1587 >
Volume 6 >
Back Matter: Section
1 of
The third table for the Chronicles of England from the conquest vntill
this present regiment: wherin the reader is to ob|serue these notes for his
better direction; namelie, to seeke for the surnames of persons as more
commonlie knowne than the proper; and also when the name faileth to looke
for the dignitie, title, office and degree of such persons; as Armenia,
Cipriots, Spaine, France, Portingall, Nauarre, Denmarke, &c; if they
were kings: Archbishop, Bishop, Pope, Car|nall, Legat, &c; if they
were Clergiemen: Chancellors, Treasurors, Lord high constables, Lord wardens
of the cinque ports, &c; Duke, Earle, Marquesse, Queene, Duchesse,
Countesse, &c; if they were great states: Maior, Sargents at law,
Officers, &c: if they were of that degree: knights and esquires
excepted, who as they were of renowme, are accordinglie noted by their
vsuall names. Likewise for such as haue beene executed as notorious
offendors against the prince and the state, to come to the knowledge of
their names, looke for the qualitie of their offense; as counterfeting,
coineclippers, conspiracie and conspirators, murther and murtherers,
rebellion and rebels, treason and trai|tors, preests seminarie, &c:
of all which this table affoordeth infinit examples. Finallie, wheresoeuer
you find this word (Note) there dooth matter of conside|ration come to
Snippet: 5 of 23 (1587, Volume 6, p. 1489) Appendix A.4 D.
- DArcie lord knight of the garter, generall of a pow|er sent against
the Moores, 808, b 60. His companie rea|die at Plimmouth, honoura|blie
receiued of the king of Aragons councell, disconten|ted at a bishops
declaration, 809, b 10, 40, 60. His returne out of Spaine. 810, a
- Dacres lord arreigned, but found cléere to his great ho|nor, 937, b
60. Arreigned for murther, executed at Ti|burne: note, 954, a 40, 60.
Rebelleth, 1213, a 20. Flieth into Scotland, 1213, a 50
- Dale pewterer his fault and releasment after long impri|sonment:
note, 968, b 30
- Damieta, 202, a 40. ¶Sée Sa|racens.
- Dampfront yéelded to Henrie the fift, 563, a 20
- Damport one of the gard hang|ed for robbing, 953, a 60, b 10
- Danes rob the English mer|chants, and win great prises, 485, a 10.
Arriued in Eng|land to ioine with the rebels against duke William, and
re|turne dooing nothing, 11, b 30. Winter betwixt Ouse and Trent, 7, a
40. Wasted and ruinated religious places in the north parts, 11, a 20.
Un|der the conduct of Canute, &c preuaile mightilie in the
North, 6, b 50, 7 a 30. ¶ Sée Normans, Sweine.
- Darlington knight, lord gardi|an of London, remooued, 478, a 60, b
- Daubeneie lord with others sent against the French king, his feats
of armes, 770, b 10, &c. Henrie the seauenths chéefe
chamberleine, 779, a 60. Deceaseth, 795, b 10
- Dauid of Wales reuolteth, and becommeth a rebell, 280, b 60.
Condemned of treason, & exe|cuted, 282, a 60, b 10
- Debate betwixt the dukes of Lancaster and Brunswike, 381, a 10.
Betwixt the towns|men and scholers of Oxford: note, 381, b 20. And how
it was ended and taken vp, 382 a 50, 60, b 10, &c. ¶Sée
- Debt of Henrie the third, thrée hundred thousand markes, 252, a 20.
Henrie the thirds sparing to bring him out of it, 242, b 20. Maketh
foes of fréends: note, 312, a 20
- Dedication of churches. ¶Sée Church.
- Déed of gift with the forme thereof in duke Williams time, 7, b
- Delaies did not William Ru|fus vse, but excéeding spéed: note, 23,
b 20. Breedeth losse: note, 17, b 60
- Demands of the pope of a large tenth, 210, b 60. Out of spiri|tuall
liuings in England, 208, a 40, 50. In a treatie of peace, 160, b 20.
Moderated, 480, a 60. Hard, that hindered the peace betwéene Eng|land
and France, 410, a 60, b 10. Too large, & hinder the
concluding of peace, 362, a 60. Uerie large for a dowrie of gold and
siluer, 124, b 40. Un|reasonable, 233, a 50, 60. Pre|sumptuous of the
French king concerning peace, 388, b 10
- Denie Edward. ¶Sée Iusts triumphant.
