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5.2. Iaphet.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 1] THis Iaphet third ſon of Noe, who is of ſome called Ia|petus, and of o|ther, Atlas M [...]|rus (bycauſe hee departed this life in Man [...]itania) was the firſte as Bodinus affyr|meth by the authoritie and cõſe [...]t of the Hebrue Greke & latin writers) that peopled the coũtreys. of Europe,Iohannes Bo|dinus ad ſac. [...]iſt. cogn. which afterward he deuided among his ſonnes of the which Tubal (as Tarapha af|firmeth) obteined the kingdom of Spain.Franciſcus Tarapha. Gomer had dominion ouer the Italians, and as Berdſus and diuers other authors agree, Samothes was the founder of the kingdom of Celtica, which cõ|teined in it as [...]ale witneſſeth) a great parte of Europe, but ſpecially thoſe coũtreys, which now are knowne by ye names of Galli [...] & Britannia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 2Thus was this Ilande inhabited and people [...] within .200.Britayn inha|bited shortly after the floud. yeres after the floud by the children of Iaphet the ſonne of Noe: and this is not on|ly proued by Annius, writing vpõ Beroſus, but alſo confirmed by Moyſes in the ſcripture, where he writeth, that of the ofſpring of Iaphet, the yles of the Gentils (wherof Britayn is one) were ſor|ted into regions in the tyme of Phaleg, the ſon of Hiber,

Theophilus e|piſcop. Antio|chi. ad Antol. lib. 2.

The vvordes of Theophilus a doctor of the church [...], vvho liued An. Chri|ſti. 160.

who was born at the tyme of the diuiſion of languages. Herevpon Theophilus hath theſe words: Cũ priſcis temporibus pauci foret homines, in Arabia & Chaldaea poſt linguarum diuiſionem aucti & multiplicati paulatim ſunt hinc qui|dam abierunt verſus Orientem, quidam conceſ|ſere ad partes maioris continentis, alij porrò profecti ſunt ad Septentrionem ſedes quaeſituri, nec prius deſierunt terrã vbi occupare, qua etiã Britãno [...] in Arctois climatibus acceſſerĩt. &c. engliſhed thus. VVhen at the firſt there were not many men in Arabia & Chaldea, it came to paſſe, that after the deuiſion of tongs, they began ſomwhat better to increaſe & multiplie, by which occaſion ſome of them went toward the eaſt, & ſome toward the parties of the great mayn land: Diuers went alſo northwards to ſeeke them dwellyng places, ney|ther ſtayed they to repleniſhe the earth as they went, til they came vnto the yles of Britain, lying vnder the north pole. &c. Hitherto Theophilus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things conſidered, Gildas the Briton had great reaſon to think that this countrey had bin inhabited from the beginning: and Polydore Vergil was with no leſſe cõſideration hereby in|forced to cõfeſſe that the Ile of Britayne had re|ceiued inhabitauntes forthwith after the floud.

5.3. Samothes.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gen. 2. De migr. gen. [figure appears here on page 2] SAmothes ye 6. begottẽ ſon of Iaphet called by Moyſes Meſech, by others Dis, receyued for his portion, (according to the reporte of Wolf|gangus Lazius) all the countrey lying betwene the riuer of Rheyn & the Pyrenian mountayns, where hee founded the kingdome of Celtica ouer his people called Celtae. Which name Bale affirmeth to haue bin indif|ferent to the inhabitants both of the countrey of Gallia, Cent. 1. and the Ile of Britain, and that he plan|ted colonies of mẽ broght forth of the eaſt parts) in either of them,Anti. lib. 1. fyrſt in the mayne land, & after in the Iland. He is reported by Beroſus to haue excelled al men of that age in leening and know|ledge:Bale ſcript. Brit. cent. 1. and alſo is thought by Bale to haue im|parted the ſame among his people, namely the vnderſtanding of the ſundry courſes of the ſtar|res,Caeſar cõmen. lib. 8. the order of inferiour things, with many o|ther matters incident to the morall and politike gouernement of mans life: & to haue deliuered the ſame in the Ph [...]nician letters:In qui [...] temp. De [...] Contra [...] pio [...]. out of whiche the Grekes (according to the opinion of Archilochus) deuiſed & deriued the greke charecters, in ſomuche that Xenophon & Ioſephus do conſtantly report (although Diogenes Laertius be againſt it) that both the Grekes and other nations receyued their letters and lerning firſt from theſe countreys. Of this king and his lerning, aroſe a ſect of Phi|loſophers, ſaith Annius, firſt in Britain,li. de [...] ſucceſ [...] & after in Gallia, the whiche of his name were called S [...]|mothes. They, as Ariſtotle & Secion write, were paſſing ſkilful both in the law of god & man: and for that cauſe excedingly giuen to religion, eſpe|cially the inhabitants of this yle of Britain, in ſo much that the whole nation did not only take the name of thẽ, but the yland it ſelfe,Script. [...] cent. 1. De [...] cent. lib. [...] This [...] Sa [...]thea as Bale & doc|tor Cay agree, came to be called Samothea, which was the firſte peculiar name that euer it had, and by the which it was eſpecially known: before the arriuall of Albion.

5.4. Magus.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 2] MAgus ye ſon of Sa|mothes, after ye deth of his father was the ſe|cond king of Celtica, by whõ (as Beroſus wri|teth) there were manye townes builded among the Celtes, Lib. 3. which by the witneſſe of Annius,Anni [...] co [...] [...] per [...] Ge [...]ge. dyd bear the addition of their foũder Magus: of which townes diuers are to be found in Ptolomie: and Antoninus a painful ſurueyor of the world & ſer|cher of cities, maketh mencion of .4. of them here in Britain, Sitomagus, Neomagus, Nioma|gus, and Nouiomagus. Neomagus, ſir Tho|mas Eliot writeth to haue ſtoode where the citie of Cheſter nowe ſtandeth: & Niomagus George Lilly placeth where the towne of Buckinghã is now remaining: beſide this, doth Bale ſo highly comend ye forſaid Magus, for his lerning renou|med ouer al the world, yt he wold haue ye Perſiãs & other nations of the ſouth & weſt partes, to de|riue the name of their diuines called Magi from him. In dede Rauiſius Textor & ſir Iohn Priſe affirme, yt in the days of Plinie, the Britons wer ſo expert in arte Magike, yt they might be thoght to haue firſte deliuered the ſame to the Perſians. What the name of Magus importeth,De diui. i [...] De faſti [...] & of what profeſſion ye Magi were, Tulli declareth at large, and Mantuan in brief, after this maner:

Ille penes Perſas Magus eſt qui ſidera norit,
Qui ſciat herbarum vires cultum deorum,
Perſepolifacit iſta Magos prudentia triplex.
The Perſians terme him Magus, that the courſe of ſtarres doth knowe,
The power of herbes and worſhip due to god that man doth owe.H.i.
By threefolde knowledge, thus the name of Magus then doth growe.

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