5.26. Gorbodug the .18. Ruler.
Gorbodug the .18. Ruler.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 22] GOrbodug the ſonne of Kinimacus begã his raigne ouer the Bri|taynes,Gorbo|dug. in the yeere after the creation of the world 3418. from the buildyng of ye Citie of Rome .202. the Iewes beeing in the 58. of their captiuitie at Babilon. This Gorbo|dug by moſt likelyhoode, to bring hiſtories to accord, ſhould raigne aboute the tearme of .63. yeeres, and then departing thys world, was buried at London, leauing after hym two ſonnes Ferrex and Porrex, or after ſome writers, Ferreus and Porreus.
5.27. Ferrex the .19. Ruler.
Ferrex the .19. Ruler.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 22] FErrexe with Porrex his brother,Ferrex and Porrex. began ioyntly to rule ouer the Britaynes, in the yeere of the World .3476. af|ter ye building of Rome 260. at whiche tyme, the people of Rome forſooke their Citie in theyr Re|bellious mode. Theſe two breethren continu|ed for a time in good friendſhip and amitie, till at length, through couetouſneſſe, and deſire of grea|ter dominion, prouoked by flatterers, they fell at variance and diſcord,Ferrex fledde into Gallia. whereby Ferrex was cõ|ſtreyned to flee into Gallia, and there purchaſed ayde of a great Duke, called Gunhardus or Su|ardus, and ſo returned into Britayne, thynkyng to preuayle and obteine the dominion of ye whole Iland. But his brother Porrex was ready to re|ceyue him with battell after he was landed, in the which battell Ferrex was ſlayne, with the more parte of his people. The Engliſh Chronicle ſay|eth, that Porrex was he that fledde into France, and at his returne, was ſlayne, and that Ferrex ſuruiued. But Geffrey of Monmouth, and Poli|cronicon are of a contrary opinion. Mathewe Weſtmonaſteri writeth, that Porrex deuiſing wayes to kill Ferrex,Ma [...] atchieued his purpoſe and ſlew him. But whether of them ſo euer ſuruiued, the mother of them was ſo highly offended for the deathe of him that was ſlayne, whome ſhee moſt entierly loued, that ſetting aparte al motherly af|fection, ſhe found meanes to enter the chamber of him that ſuruiued, in the night ſeaſon, and as hee ſlept, ſhe with help of hir maidens ſlew him,The [...] killeth [...] and cut him into ſmall peeces, as the writers doe af|firme. Suche was the ende of theſe two brethren after they had raigned by the ſpace of foure or fiue yeeres.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this folowed a troubleous ſeaſon, full of cruell warre, & ſeditious diſcord, whereby in the ende, and for the ſpace of fiftie yeres, the gouerne|mente of the Ilande was deuided betwixt fiue Kings or rulers, till Dunwallon of Cornewall ouercame them all. Thus the line of Brute after the affirmance of moſt writers, tooke an ende: for after the death of the two foreſayde brethren, no rightful inheritor was left aliue to ſucceede them in the Kingdome. The names of theſe fiue Kings are found in certaine olde pedigrees:Robert [...]|corde. and although the ſame be muche corrupted in dyuers copies, yet theſe are the moſt agreeableſt.
- Compare 1587 edition:
- Rudacus King of VVales.
- Clotenus King of Cornewall.
- Pinnor King of Loegria.
- Staterus King of Albania.
- Yewan King of Northumberlande.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But of theſe fiue Kings or Dukes, the Eng|liſh Chronicle alloweth Cloton king of Corne|wale for moſt rightfull heire. There appeareth not any time certayne by report of auncient Au|thors, howe long this variaunce continued a|mongſt the Britaynes:Fab. but as ſome late writers haue geſſed, it ſhould continue for the ſpace of .51. yeeres,Ciuill [...] 51 yeeres. coniecturing ſo much by that which is re|corded in Policron: who ſayth, how it did conti|nue euen till the beginning of the raigne of Mul|mutius Dunwallo, who began to gouerne from the time that Brute firſt entred Britayne, about the ſpace of ſeuen hundred and three yeeres. Heere ye muſt note, yt there is differẽce amõgſt writers about ye ſupputation & accompt of theſe yeeres, in ſomuch yt ſome making their reckoning after cer|tain writers, and finding ye ſame to vary aboue three C. yeeres, are brought into further doubt of the troth of the whole hiſtorie: but where other haue by diligent ſearch tryed out the continuance of euery gouernors raigne, and reduced the ſame to a likelyhoode of ſome conformitie, I haue thought beſt to follow the ſame, leauing the cre|dite EEBO page image 23 thereof with the firſte Authours, as I haue ſayd before.
