1587 >
Volume 6 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill
this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his
better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more
commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke
for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia,
Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they
were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they
were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens
of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse,
Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law,
Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires
excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their
vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious
offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of
their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting,
coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers,
rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c:
of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer
you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to
Snippet: 15 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1515) Appendix A.14 O.
- OBedience and what rigo|rous means duke Willi|am vsed to reduce the
Eng|lish therunto, 5, b 10, &c. 6, a 40 Of erle Richard to his
father Henrie the second, 109, a 60. Of the church of Scotland to the
church of England, 97, b 10
- Occasion taken to inuade Eng|land: note, 19, b 10 Taken of an
inuasion, 212, b 40, 50
- Odo bishop of Baieux, gouer|nor of England in duke Wil|liams
absence, 5, a 10 In armes against the earle of Cambridge, 11, a 50.
Conspi|reth against his nephue Wil|liam Rufus, 17, a 20. Erle of Kent,
13, a 60.18, a 60. In arms against king Williams freends in Kent, 17,
a 30. Is sent into Northumberland to reuenge Walk [...]ers death, 12, b 20. Glad to submit himselfe for lacke of
vittels, 18, a 10 Lost his liuings in England and returneth into
Norman|die, 18, a 10
- Offendors couer their faults with contrarie causes, 1358, b
- Offense. ¶Sée Punishment.
- Officer of the maior of London chosen shiriffe and lord maior, 764,
b 60. ¶Sée Purueior, Sargent.
- Officers called to accounts, and of their [...]raudulent dealing, 149, a 10. Go beyond their commission: note,
139, a 60 Of king Iohn oppresse the people, 183, b 50. About Hen|rie
the seuenth abuse the com|mon people extremelie, 792, b 10. The cause
of manie mens vndooing and other trouble, 794, b 10. Changed throghout
the realme, 645, b 60. Chosen by sound aduise, 543, b 40. Of the king
of Spaine full of ty|rannicall lordlinesse & villa|nie, 1335,
a 50. New made, 509 b 40. Called to accounts, and restitution made out
of hand with interest, 215, a 30. In displeasure with king Henrie for
their deceit, 216, b 40. Cal|led to accounts how they had spent the
kings treasure, 218, b 50. Punished for negligent looking to
prisoners, 228, b 30 Appointed in an vprore, 273, a 30. Displaced and
others pla|ced, 466, b 40, 60. Committed to the Tower, and new made in
place of old discharged: note, 360, b 40, 50, 60. Complained of to
king Ed|ward the third and punished, 369, b 10. ¶Sée Excheker and
- Offices set to sale for monie, 142, b 40. Clamed at the coro|nation
of Henrie the fourth, 510. a 20
- Oldcastell knight accused of heresie, scapeeth out of the Tower,
544, a 20, 50. Shif|teth from place to place, he is laid in wait for
to be taken, 560, a 60. Taken and woun|ded, executed, 561, b 20,
- Oneile the great of Ireland made knight, 808, a 50
- Opportunitie taken by the Welshmen to inuade Eng|land, 21, b 10.
Not to be neg|lected, 694, a 30. ¶ Sée Occa|sion.
- Oppression punished: note, 256, b 20. Of the poore communal|tie
whereto it grew. ¶ Sée Cursses, Empson, Extortion Officers.
- Orange prince commeth into England, 1126, b 20. Taketh order for
the interteinment of the duke of Alanson, 1330.
- Oration of the earle Bald|wine to king Stephans ar|mie, 52, b 50.
Of the French king to a great assemblie he sitting in his roialties.
904, b 40, &c. Of the duke of Yorke made vnto the lords of
parle|ment, 655, b 20. Of prince Edward to the French king taken
prisoner, 390, a 30. Of the archbishop of Canturbu|rie after the
deposing of Ri|chard the second, 506 a 10,, &c Of the bishop
of Elie lord chancellor to the lords of the parlement house: note,
459, b 40. Of earle Marshall of Penbroke in the assemblie of peeres,
197, a 40. Of queene Eli [...]abeth which she made to the parlement house: note, 1396, a 50,
&c. Of the deputie of the states of the low coun|tries vnto
quéene Elisabeth: note, 1411, a 60, b 10, &c: 1412, a 10,
&c. In Latine and En|glish of a Dutch minister to quéene
Elisabeth being in Norwich, 1293, a 40, b 50. Of quéene Elisabeth to
the vni|uersitie in Latine, 1206, b 60, 1207, a 10, &c. Of
quéene E|lisabeth by waie of answer in the parlement house touching a
motion of marriage, 1181, [...] 40, &c. Of Henrie the fift to the king of France, 576,
a 10. Of the duke of Buckingham to the maior of London, al|dermen, and
commoners in the Guildhall, 728, a 60, b 10, &c. Of Henrie the
seuenth to his armie, 757, a 60. Of king Edward the fourth li|eng on
his dethbed: note, 713, a 50, &c. 708, b 50. Of a French
herald to Edward the fourth vttered with boldnesse of face and
libertie of toong, 695, b 40 Of the French king to an English herald,
giuing him defiance, 695, b 60, 696, a 10. &c. Of Faber
summarilie set downe, 894, b 50. Of Emp|son to find fauor, 803, b 60.
