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5.37. Archigallo.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 30] ARchigallo,Arch [...]|gallo the ſeconde ſonne of Mo|rindus, & bro|ther vnto Gor|bonianus, was admitted King of Brytayn, in the yeare .3686. after the buyl|ding of the citie of Rome .470. after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of capti|uitie .255. and in the firſt yeare of Soſthenes king of Macedonia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Archigallo (in the Engliſh Chronicle called Artogaill, [...] nouriſh [...] ) followed not the ſteppes of hys brother, but giuing himſelfe to diſſention & ſtrife, ymagined cauſes agaynſt his Nobles, that hee might diſplace them, & ſet ſuch in their rowmthes as were men of baſe byrth and of euill cõditions. EEBO page image 31 Alſo he ſought by vnlawfull meanes to bereaue his wealthie ſubiects of their goods and riches, ſo to enrich himſelfe and impoueriſh his people. For the which his inordinate doings, his Nobles cõ|ſpired agaynſt him, and finally depriued him of all his honor & kingly dignitie, after he had raig|ned about the ſpace of one yeare.

5.38. Elidure.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]lidure [figure appears here on page 31] ELidurus ye third ſonne of Morindus, & brother to Ar+chigallo, was by one aſſente of the Bry|taynes choſen to raigne ouer them in hys brothers ſtead, after the creation of the worlde .3687. and after the buylding of the Citie of Rome .471. after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites, and in the firſt yeare of Soſthenes king of Macedonia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Elidurus in the Engliſh Chronicle na|med Hiſider, or Eſoder, proued a moſt righteous Prince, and doubting leaſt he ſhould do otherwiſe than became him, if hee did not take care for his brother Archigallos eſtate. A man might wonder what diligence he ſhewed in traueyling with the Nobles of the Realme to haue his brother reſto|red to the Crowne againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as it chaunced one day (being abrode on hunting in the Wood called Calater) neare vnto Yorke, he found his brother Archigallo wandring there in the thickeſt of that wilderneſſe,By this it [...]hould ſeeme [...]hat Al [...]liud ſhould not be in Scotland, [...]ontrary to the Scottiſh Authours. whom in moſt louing maner he ſecretly conueyed home to his houſe, being as then in the Citie of Aldud, o|therwiſe called Acliud.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Shortly after he feyned himſelfe ſicke, and in al haſt ſent Meſſengers about to aſſemble his ba|rons, who being come at the day appoynted, hee called them one after another into his priuie chã|ber, & there hãdled thẽ in ſuch effectuous ſort with wiſe and diſcrete wordes, that hee got their good willes to further him to their powers for the redu|cing of the kingdome eftſoones into the handes of his brother Archigallo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And after this he aſſembled a counſel at York, where he ſo vſed the matter with the commons, that in concluſion, when the ſayd Elidurus had gouerned the land well and honourably the ſpace of three yeres, he reſigned wholy his Crowne and kingly title vnto his ſaid brother Archigallo, who was receyued of the Brytaynes againe as King, by mediation of his brother in maner as afore is ſayde.An example of brotherly loue. A rare example of brotherly loue, if a man ſhall reuolue in his mind what an inordinate de|ſire remayneth amongeſt mortall men to atteyne to the ſupreeme ſoueraintie of ruling, and to keepe the ſame when they once haue it in poſſeſſion. For this greate good will and brotherly loue by hym ſhewed thus towards his brother, he was ſurna|med the godly or vertuous.

5.39. Archigallo againe.

Archigallo againe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 WHen Archigallo was thus reſtored to the kingdome, and hauing learned by due cor|rection that he muſt turne the leafe, and take out a new leſſon, by chãging his former trade of liuing into better, if he would raigne in ſurtie: he became a new man, vſing himſelfe vprightly in the admi|niſtration of iuſtice, & behauing himſelfe ſo wor|thily in all his doings, both towards the Nobles and commons of his realme, that he was both be|loued and dread of all his ſubiects. And ſo conti|nuing the whole terme of his life, finally departed this worlde now after he had raigned this ſecond time the ſpace of tenne yeares, and was buryed at Yorke.

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