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Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...] But when they had once forſakẽ the ordinan|ces appointed them by God, and betaken them to new ways inuented of themſelues, ſuch looſeneſſe of lyfe enſued euerywhere, as brought vpon them the great deluge & vniuerſall floud, in the whiche periſhed as well the inhabitants of theſe quarters as the reſidus of the race of mankinde generally diſperſed in euery other part of the whole world, [...]uing only Noe & his familie, who by the pro|uidence and pleaſure of almightie God, was pre|ſerued from the rage of thoſe waters, to reconti|nue and repaire the newe generation of manne vpon the earth.

5.1. Noe.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 1] After the floud (as Annius of Viter|bo recordeth) & reaſon alſo enforceth,In commen [...]. ſuper. 4. lib. Beroſ. de an|tiquit. li. 2. Noe was the only Monark of al the world, and as the ſame Annius ga|thereth by the accounte of Moyſes in the .100,Annius vt ſupra. yeare after the [...]oud Noe deuided the earth among his three ſen [...]e aſſigning to the poſſeſſi|on of his eldeſt ſonne, all that portion of la [...]de, which [...]owe is knowne by the name of ASIA, and to his ſecond ſonne Ch [...], he appointed all that part of the world which now is called Af|frica. Vnto his thirde ſonne I [...]phet, was allotted all. [...]ur [...]pa, with all the Ale [...] thereto belongyng, wherin among other was conteined this our Ile of Britayn, with the other yles therto belonging.

5.2. Iaphet.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 1] THis Iaphet third ſon of Noe, who is of ſome called Ia|petus, and of o|ther, Atlas M [...]|rus (bycauſe hee departed this life in Man [...]itania) was the firſte as Bodinus affyr|meth by the authoritie and cõſe [...]t of the Hebrue Greke & latin writers) that peopled the coũtreys. of Europe,Iohannes Bo|dinus ad ſac. [...]iſt. cogn. which afterward he deuided among his ſonnes of the which Tubal (as Tarapha af|firmeth) obteined the kingdom of Spain.Franciſcus Tarapha. Gomer had dominion ouer the Italians, and as Berdſus and diuers other authors agree, Samothes was the founder of the kingdom of Celtica, which cõ|teined in it as [...]ale witneſſeth) a great parte of Europe, but ſpecially thoſe coũtreys, which now are knowne by ye names of Galli [...] & Britannia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 2Thus was this Ilande inhabited and people [...] within .200.Britayn inha|bited shortly after the floud. yeres after the floud by the children of Iaphet the ſonne of Noe: and this is not on|ly proued by Annius, writing vpõ Beroſus, but alſo confirmed by Moyſes in the ſcripture, where he writeth, that of the ofſpring of Iaphet, the yles of the Gentils (wherof Britayn is one) were ſor|ted into regions in the tyme of Phaleg, the ſon of Hiber,

Theophilus e|piſcop. Antio|chi. ad Antol. lib. 2.

The vvordes of Theophilus a doctor of the church [...], vvho liued An. Chri|ſti. 160.

who was born at the tyme of the diuiſion of languages. Herevpon Theophilus hath theſe words: Cũ priſcis temporibus pauci foret homines, in Arabia & Chaldaea poſt linguarum diuiſionem aucti & multiplicati paulatim ſunt hinc qui|dam abierunt verſus Orientem, quidam conceſ|ſere ad partes maioris continentis, alij porrò profecti ſunt ad Septentrionem ſedes quaeſituri, nec prius deſierunt terrã vbi occupare, qua etiã Britãno [...] in Arctois climatibus acceſſerĩt. &c. engliſhed thus. VVhen at the firſt there were not many men in Arabia & Chaldea, it came to paſſe, that after the deuiſion of tongs, they began ſomwhat better to increaſe & multiplie, by which occaſion ſome of them went toward the eaſt, & ſome toward the parties of the great mayn land: Diuers went alſo northwards to ſeeke them dwellyng places, ney|ther ſtayed they to repleniſhe the earth as they went, til they came vnto the yles of Britain, lying vnder the north pole. &c. Hitherto Theophilus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe things conſidered, Gildas the Briton had great reaſon to think that this countrey had bin inhabited from the beginning: and Polydore Vergil was with no leſſe cõſideration hereby in|forced to cõfeſſe that the Ile of Britayne had re|ceiued inhabitauntes forthwith after the floud.

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