Of Henrie the eight in the parle|ment house, 971, a 20, &c. Of
the French king before an honorable assemblie, and fa|uoring of
displeasure, 902, b 60. Of sir Thomas Moore in the parlement house,
910, b 10, &c. Of two heralds to the emperor Charles, 899, a
50. Of sir Thomas Moore in the parlement, 876, a 50, 60. Of Tunstall
made to the parle|ment, 876, a 20. Of the arch|bishop of Canturburie
in the parlement summarilie touch|ed, 812, a 60. Of Perkin War|becke
the counterfet vnto the king of Scots, 780, a 50. Of cardinall Poole
in the parle|ment house 1122, a 60, b 10, &c. Of quéene Marie
in Guild|hall to the Londoners, 1096, a 60, 1097, As touching the
restitution of abbeie lands, 1127, b 10, &c. Of archbishop
Hubert of Canturburie vnto the lords at the crowning of king Iohn,
158, b 60, 159, a 10 Of the bishop of Durham to his souldiors, 49, a
60. Of the earle of Chester to the earle of Glocester. 52, a 10. In
Latine & English of Stephan Lim|bert schoolemaiste r in
Nor|wich to quéene Elisabeth at hir being there, 1294, b 40,
&c. 1295, a 10, &c. The same high|lie commended by the
quéene, 1296, a 20
- Orator proud & presumptuous, 567, a 40
- Order of the round table, the feast kept, 280, b 60. Of the ga [...]ter founded: note, and the cause thereof, 366, a 50,
- Ordinances. ¶ Sée Clergie Ex officio.
- Orkenie. ¶ Sée Englishmen.
- Orleance besieged, a bulworke there taken, 599, a 20, 40, The siege
broken vp, 601, a 50
- Osborne with a nauie out of [page 1516] Denmarke arriueth in
Eng|land, and whie, 6, b 50. He is proffered great kindnesse of duke
William to depart out of the north countries, 7, b 40, 50
- Osmond bishop of Salisburie, made the seruice after Salis|burie
vse, 15, b 50
- Osneie abbeie when founded: note, 1080, b 20
- Ossestrie town in Wales burnt thrise in thrée yers, 1210, a
- Osulfe strangelie slaine by a théefe, 13, a 30
- Oth for the confirmation of peace betwéen the two kings of England
& France doone by proxe: note, 675, a 10, &c. b 10. Of
obseruing the leage interchangablie made and ta|ken of Henrie the
eight and the emperor Charles, 873, b 50. Most wicked and disloi|all
of noblemen against their king, 674, b 60. Falsified by the lord
Granuill, 586, a 10 Of fealtie to prince Edward, 226, a 10. Not to
infringe the statutes of Oxford, 261, a 50 Corporall receiued vpon the
holie mysteries and swoord of Thomas Becket, 303, b 40, Of fidelitie
to Edward the third taken of the Flemings, 357, a 40. Concerning the
peace betwéene the king of England and France, solem|lie taken in
parlement of the states: note 395, b 10. So|lemn of the second K of
Eng|land to sée peace peformed, 394, b 40. Of the nobles to be true to
prince Richard after his fathers decease, 411, a 30 Of rebels
ministred vnto all passengers, 430, a 50. Of the commons of
Hertfordshire to Richard the second, 438, a 30 Of the gentlemen of
North|folke forced by the rebels, 435 a 30. Of the duke of Lanca|ster
& Hereford combattant touching the iustnesse of his quarrell,
495, a 10. Taken of the two kings of England & France for the
assurance of both their faithfull meanings 486, b 40. Of Richard the
se|cond to performe the noble|mens orders, 465, a 40. Of the lords
banded against the king, 459, a 50. Receiued of L [...]ol [...]e prince of Wales to Edward the first: note, 279, a 10. Of
Edward the first in his anger to one of his no|bles: note, 302, b 10.
Of the French king to aid the sonne against the father, 87, b 10.
Forced vpon the lord maior of London, 338, b 10. Of Ed|ward the second
at his coro|nation, which hée said hée would not vnswear, 326, b 50
Nothing regarded of Ed|ward the second: 321, b 30. Exacted of Henrie
the third by his nobles, 258, b 20. Of Henrie the third at a
parle|ment with an imprecation: note, 248, a 60. Of Thomas Becket
whereof he repenteth him: note, 70, b 10. Of the earle of Flanders
91, a 10. Of a cardinall not to preiudice the realme, 239, b 60. Giuen
to the earle of Glocester by Henrie the third on his death bed, 276, a
40. Of the maior, aldermen, and communaltie of London sworne vnto
Hen|rie the third, 264, a 20, &c. Nothing regarded of the
French king, 205, b 10. Of Lewes vrged vpon him by Henrie the third,
205, a 60. Of the traitor Parrie in a trea|sonable action, 1386 b 40.
