1587 >
Volume 6 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill
this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his
better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more
commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke
for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia,
Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they
were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they
were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens
of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse,
Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law,
Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires
excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their
vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious
offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of
their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting,
coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers,
rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c:
of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer
you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to
Snippet: 11 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1507) Appendix A.10 K.
- KAlendar. ¶Sée pope Gre|gorie.
- Katharine daughter to the earle of Huntleie maried to Per|kin the
rebell, 780, a 40. Pre|sented to Henrie the seuenth, 784, b. 10
- Katharine the daughter of Fer|dinando sent ouer into Eng|land out
of Spaine, 788, b 40, &c. Married to king Henrie the eight,
801, a 10. ¶Sée quéene Katharine & Henrie the eight.
- Kelwaie Thomas. ¶Sée Iusts triumphant.
- Kendall wasted, 91, b 10
- Kentishmen doo lie in wait in woods for the comming of duke
William, 2, a 10, Cannot awaie with bondage, and determine to fight
with duke William for their lawes and liberties, 2, a 10. The keie of
England, 2, b 10. Send a message to duke William, 2, b 10. Had duke
William at aduantage, 2, a 20, b 10, &c. Make an hurlie burlie
and commit much mischéefe, 677, b 10. Executed for rebel|lion, 693, a
60. Haue thanks of Henrie the seuenth for their good seruice, 780, a
10 Rebel|lion vnder Iohn Tiler. ¶Sée Tiler.
- Ket, his rebellion, a capteine there, 1028, b 50, 60, to 1042,
&c. He meant to haue talked with the earle of Warwike, 1037, a
60. Power increaseth 1032, b 60. Apprehended, exa|mined, 1039, 50,
60. Both bro|thers executed, 1240, a 50, 60.
- Killingworth castell beséeged, deliuered to Henrie the third, 272,
b 10. Fortified against Henrie the third, 272, a 30. Holden against
Edward the second, 329, b 10
- King of Armenia. ¶Sée Arme|nia. Of Cipriots. ¶Sée Ci|priots. Of
France. ¶ Sée French king. Of Ireland. ¶Sée Ireland. Of Portin|gall.
¶Sée Portingall. Of Spaine. ¶Sée Spaine, &c.
- King can abide no péere in his owne realme: note, 25, a 50. In name
but not in fame: note, 465, a 40. What kind of person he is or should
be, 910, b 40. Office hard to discharge 740, a 40. Best kind of
go|uernment, 1052, b 30. Iuris|diction absolute in their owne realmes,
& that the pope hath nothing there to doo, 24, b 20,
&c. Election & aduancement referred to the people, 1,
a 40. Oth at his coronation, 1, b 30.
- Kings college in Cambridge founded: note, 691, b 40,
- Kingdome to obteine what pro|mises are made, but not kept. ¶Sée
Promises & People.
- Kingston knight is sent to fetch vp Woolseie arested of treason to
Henrie the eight, talke be|twixt the said sir William and him, 916, b
30, 50. Prouost marshall, execution of mar|shall law: note, 1006, b
60, his ill iustice, 1007, a 10. Ac|cused of treason, his decease,
1132, a 40.
- Kiriell sir Thomas, a valiant capteine, 630, a 20.
- Kisse the pax would not the K. with Becket, 78, a 10. ¶Sée
- Kn [...]uet surueior depriued of his office: note, 856, a 10. An
in|strument to bring the duke of Buckingham to destruction, 862, b
- Kneuet knight arreigned for striking in the court, iudged to loose
his hand, he is pardo|ned, 953, b 10, &c.
- Kneuet sir Henrie knight dece|seth, 974, b 60.
- Kneuet Edmund knight, his seruice in Norffolke rebellion 1031, b
- Knewstub. ¶ Sée Sermon.
- Knights of the Bath, 511, a 10.733, a 20.931, a 50.
- Knights order of the Rhodes dissolued, 951, a 40.
[page 1508] Knights of the round table first founded. ¶Sée Order of
the garter.
- Knights templers apprehended, and what laid to their charge 319, a
10, &c
- Knights thrée hundred of men of armes to be found, 153, a 10 Two
hundred fiftie and two besides demilances taken prisoners by king
Iohn, 165, a 20. Made by Henrie the third, 240, a 60. According to the
value of their lands, 248, a 10. To be made according to their
reuenues, 254, a 30. Fées, how manie in Eng|land in king Henrie the
third his time, 262, a 20. Foure score made at once, 263, a 20. Made
by the duke of Buc|kingham at his entrie into France, 426, a 30, 40, b
30 Made of capteins for good seruice in warre, 551, a 40
- Knighthood, 595, b 50. To va|lorous gentlemen in seruice of warres,
814, b 20. For good militarie seruice, 824, b 50, 874, a 50, 880, b
40. Urged, or else to make fine, 929, b 40. For seruice doone against
the enimie, 962, b 40, &c. 991, b 40 992, a 20, 1216, b 40,
1222, a 60
- Knolles knight sent with an armie into France, 405, a 20. Borne in
Cheshire, his coun|sell not followed, 405, b 60. The feare that the
enimies had of him, 406, b 50. His seueritie, 445, b 10. Decea|seth,
remembrances of him, 533, b 40
- Knolles Francis knight sent o|uer to view the state of New|hauen,
1202, b 30. His foure sonnes in a triumphant shew, 1319, b 60. ¶ Sée
Auxerre, and Iusts triumphant.