1587 >
Volume 6 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill
this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his
better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more
commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke
for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia,
Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they
were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they
were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens
of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse,
Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law,
Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires
excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their
vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious
offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of
their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting,
coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers,
rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c:
of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer
you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to
Snippet: 23 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1535) Appendix A.22 Y.
- YArd. ¶Sée Mesure. Yeoman of the gard his shift to saue himselfe
from hang|ing, 844. One hanged, 812, b 10. Two hanged for robbing,
953, a 60, b 10. Their in|stitution or first bringing in, 763, b 50.
Defend the prea|cher at Pauls crosse, 1089, b 30, 1090, a 20
- Yeare of Iubile, 788, a 60. Of woonders, 1588: note 1356, b 60.
More talked of than fea|red, 1357, a 10, 20
- Yorke besieged by duke William 7, a 60. Burned by the Nor|mans and
whie, 6, b 60, 7, a 10 The shire subdued to Lewis the French kings
son, 193, a 10. The people in a perplex|itie by the means of two
ad|uerse parties, 6, b 60. The ca|stell, 6, a 40
- Yorke place in [...]coffed to Henrie the eight, 923, a 10
- Yorkeshire. ¶Sée Commotion.
- Ypres William warlike, 43, b 30 52, a 10. A Fleming, earle of Kent,
54, a 30. Departeth the realme, 65, b 20
- Ypresse besieged, 443, b 20. The siege broken vp, 444, a 10