In|terchangeable of the duke of Alanson and the people, 1342, a 50, 60
b 10. Of the duke of Alanson read openlie to the people, 1337, a 10.
Of K. Ri|chard the first at his coronati|on, 118, a 60. Receiued of
the earle of Warwike and other officers at Newhauen, 1196, a 30. Taken
of the bishops & barons for their loialtie, 1, b 20. Of duke
William at his coronation, 1, b 30. Of duke William solemnlie taken
and cruellie broken, 10, a 20. Of William Rufus by saint Lukes face,
27, a 60. Of the thrée estates of France, 578, a 30. Of the duke of
Bur|goigne with others to Hen|rie the fift, 572, b 40, &c.
573, a 20. It and submission of the duke of Yorke to Henrie the sixt,
639, b 60. Of the duke of Northfolke kept with the losse of his life,
759, b 10. Cor|porall of the earle of Rich|mond to marie Edward the
fourths daughter, 745, b 20 Of the French king at an interuiew, 699, b
60. Taken of the nobilitie in Henrie the firsts time for their
fealtie, 38, a 60. Taken of the lords tou|ching the succession of the
crowne, 43, a 10 Of Lewes the sonne of the French king when hée
laboured to get the crowne of England, 191, b 60 Of pope Innocent vsed
vpon a complaint, 187, b 10. Of al|legiance to be true to K. Iohn
against all other persons, 184 b 10. Of diuerse erls and ba|rons of
France to K. Iohn to assist him, 160, b 30. Of K. Iohn when his nobles
were vp in armes against him, 185, a 40, 50. Of the earle of Poic|tou
Richard the first his ne|phue, 150, a 40. Of aliegiance receiued of
the people to Ri|chard the first in his absence, 137, b 40. Of
allegiance to K. Richard the first at a coun|cell, 120, b 20. Of
Lodoners to be true to king Richard the first and his heires, 131, b
30 Of the king of Cipres to Ri|chard the first, and broken: note, 128,
a 10. Of king Ri|chard the first, the king of France and their barons,
125 a 40. Of iustices of itinerants 98, a 10. Taken about a place of
méeting, 113, a 20. A dis|pensation for the same, 66, a 60. Of
purgation taken so|lemnelie: note, 83, b 30. Ouer all the realme to
obserue the kings peace, 148, a 20. Of fe|altie, Saluo semper
ordine suo 85, a 60. Of allegiance newlie taken, 173, a 50.
Taken and broken for preferment: note, 43, a 10. Touching an act of
e|stablishing the crown taken of euerie person of lawfull age, 937, a
60, b 10. It & the sacra|ment taken but not ment to be
obserued, 680, a 60. Cru|ellie made and cruellie kept: note, 723, a
10. Of allegiance broken and notablie punished by God: note, 659, b
60. Ad|ded to a promise and the same performed, 14, b 30. Taken to be
true to the king and his heires, 14, a 60. Of a noble man by his
honor: note, 1214, b 30. Upon the euangelist to stand to the iudgement
of ho|lie church, 201, b 30. For re|stitution of heritages, rights,
liberties, &c. 201, b 40. Infor|ced, absolued, 313, b 60.
Made, broken, and punished, 418, b 50. With protestation in a case of
innocencie: note, 458, a 10 Of allegiance confirmed by writing, 496, b
- Oths that the dukes of Bra|bant were accustomed to take 1336, a 10.
Corporall recei|ued for performance of agrée|ments, 30. a 20 Of
obedience willinglie taken to K. Iohn, 157, b 30. Outragious order
& discipline for them, 111, b 30 ¶Sée Periurie, Promise, and
- Otho the emperor commeth o|uer into England, 170, b 60 ¶ Sée Odo.
- Otuell an earls sonne, tutor to K. Henrie the first children 20, a
- Ouse riuer: ¶Sée Trent.
- Owen Glendouer: ¶ Sée Glendouer.
- Owen prince of Wales slaine, 39 b 10
- Owles deuoure mice: note a woonder, 1315, a 60, b 10
- Oxford forsaken of the scho|lers 173, b 30. Uerie forward in
preferring quéene Maries religion, 1102, b 10. Quéene Elizabeths
progresse thither, 1209, a 60, b 10. The strange sicknesse there at
the assise, whereof iudges died, &c. 1270, a 40, b 10. Their
maner of in|terteining Albertus de La|sed, 1355, all. The maisters of
the vniuersitie summoned to the parlement about the con|clusion of a
peace, &c. 255, a 60 The scholers thereof fight against Henrie
the third, 267, a 10 ¶Sée Debate, Fraie, Statutes, Treason, &