1587 >
Volume 6 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill
this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his
better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more
commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke
for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia,
Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they
were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they
were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens
of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse,
Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law,
Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires
excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their
vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious
offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of
their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting,
coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers,
rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c:
of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer
you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to
Snippet: 10 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1506) Appendix A.9 I.
- IAcke Cads rebellion in Kent, 632, a 60. Is at his wits end,
disguiseth himselfe, is forsaken of his adherents, proclamation out to
take him he is apprehended and execu|ted, 635. Slaieth the
Staf|fords, 634, a 60
- Iacke Straw & his adherents executed, 436, a 50. His
con|fession at the time of his deth, 438, b 10
- Iane the daughter of K. Iohn married to the erle of March, 182, b
- Iane de Ualois sister to the French K. treateth for peace, 360, a
- Iane ladie Gilford proclamed quéene, 1084, b 10. Hath the kéeping
of the keies of the Towre, 1087, a 40. Cõmitted to the Towre with hir
hus|band the lord Gilford, 1088, b 50. Hir behauior at hir execu|tion,
the words which she spake on the scaffold, 1099 b, 40, 50, 60, 1100, a
10, &c.
- Iaques Arkeneld purposeth the destruction of Gerard Deruse, his
house bé [...] set, & he slaine, 368, a 30, &c.
- Idlenesse & meat of other mens charge what they doo, 1049,
b 20
- Iennie a notorius knowne trai|tor & conferrer with Fran|cis
Throckmorton, 1371, b 10
- Ierdseie. ¶Sée French king.
- Ierusalem taken by Saladine prince of the Saracens, 110, b 50. With
more part of all o|ther townes taken from the christians, 111, a 60.
The king thereof dooth fealtie to Richard the first, 127, b 60. The
king thereof commeth to England, 205, a 50. ¶Sée Holiela [...]d.
- Iest of Philip the French king at duke William lieng sicke: note,
14, b 20. Of Richard the first at the castell of Chateau Galliard
builded, 155, b 10. Of king Iohn concerning the masse, 196, b 20. Of
Edward the fourth and a widow that gaue him monie, 694, a 60. Plesant
concerning the strict kéeping of ladie Elisabeth, 1156, b 40. Merie at
the rood of Paules, 1121, a 60. Of a cat hanged in Cheape, and of a
dog clothed in a rochet cal|led by the name of Gardener, 1143, a 20.
Against scripture, iustlie rewarded, 1223, a 50. ¶ Sée Derision and
- Iesuits & massing préests pro|clamed against, 1315, a 40,
Sent ouer seas and banished the realme: note well, 1379, a 30,
&c: 1380. ¶ Sée Priests seminarie.
- Iew, and of a good Iewes an|swer to William Rufus, 27, a 60, b 10.
Striken by a chri|stian, 118, b 50. Hath his téeth drawne out, 174, a
40. At Teukesburie falleth into a iakes: note, 262, b 60
- Iewes and christians dispute, 27, b 20. Burnt to death, 119, a 10.
Sute to William Ru|fus against Iewes become christians: note 27, a
40. Brought into this land by duke William, 15, a 10. At Lincolne
slaine and spoiled, 272, a 20. Inhabiting Lon|don slaine for treson,
267, a 60. Slaine at London, & whie, 263, b 40. Accused
& executed for crucifieng of a child, 253, a 50. Charged on
paine of han|ging to paie Henrie the third 8000 marks, 252, a 10.
Rob|bed in Oxford, 238, b 10. Cõ|streined to helpe Henrie the third
with monie, 242, b 30. Released out of prison, 254, a 20. Punished by
the purse for a murther committed, 224, a 30. Meant to crucifie a
child in spite of Christ, 219, a 30. Generallie imprisoned tho|rough
out all England, ha|ted: note, 283, b 20. Banished out of England, and
whie, 285, a 50. Drowned, b 10. Giue Henrie third, the third part of
all their moueables, 211, b 60. Indicted and puni|shed for abusing the
kings coi [...]e, 279, b 30. Crucifie a child, 56, b 20. Grieuouslie taxed,
tormented, and impri|soned, 174, a 30. And where they buried their
d [...]ad, 101, b 20. Appointed to inroll all their debts, pledges,
&c: 145, b 20. Excéedinglie hated and murthered: note, 121, b
50, 122, all. Houses set on fier at London, 118, b 60. Beaten
& abused by the people, 118, b 60. Meant to present king
Richard with a rich gift, 118, b 40
- Iewell Iohn. ¶Sée Bishop.
- Iland discouered. ¶ Sée Se|bastian.
- Images taken awaie & remo|ued from their places: note, 945,
b 10, &c. Remoued out of churches, 979, b 50. Through out the
realme pulled downe and defaced, 992, b 20. Taken downe &
burned in the stréets 1184, b 60, 1185, a 10
- Impost. ¶ Sée Custome and Subsidie.