- Denmarke king arriueth in England, the citie of London banket him,
he departeth into Flanders, 878, a 60, b 10. In|uested into the order
of the garter, 1348, a 50
- Derision of the Englishmen in a [...]ime, 347, a 40. Of quéene Ione, called Ione Make|peace, 347, b
50. Of the duke of Yorke aspiring to the crowne, 659, b 50. Lewis his
faire, 200, b 10
- Derth, 381, a 50. Of corne, 473, a 20, 204, b 30, 292, b 40.
In|creaseth, 323, a 30, 260, a 10. By means of raine, 404, b 60, 58, a
60. By extreame cold weather, 217, b 50. After a wet season, 898, b
40. Or vit|tels: note, 959, b 50, 616, b 10. 237, b 50. For space of
thrée yeares, 156, b 60. Made mar|kets déere, 284, b 20. Through out
all England, 150, b 30. Excéeding great, 257, a 40. In Henrie the
thirds campe: note, 248, b 50
- Derth and plentie, 1133, a 30. Without scarsitie and plentie to
them that had monie, 1259, b 10. Where none néeded, 476, b 40
- Derth and death, 323, b 50, 258, a 30, 97, a 50, 323, a 10, 351, a
40. ¶Sée Scarsitie.
- Desire hard to be brideled: note 576, a 10
- Desmond Iohn his miserable end: note, 1366, a 10, &c. ¶Sée
more in earle of Desmond.
- Desperation, 677, a 10
- Destinie cannot be auoided, 639 b 10
- Deth of great personages, 312, b 30, 295, b 60, 263, a 10, 247, a
20, 236, a 50, 239, a 60, 241, a 50, 240, b 10, 352, b 10, 20, 231, b
10, 244, b 40, 230, b 50, 228, b 50, 223, b 30, 514, b 10, 1171, b 50,
60, 795, b 10, &c. 30, 791, a 10, 950, a 60, 944, b 60, 108, a
30, &c, 481, a 20, 30. In Spain through heat of that countrie,
450, a 60, b 10, 395, b 30, 237, b 30. And multitudes of peo|ple, 410,
a 30. Of learned bi|shops, 249, a 10. In one yeare, 778, b 20. Of
seauen aldermen in London within the space of ten moneths, 1209, b 60.
¶Sée Aldermen.
- Deth preferred before losse of monie, 252, b 40. Great by the flux,
537, a 20. Of peo|ple, 21, a 30. Desperate of Summeruile, 1366, a 20.
In Winter, 892, b 30. Of much people in London, &c, 825, a 60.
By strange diseases: note, 1132, b 10. By the sword pre|ferred before
famishment, 166 b 20. Of old people, 1142, a 50. After a great derth,
97, a 50. Of horsse and men in the English host, 445, b 30. In the
North countries, with spoile doone by the Scots, 422, b 60 In Yorke
and sun|drie other places, 475, b 10. Of men and beasts, called the
third mortalitie, 404, b 20. Af|ter a sort sudden, 397, b 50. Most
men, few women, 395, a 50. Of people betwixt Can|dlemas and Easter,
379, b 30. Lamentable, 323, b 50. It en|deth discord: note, 395, a 60.
¶ Sée Buriall.
- Death sudden of sir Thomas Gresham, 1310, b 50. Of a woman that
forsware hir selfe. ¶Sée Periurie. Of a sorcerer: note, 1271, a 20. Of
quéene Anne, the wife of Ri|chard the third, 751, a 40. Sudden and
dreadfull of a blasphemous preacher, 1128, b 60, 1129, a 10. Of a
merci|les & tyrannicall bishop, 1130, a 60. Of the erle of
Suffolke: note, 440, a 10. ¶Sée Abbat.
- Deth and derth, 323, a 10, 258, a 30, 217, b 50, 953, a 10: note,
1049, a 10, 404, b 60, 378, b 20, 30. ¶Sée Mortalitie, Plage,
Pestilence, & Sweating sick|nesse.
- Deuotion superstitious of Hen|rie the yoong prince: note, 107 a 20.
¶Sée Moore knight.
- Diches about London clensed, 789, b 40, 50
- Diet of frée cost: note, 1425, b 60 Moderated by an ordinance made
by the maior and al|dermen, 959, b 60, 960, a 10. Excessiue
restreined, 111, b 40 A statute cõcerning it: note, 396, a 50
- Digbie Edward. ¶ Sée Iusts triumphant.
