Cicero, De divinationeBook I c. 41 The geography of Strabo Book IV, c. 4.4 Pliny, Natural History Book XVI, c. 95 In referring to the Druids, Diogenes Laertius cites Sotion of Alexandria and the pseudonymous De magia of Aristotle, T.D. Kendrick, The Druids: a study in Keltic prehistory (1927), 74-5 (Greek texts quoted p. 212). Julius Caesar, De bello Gallico Book VI, cc.13-14, 16 Pomponius Mela, De chorographia Book III c.2, refers to the Gauls as superstitious and given to human sacrifices, but says nothing of the Druids. Valerius Maximus, Dictorum et factorum memorabilium (Venice, 1552), Book II cc. 10-11 refers to the beliefs and practices of the Gauls, but does not mention the Druids.