- Imprecation: note, 248, a 60
- Incest of king Iohn, 184, b 20
- Inclosures of the fields about London cast downe and o|uerthrowne
by archers of London, 830, a 10. A procla|mation for the laieng of
them open, 1002, a 10
- Incontinenci [...] of Henrie the se|cond, 115, b 30
- Indenture sextipartite of con|spired noble men: note, 514, b 60,
515, a 20. Tripartite tou|ing conspiracie, 521, b 60
- Indulgences biennals & trien|nals liberallie granted, 428,
b 60
- Infection. ¶Sée Murren.
- Infidelitie suspected in William Rufus, 27, b 20
- Ingratitude: note, 862, b 60. Shrewdlie practised and se|uerelie
punished, 743, b 50. 744, a 50. A notable example thereof, 605, b 40.
Of Fitzos|bert vnnaturall, 149, a 50. Striketh dead, 50, b 30. In all
estates towards Richard the second, 508, a 50, 60. For good seruice
vnrewarded, and what followed, 21, b 30. Of Odo for his restitution:
note, 17, a 20. Of cardinall Poole to Henrie the right that brought
him vp, 1165, a 10
- Iniurie doone and no reu [...]nge sought: note, 1117, b 40. ¶Sée reuenge.
- Iniustice, 173, b 30
- Innocencie no barre against execution, 1066, a 10
- Innocent hanged for the no|cent 173, a 30
- Inquisitions taken of diuerse matters: note, 153, b 30. Ta|ken by a
iurie of sundrie mat|ters, 145, a 60. Of the losses euerie bishop had
and sustei|ned, &c: 180, b 60. Calld Traile baston, 312, b 60.
Taken of the misdemeanors of iustices, 312, b 40. For abusors of the
kings coine, 279, b 30. For the separating of forrests, 207 a 50. What
were the liberties in times past of K Henrie the thirds grandfather:
note, 205, a 10. For washers & clippers of monie, 241, a 10.
For the va|luation of benefices pertein|ing to strangers, 236, b 40.
For offendors abusing cler|gie men strangers, 214, b 40
- Insurrection about the taking vp of cor [...], 944, a 60. O [...]
[...] at 1093, b 10. wherein note what mischefous hurlibu [...]| [...]es do chance in a comm [...]t [...]| [...] or rebellion, 1094. ¶ Sée Rebellion.
- Interdiction, 175, a 10. Threat|ned by the pope against the king
& his clergie, 171, a 10. Of the land solemnlie rel [...]s [...]d 183, a 20, 360, a [...]0
- Interteinment vnfit breedet [...] malcontentment, 20, b 60. Of the emperor Sigismund strange:
note, 556, b 40, 50. ¶See Fréendship and Hosp [...]|talitie.
- Interuiew. ¶Sée Edward the fourth & other kings of
Eng|land, as French king, &c.
- Inuasions punished and other offenses against the kings peace, 312,
b 60. ¶ Sée Eng|land and Scots.
- Inuestitutes of churches thrée daies togither argued vpon, 34, a
30. Of prelats. ¶ See Bishops and Consecration
Iohannes Cremensis alecherous legat: note, 42, b 40
- Iohn of Gaunt borne, 357, a 60 Meried, 392, a 20. Duke of
Lancaster, 395, b 30 Buried, and his daughter Blanch 405, a 1 [...]
- Iohn the king proclamed king of England, 157, a 20, b 40, 158 a 10.
Made king of Ireland, 109, a 20, 101, a 30. Married 117, a 30. His
impatiencie to sée himselfe brideled by his subiects, 186, b 20.
Taketh di|uerse castels, 189 all. Aided by forren souldiors against
his barons, 187, b 60. Disquieted, departeth into the Ile of Wight,
186, b 50. Crowned K. of England the second time, 165, a 60. From
whome the Poictouins reuolt, 164, b 10. Commeth vpon his enimies
vnloked for, 164, b 40. Diuers waies molesteth the whit [...] moonks, 163, a 10. Diuorsed from his wife Isabell the daughter
of earle Robert of Glocester, 161, b 60. He & the French king
come to a parlée 160, b 10. Passeth ouer into Normandie, 160, a 40.