- Digcon, ¶Sée Gun.
- Dimmocke knight his challeng at Richard the thirds coro|nation,
734, a 40. The kings champion, the manner of his tenure at a
coronation, 802, a 20. His championlike office, 1180, a 40
- Dinham esquier high treasuror of England, 650, b 30. Uali|ant, 651,
a 20. He and baron Carew with their powers come to Excester, 676, a
- Diram and Culpepper quéene Katharins paramors, arreig|ned at
Guildhall, executed, 954. b 30, 60, 955, a 10
- Discord what commeth of it, 406, a 10. Unnaturall of bre|thren
abhorred, 30, a 10. Be|twéene the French king and his nobles, 103, b
40. Be|twéene Henrie the second and the French king, 107, b 30.
Causing ciuill warre that might haue béene foreséene 83 a 10.
Mainte [...]ned betwéene sonnes by the mother, 86, b 60 87, a 10. Sowne
betwixt Henrie the father and Hen|rie the son, 84, a 20. Increseth
betwéene Henrie the second and Thomas Becket: note, 69. b 40. Enuious
among the christians, 134, a 20. Betwixt the pope and the emperor, 75,
[page 1490] b 10. Betwixt the cardinall and the archbishop of
Can|turburie, 182, a 40. Betwixt king Iohn and his barons, with the
causes, 184, b 20. It and concord with their differing effects, 1054,
b 20. What it bréedeth, 672, b 40. In an armie the hinderer of all
profitable enterprises, 126, a 30. Ciuill, & inconuenien|ces
thereof, 636, a 30, b 20. &c, 60. Among the French no|bles,
557, a 60. Giueth oppor|tunitie to the enimie: note, 19, b 10.
Offereth occasion of inuasion: note, 21, b 20. How inconuenient, 1, a
40, 50. A|bout trifles, and how vnhap|pie it fell out, 13, b 30,
&c. Be|twixt Sauerie de Ma [...]leon and the earle of Salisburie, 206, a 20. Betwixt the Nor|man
mariners and them of Baion, 288, b 30. Betwixt Edward the firsts men
and the Gantners, 306, a 50 Be|twixt préests and friers, 392, a 20. Of
thrée or foure yeares ended by the death of one man, 395, a 60. ¶ Sée
Con|tention and Malice.
- Disme granted of the clergie, 409, a 10. To Edward the first and
his brother, 277, b 10. To Henrie the third by the pope, for one whole
yeare, 271, b 10
- Disobedience of the bishop of Norwich to Richard the se|cond
punished, 445, a 20. Of the archbishop Thurstane a|gainst Henrie the
first, 38, b 10. To Richard the firsts commandement, 140, b 50. 10.
Mainteined, 86, b, all, 87, a 50. Of erle Robert of Lei|cester, 89, b
50. In Henrie the sonne to Henrie the second his father, 76, b 10,
&c. 77, a 20. To the prince, a sinne most abhominable, 1044, a
40. To the king, is disobedience to God, 1004, b 60. Of a subiect
against h [...]s king sen [...]ing for him, 21, b 30. Of the nobles to Edward the first: note,
302, a 60, b 10. It and presumption of the bishop of Durham a|gainst
Edward the first: note, 315, a 60, 99, b 10 ¶Sée Rebel [...]ion.
- Dispensation. ¶Sée Mariage, and Pope.
- Disputation of grammar scho|lers, 1129, b 10, &c.
- Dissemblers punished, 203, b 40, 50
- Dissention among the Noble|men, 451, b 40. Betwéene Ri|chard the
second and the par|lement house, 4 2, b 10. And his nobles, 458, a 30.
The frutes thereof, 1052, b 40. In France made the earle of Richmond
renew his sute, and put him to his shifts, 752, a 60 He hath men and
monie of the French king for ho|stages, he is gréeued at the newes of
king Richard the thirds intended marriage with his néece, 752, b 30,
50, Ciuill among Noblemen, prosecuted with sword and slaughter: note,
672, a 10, 60. b 10, &c. Betwixt the duke of Glocester and the
bishop of Winchester, 590, b 60, 591, a 10. &c. Or [...]er taken by the lords for the pacifieng there|of, 594, b 30,
&c, 595, a 10, &c. 620, a 30, 50, &c. Ciuill
and the inconuenience thereof, 645, b 20. Among the Scotish
nobi|litie, 531, b 40. Betwixt prince Edward and the earle of
Glocester, 262, a 60
- Dissimulation of Edward the seconds wife, 336, b 30. To auoid
danger: note, 498, b 60, 490, a 10. Of yoong king Hen|rie: note, 106,
b 30. Notable of a wench counterfetting a spirit, 1117, b 60. Of
Wolseie, 909, a 10. Of the French king, 774, b 40. Of the duke of
Glocester dangerous, 715, b 40. To auoid imminent danger, 124, a 20.
