appea|reth not. But sure it is, that he being a woorthie prince, did not degenerate from his noble ancestors inuincible in warre abroad and at home, quali|fieng his kinglie seueritie with a naturall kind of courteous humanitie. The bounds of his kingdome called (as is said) Brenitia, began in the south at the riuer of Tine, and ended in the north at the Forth in Scotland, in the British toong called Werd.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time,Ella. or rather about 14 yeares after, one Ella a Saron also reigned as king in Diera,561. The begin|ning of the kingdome of Deira. which kingdome began at the said riuer of Tine in the north, & ended at the riuer of Hum|ber toward the south. These two kingdomes were sometime gouerned by two seuerall kings, and af|terwards at other times they were ioined in one, and gouerned by one onelie king, and named the kingdome of Northumberland, which in processe of time was much inlarged, so that it included the shires of Yorke, Notingham, Darbie, Lancaster, the bishoprike of Durham, Copland, and other coun|tries betwixt the east and the west seas, euen vnto the riuer of Mersie.The riuer of Mersie. The foresaid Ella was sonne to Iffus, being descended from Woden, as the 12 in succession from him, though not by right line as William Malmesburie hath noted. Ida (as the same Malmesburie dooth testifie) reigned 14 yeares.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Now Ella who was successor to Ida (as he saith) reigned thirtie yeares, and verie valiantlie inlarged his kingdome.Matth. West. But one author writeth how Ida reigned but 12 yeares, and that he builded the ca|stell of Bamburge, first fensing it with pales, and af|ter with a wall of stone. The same Ida had by his wife six sonnes, begotten in lawfull bed,Hen. Hunt. Ada, Ebric, Theodoric, Athelric, Osmer, and Theofred.Matt. West. More|ouer he begat of certeine concubines (which he kept) six bastard sonnes, Oga, Aleric, Ettha, Osbale, Segor, and Segother. These came altogither into this land, and arriued at Flemesburke with fortie ships, as Matthaeus Westmonasteriensis hath recor|ded. The partition of the kingdome of Northum|berland chanced after the deceasse of Ida, as the same author signifieth: for Ada the sonne of the fore|said Ida succéeded his father in the kingdome of Brenitia, reigning therein seuen yeares: and Ella the sonne of Histria, a most valiant duke, began to gouerne Deira, as both the said Matth. Westm. and other doo affirme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 VOtiporus the sonne of Aurelius Conanus suc|ceeded his father,Vortipo|rus. and began to reigne ouer the Britains, in the yéere of our Lord 576, in the 11, yeare of the emperour Flauius Anicius Iustinus, in the fourth yeare of the reigne of Childeric king of France, Matth. West. noteth 578. and in the fourth yeare of Clephis the Gothish king in Italie. This Uortiporus vanqui|shed the Saxons in battell, as the British histories make mention, and valiantlie defended his land and subiects the Britains, from the danger of them and other their allies. In the time of this kings reigne, the foresaid Ella began to rule in the south part of the kingdome of Northumberland called Deira, as before is mentioned, according to the account of some authors, who also take this Uortiporus to be|gin his reigne in the yeare 548. After that Uorti|porus had ruled the Britans the space of 4 yeares, Matth. West. noteth 3 years he departed this life, and left no issue behind him to succéed him in the kingdome.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Against this Uortiporus Gyldas also whetting his toong, beginneth with him thus: And why stan|dest thou as one starke amazed?

Thou (I say) Uorti|porus the tyrant of Southwales, like to the panther in maner and wickednesse diuerslie spotted as it were with manie colors, with thy hoarie head in thy throne, full of deceits, crafts and wiles, and defiled e|uen from the lowest part of thy bodie to the crowne of thy head, with diuers & sundrie murthers commit|ted on thine owne kin, and filthie adulteries, thus proouing a naughtie sonne of a good king, as Manas|ses was to Ezechias. How chanceth it that the vio|lent streames of sinnes which thou swallowest vp like pleasant wine, or rather art deuoured of them, (the end of thy life by little and little now drawing EEBO page image 96 néere) can not yet satisfie the? What meanest thou that with fornication of all euils, as it were the full heape, thine owne wife being put away, thou by hir honest death dooest oppresse thy soule with a certeine burthen that can not be auoided, of thine vnshame|fast daughter? Consume not (I pray thée) the resi|due of thy daies to the offense of God, &c.
These and the like woords vttered he, exhorting him to repen|tance, with admonitions taken out of the scriptures both for his comfort and warning.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶If the circumstance of this that Gyldas wri|teth of Uortiporus be marked, it may be perceiued, that Geffrey of Monmouth, and also Matthew of Westminster, the author of the floures of histories, are deceiued, in that they take him to be the sonne of Aurelius Conanus: and rather it may be gathered, that not onlie the same Aurelius Conanus and Uor|tiporus, but also Constantinus, yea & Cuneglasus, and Maglocunus, of the which he also intreateth (as partlie shall be hereafter touched) liued and reigned all at one time in seuerall parts of this Ile, and not as monarchs of the whole British nation, but as ru|lers each of them in his quarter, after the maner as the state of Ireland hath béene in times past before the countrie came vnder the English subiection, if my coniecture herein doo not deceiue me.