Retur|neth out of Normandie, 161, a 40. Inuested duke of Nor|mandie,
158, b 20. Commeth out of Normandie into Eng|land, 158, b 50. Wanting
a [...]d a|gainst the French K. com|me [...]h backe to England, 16 [...] b 60. Prepareth an armie to go into France, 168, b 40. Go|eth
to the sea, returneth, char|geth certeine of his nobles with treason,
169, a 10, 20, 30. Taketh the sea, maketh was against the French king,
170, a 10, 20. Repareth Angiers, 170, b 30. Writeth to the pope
touching the archbishop of Canturburies election, 171, a 40. Threatned
with interdic|tion, he & his realme put vn|der the popes
cursse, 171, a 10. Passeth into Ireland, 174, a 50. Goeth into Wales
with an armie, 174, b 60. Punisheth diuerse that refused to go with
him into Wales, 175, a 40. His destruction put in practise by means of
the popes legat & the French king, 175, b 40. Deliuereth his
crowne to Pandulph, and hath it a|gaine restored, 177, a 60, b 10. His
words of fealtie made to [page 1507] the pope, 178, a 60. What
cau|sed him to agree with the pope, 180, b 10. His lords re|fuse to
folow him into France 181, a 10. Commended to the pope for an
honorable prince, 182, a 10. Remooueth to An|giers, 183, a 60.
Inuadeth Britaine, 183, a 40. Taketh vpon him the crosse to go into
the holie land, 184 Subscri|beth to his barons notwith|standing his
oth, 186. b 10. Cõmeth to his lords to talke of some pacification,
185, b 50 Left desolat of fréends, 185, b 30. Maketh hauocke on the
possessions of his aduersaries 193, b 50. His noblemen reuolt from him
to K. Lewes, 192, a 10. His children male and fe|male, the description
of his person, his fortune, his sai|engs & dooings, 196, a 10,
&c. Incestuous & couetous: note, 184, b 20. The popes
vassall, 191. a 10. Assembleth a great armie against the French K.
176, b 40. Knéeleth downe to the archbishop of Canturbu|rie, &
besought him of forgiue|nes, 810, b 40. His son named Oliuer Fitz [...]oie, 202, a 50 By whose means his nephue Arthur lost his life,
& whie, 7, b 30. Falleth sicke of an ague, his raging, 194, a
50, 60. His death diuerslie reported by writers, 194, a 60, b all.
Re|ported to an ill purpose, 190, b 20. His buriall, and corpulen|cie,
194, b 60
- Iohn Ball. ¶Sée Ball.
- Iohn a Chamber a notorious northerne rebell, 769, b 40, &c.
770, a 10, &c. Hanged like an archtraitor, 770, a 10
- Iohn Tiler. ¶Sée Tiler.
Ione de Are pusell de Dieu, 600, 10, &c, 603, b 50.
Taken priso|ner, &c: note, 604, a 50, 60, b 10.
- Ioie immoderat the cause of death, 955, b 20
- Ipswich beséeged, 60, b 40
- Ireland diuided into seuerall e|states, or kingdoms, 80, a 50.
Mostlie conquered by Henrie the second, 109, b 60. Foure I|rish kings
submit themselues to Richard the second, 481, b 30. The yearelie
reuenues thereof in Edward the thirds dais, 481, a 50. Englishmen sent
thither to inhabit the Ards in Ulster, 1257, a 20 Soldiors transported
thither 1314, a 30. Inuaded by the popes meanes, 1366, b 60 ¶Sée Iohn
and Soldiors.
- Irish doo destroie Angleseie, 237, b 50. Rebelling, kill the
English, 275, a 10. Frier ap|peacheth the duke of Lanca|ster of
treason, 445, b 40. Mi|serablie tormented and put to death, 446, a 10.
To auoid in|to their owne countrie by pro|clamation, 481, a 40. With
the lord of Kilmaine arriued at Harflue, 565, b 60. Their good
seruice, 566, a 10. Wild spoile the earle of Kildars countrie, 914, a
10. Nobilitie submit themselues to Henrie the eight in England, 957, a
10. Seuen hundred in war|like manner passe thorough London, &
muster before king Henrie the eight: note, 963, b 20, 30. Bowes,
bagpipes, and darts among them, 1259, a 10.
- Iron gret want within Scot|land, 323, a 20
- Isabell daughter to the earle of Glocester maried vnto Iohn K.
Richards brother, 117, a 30
- Isabell the second wife of king Iohn, & what issue she
broght him, 161, b 60. Crowned, 162, a 30
- Isabell Henrie the thirds mo|ther deceaseth, 239, a 50
- Isabell countesse of Cornwall deceaseth, 225, b 60
- Isabell wife to emperor Fre|derike, deceaseth, 229, a 10
- Isabell de Boulbec. ¶ Sée Countesse.
- Isac. ¶Sée Cipriots.
- Isleie knight, all his apparell not woorth foure shillings, 1099, b
- Isoldune where seated, 146, b 10
- Iudge Morgan fell mad: note, 1099, a 60. ¶Sée Iustice.
- Iudges and other officers com|mitted to the Tower: note, 360, b 40,
&c. ¶ Sée Iustices.
- Iudgement rash in an holie fa|ther, 109, a 20
- Iudgement secret of God vpon Banister & his children after
the attaching of the duke of Buckingham, 744, a 50, 60 ¶Sée Reuenge.