Of Richard the first did him no good: note, 135, b 50. Most profound
and notable, 721, a 40. Singular of duke Richard the third, 731, b 10,
732, a 30, 40. Of the erle of Warwike, 667, b 20. Of the king of
Cipres, 128, a 10. Of Edward the fourth, to passe the countries
without dan|ger, and bring his purpose to passe, 679, a 40,
&c, b 10, &c. Of the duke of Clarence, 681, b 60. Of
the high constable of France, 695, a 50. Of the French king vpon a
naugh|tie meaning, 698, b 30. With other ill quali [...]ies: note, 600, b 10, &c. Notable, 548, b 10. O [...] Parrie notorious, 1393, b 20, 1382, b 10. ¶ Sée Flat|terie and
- Diuell appeareth in the like|nesse of a frier, 520, a 50
- Diuision in a realme, and the mortall mischéefe thereof, 630, b
- Diuorse sought betwéene ho|norable personages, 458, a 10. Betwéene
Henrie the eight and queen Katharine. ¶Sée Quéene Katharine.
- Dog in a rochet vnder the name of Gardiner. 1143, a 20
- Dolphin of France commen|ded, 560, b 20. Fléeseth his old mother of
hir treasure, and what mischeefe rose ther|of, 560, b 30. Causeth
solemne iusts to be proclamed at Pa|ris, 833, a 10. &c. He is
hurt in the hand, b 50. His se|cret malice, 60. Commeth before Bullen
with a great pow [...]r. 969, b 60. Causeth himselfe to be proclaimed king of France,
585, b 50. He is tempering with the English, 586, a 10. Sentence
against him for the murther of Iohn duke of Burgundie, 578, b 30.
Pursued by Henrie the fift, 580, b 60. Whie called king of Berrie,
581, a 10. Calling himselfe king of Sicill, 552, a 40. Deceaseth, 556,
a 60. Whie the sunne and heire of euerie French king is so called,
1141, b 60
- Dolphins taken in the Thams 1083, a 50. At London bridge 447, a
- Douer robbed by the French, 295, b 10. A conuenient and perpetuall
harborough for ships: 1545, a 10, &c. The ca|stell inuincible,
191, b 50. De|liuered to Henrie the third, 271, b 60. ¶Sée Castell.
- Dowrie verie large demanded: note, 124 b 40
- Drake sir Francis. ¶ Sée Uoiage.
- Drake sir Bernard knight, de|ceaseth, 1547, b 60, 1548, a 40
- Drake burning séene in the aire 277, b 40.
- Dragon fierie séene in diuerse places, 484, b 30. Two séene
fighting in the aire, 216, b 30.
- Dreame of a knight that had long haire: note, 46, a 10. Of Richard
the thirds, foretel|ling him of his end, 755, a 50. Of William Rufus:
note, 26, b 10. Of a moonke concerning William Rufus, 26, b 20
- Dreames of Henrie the first, strange and troublesome, 43 b 60.
Horrible that vexed Ri|chard the second, after the ex|ecution of the
earle of Arun|dell, 492, a 20. Import some|what to befall, 44, a 10.
