The Alfredian Boethius Project

Anglo-Saxon adaptations of the De Consolatione Philosophiae

Second Annual Symposium

English Faculty, Oxford University, 27 July 2004

Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae : the metres

The second of the annual symposia was held in Oxford on 27 July and focused on the metres of Boethius's De Consolatione Philsophiae.


The following papers were given:

Dan Donoghue, Harvard University: 'The enlightened innocence of Franciscus Junius encounters The Meters of Boethius'

Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, University of Notre Dame: 'Ventriloquizing the King'

Emily Thornbury, Churchill College, Cambridge University: 'Hearing the metrical archaisms in Alfred's Meters'

Mark Griffith, New College and Faculty of English, Oxford University: 'Verses quite like "cwen to gebeddan" in The Metres of Boethius'

Joe Wittig, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: 'What early glosses on 3 m ix suggest about the "Remigian Commentary" on Consolatio Philosophiae'



Kevin Kiernan, University of Kentucky: 'The Electronic Boethius Project'

Rohini Jayatilaka, Oxford University: 'Latin Commentaries on Boethius's De Consolatio Philosophiae: problems of transcribing and collating'

Paolo Vaciago, Università degli Studi Roma Tre: 'Latin Commentaries on Boethius's De Consolatio Philosophiae: the manuscripts of the "St Gall" tradition'

Susan Irvine, University College London: 'Editing the Cotton text'

Mark Griffith, Oxford University: 'Editing the metres'

Malcolm Godden, Oxford University: 'Editing the Bodley text; Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, lat. 3363; and the influence of Latin commentary on the Old English Boethius'

Aaron Kleist, Biola University, California: 'The use of Boethius in Anglo-Saxon England by Alfred, Aelfric and Lantfred'


The programme concluded with a general discussion.


Other participants were:

Nicole Discenza, University of South Florida
Alexandra Domingue, Leeds University
Pierre-Eric Monnin, University of Bern, Switzerland
Adrian Papahagi, Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)
Malcolm Parkes, Oxford University
Marina Passalacqua, Università degli Studi Roma Uno


Page created 30 July 2004