- Iudith, duke Williams néece, whose daughter & to whome
married, & how indowed, 11, b 10
- Iurie of twelue men ancient, when instituted, & how
mat|ters by them should be tried, 8 b 20. That went vpon sir Nicholas
Throkmorton, ap|peére in the starchamber, ex|cessiuelie fined, 1121, b
40. Ex|tremelie dealt withall, 1122, a 10. ¶ Seé Throckmorton knight.
At Excester assise e|leuen dead: note, 1548, a 60
- Iustice chiefe of England gi|ueth ouer his office &
becom|meth a canon, 103, a 50. An of|fice imposed vpon prelats. ¶Sée
- Iustice of Henrie the fift: note, 560, b 60, 566, a 60. A notable
example of Edward the first vpon his son, 313, b 30. Min|gled with
mercie, 797, a 60. And the commendable care of K. Henrie the second
thereof: note, 115, a 60. Without re|gard of kinred, 315, a 20. And
what folowed vpon the neg|lect of the same, 13, a 10. Part|lie
pretended, 734, a 60. Per|uerted when one is hanged for another, 1007,
a 20. In warre: note the force therof, 552, a 30. Corrupted. ¶ Seé
- Iustices of peace when & whie instituted, 8, a 60.
Itinerants the diuision of their circuits, 97, b 60. Th [...]ir oth, 98, a 10, Die of infection, 1547, b 40. 1548, a 40.
Chéefe of England elected & others deposed, 119, b 10.
Itinerants cause inquisi|tions to be made in their cir|cuits, 145, a
60. Abuse iu|stice: note, 225, b 20. Keépe the terme for pleés at S.
Sa|uiors, 259, b 30. Begin to go their generall circuits, 282, b 20.
¶Seé Sicknesse at Ex|cester and Oxford. Complai|ned of to Edward the
first, & punished: note, 284, b 60. 285, a 10, &c.
Fined, 312, b 50. Sat neither in the tower nor else|where for a whole
yeare, 361, b 20, Restreined from feés, briberie, & gifts,
&c: note, 369, b 20, Iurors, &c: brought to blockham
feast by the rebels, 430, a 60. Compelled to sub|scribe, 458, b
- Iusts at Blie where P. Ed|ward began to shew proofe of his
chiualrie, 254, a 20. At Brackleie, 242, a 10. In Cheapside, 348, b
50. At Cha|lons where prince Edward behaued himselfe Worthilie, 276, a
20. At Dunstable, where king and quéene were present, 363, a 40. At
Gréene|wich with goodlie shews, 815 a 10. At Greenwich before the
emperor Charles, 873, b 10. Where sir Francis Brian lost one of his
eies, 892, b 60. At London, the maior and alder|men chalengers,
&c, 392, a 40, 50. In the Tower of London &
Gréenewich, 646, b 60. Roi|all in Tuthill field for the space of eight
daies, 220, a 10. Deuised to be holden at Ox|ford where Henrie the
fourth should haue béene murthered, 514, b 50.60. Within the kings
palace of Shine for the space of a moneth, 774, a 30. In Smithfield,
366, a 10, 395, b 60 Roiall, 473, b 30, 40, &c: 474, a 10,
&c, 535, b 60. At Westmin|ster with the shews and tri|umphs
there, 807, a 50, 60, &c: And some hurt done, 940, b 60 1225,
a 30. And much hurt doone among the people, 1315, a 60. By gentlemen
of name, to delight nobles of France note, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319,
1320 1321. At Windsore, 366, a 50. Against all commers, 497, a 10 It
& turnie appointed by the lords and by Henrie the third
disappointed, 236, b 60. Hand|led in a rougher manner than in these
daies, 245, a 10. Wher|at sir Arnold Montensie was slaine: note, 246,
b 20. Prohibi|ted by proclamation, 311, b 10. Betwixt the bastard of
Bur|gogne & the lord Scales, 669, a 20. With manie a proper
de|uised shew, 802, b 10, &c: 803, a 10, &c. Solemne
wherin Hen|rie the eight himselfe was a chalenger, 835, b 10. Kept for
honor of his sister the French quéene, 838, a 60, b 10, &c:
Be|tweéne Henrie the eight and others, 844, b 10, 950, a 30, 850 a 60.
Proclamed in sundrie nations, 950, b 60, 951, a 10, &c Roiall
in France: note, 858, a 60, b 10, &c: 859, a 10, &c:
860, a 10, &c. At Paris, the nobles go thither, decrées for
the same, how long they lasted, with the maner thereof: note, 833,
all. At Tornaie for dis|port of the prince of Castile & the
duchesse of Sauoie, 825, a 20, ¶Sée Tilt and Turnies.