5.28. Mulmu [...]ius the firſt crowned King of Britayne.
Mulmu [...]ius the firſt crowned King of Britayne.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mul| [...]ucius. [...] M.W. [...]olid. [figure appears here on page 23] TO procede therefore wt the aforeſayde Authors, Mul|mucius Dun|uallo, or as o|ther haue Dũ|uallo Mulmu|cius, the ſonne of Cloten, (as teſtifyeth the Engliſh chronicle, & alſo Geffrey of Mõmouth, gote the vpper hand of ye other Dukes or rulers: And after his fathers deceſſe began his raigne o|uer the whole Monarchie of Britayne in ye yeere of the world .3529. after ye building of Rome .314. and after the deliuerance of the Iſraelites out of captiuitie .97. and about the .26. yere of Darius Artaxecxes Longimanus, the fifth King of the Perſiãs. This Mulmutius Donuallo is named in the Engliſh Chronicle Donebaut, and proo|ued a right worthy Prince. He builded within ye Citie of London then called Troynouant a Tẽ|ple, and named it the Temple of peace: the which (as ſome holde opinion,) I wote not vpon what ground, [...]ab. was ye ſame which now is called Black|wel halle, [...]e [...] more in [...]he deſcriptiõ. where the market for bying and ſelling of clothes is kept.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 M.W. [...]awes made.He alſo made many good lawes, the whyche were long after vſed, called Mulmutius lawes, turned out of the Brittiſh ſpeech into the Latine by Gildas Priſcus, and long time after trãſlated out of Latine into Engliſhe by Alfrede Kyng of England, and mingled in his eſtatutes.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, this Mulmutius gaue priuileges to Temples, to ploughes, to Cities, and to high wayes leading to the ſame, ſo that whoſoeuer fled to them, ſhould be in ſafegard from bodily harme, and from thence he might depart into what coũ|trey he would, without indemnitie of his perſon. Some authors write,Caxton and [...]olicron. that hee began to make the foure great high wayes of Britayne, the whyche were finiſhed by his ſonne Belinus, as after ſhall be declared.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Chronicle of Englãd affirmeth, that this Mulmutius whom ye olde booke nameth Molle, builded ye two townes Malmeſbery,Malmesbery [...]nd the Vi [...]s [...]uilt. & the Vies.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 After he had eſtabliſhed his land, & ſet his Bri|tons in good & conuenient order,The firſt King that was crow| [...]ed with a goldẽ Crowne he ordeyned him by ye aduice of his Lords a Crowne of golde, and cauſed himſelfe with great ſolẽnitie to be Crow|ned, according to the cuſtome of the Pagan laws then in vſe: and bycauſe he was the firſt that bare Crowne heere in Britayne, after the opinion of ſome writers, he is named the firſt King of Bri|tayne, and al the other before rehearſed are named Rulers, Dukes, or Gouernors.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other of his ordinances,Polid. Weightes and meaſures. Theft puni|ſhed. Fab. he appoyn|ted weightes and meaſures, with the which men ſhould buy & ſell. And further he deuiſed ſore and ſtreight orders for the puniſhing of theft. Finally, after he had guided the land by the ſpace of fortie yeeres, he died, and was buried in the foreſayde Temple of peace which he had erected within the citie of Troynouant nowe called London, as be|fore ye haue heard. Appoynting in his life tyme, that his kingdome ſhould be deuided betwixt his two ſonnes, Brennus, & Belinus (as ſome men do coniecture.)