And prognosticat the true e|uent of an action, 723, a 30
- Dreux besieged and rendred to the Englishmen, 580, b 30
- Drie wednesdaie, 818, b 20
- Drinke more than ordinarie taken, causeth forgetfulnesse of good
aduise, 26, b 30
- Dronkennesse the ouerthrow of right and manhood: note, 626, b
- Drought, 284, a 40. In the spring, 249, a 30. At Michael|mas, 249,
a 30. Great, 245, b 40, 785, a 30. Excéeding great 381, a 40. ¶Sée
- Drowning of a lad in a kenell, 1260, a 10. Of people, cattell,
&c. by the breaking in of the sea, 220, a 60. Of aboue a
thousand men in one place, and more in others: note, 423 a 60, b 10,
- Drurie capteine his good ser|uice at the rebellion in Norf|folke,
1038, a 40. Knight, his militarie seruice, his ad|uancement, 1216, b
10, 40
- Duchesse Katharine. of Suf|folke hated of Stephan Gar|diner: note,
1142, a 60, b 10, &c. Hir trouble, persecution, and voluntarie
banishment, 1143, 1144, 1145. Of Gloce|ster deceaseth, 514, b 10. Of
Yorke mother to Edward the fourth, deceaseth, 779, b 10. Of Salisburie
beheaded, 703 b 10. Of Bedford deceaseth, 607, b 50 Of Burgogne hir
appeale, 578, a 30. ¶See Mar|garet. Of Saxonie deliuered of a child,
106, a 10, 107, b 60. Of Sauoie, sends for aid to king Henrie the
eight against the duke of Gelders, 810, a 50 Bestoweth new cotes on
the English souldiors, 810, b 60. Of Angolesme meet about a tretise of
peace, 909, b 60
- Duchmen come into England holding a contrarie opinion to the Romish
church, 68, a 50 Two of strange and mon|strous stature, 1322, a
- Dudleie chosen sp [...]aker for the commons at the parlement, 791, b 60. ¶Sée Empson.
- Dudleie knight lord admerall setteth foorth from London towards
Scotland, 961, b 40. Went into France to receiue the French kings oth,
his interteinment, 975, a 10, &c. Lord Howard impeacheth the
French power, 1140, b 60. Lord Henrie slaine at the be|sieging of
saint Quinuns, 1134, b 10, 20. Bishop of Dur|ham of honorable descent
de|ceaseth, 761, b 40. Robert, the creation of him baron of Denbigh,
and earle of Lei|cester, 1207, a 60, b 10. ¶Sée Earle.
- Duke Alan of Britain, 52, b 10, 51, b 60. Of Albanie leuieth an
armie to inuade England, 875, b 20. Albert of Holland commeth into
England, 556, b 60. An earnest mediator for peace, entreth in league
with Henrie the fift, 557, a 10, b 20 Albert of Saxonie his poli|cie
to get the towne of Dam he sendeth for aid to Henrie the seauenth to
win Sl [...]is. 772, a 20, 50
- Duke of Alanson commeth in|to England, 1322, a 40. De|parteth out
of England with all the nobilitie and gentlmen attending vpon him,
1329 At|tempteth diuerse exp [...]oits vn|fortunatlie falling out, 1349, b 60. His ambition
spreading like a canker, glad to retire notwithstanding a confident
clamor, he sickneth, 1350, a all. Arriueth at Flushing, 1331, a 20.
Receiued at Middlebo|rough, 40. Refuseth to ride on horssebacke, b 60.
Goeth to see the towne of Ermwiden, 1332, b 10. His ships painted with
his owne colours, 20. He prepareth to make his en|trie into Antwerpe,
40. His roiall interteinment: note, 50. Created duke of Brabant the
states promise their loial|tie, an offer of the marques|ship of the
sacred empire, &c: 1336, all. His posie, & strange
habillements, the order of his entring into Antwerpe, 1337, a 10,
&c. Saileth towards Antwerpe, landeth at a vil|lage in
Brabant, a theater e|rected for him, kissing of his hand, his chaire
of estate, o|beisance done to him, 1334, all. The states loialtie vnto
him his answere vnto an oration made in their behalf, his pro|mise
euen to the shedding of his bloud, he is content to sweare to articles
ag [...]éed vp|on 1335, b 10, &c. Keies of Antwerpe presented to
him, a canopie caried ouer his head, 1338, a 10, 60. Readie to take
his oth of the magistrats and people, it is read in French he casteth
largesse of gold & siluer among the people, 1342 a 10,
&c. The manner of his disease, 1351, a 10. His reso|lutenes to
die, 50. Great hope conceiued of him if he had not béene preuented
with death b 20. Falleth into an extremi|tie of his maladie and past
re|couerie, 40. His words vpon his death bed, 1352, a 10, 30. His
departure out of this world like a lampe, whose light faileth for want
of oile, 30. His death gréeuouslie la|mented, 50, 60, 1353, a
- Duke Alphonse of Calabrie made knight of the garter, 775, b
- Duke Arthur of Britaine made knight, 160, a 10. His mis|trust in
his vncle king Iohn, 160, b 60. Dooth homage to K. Iohn, 162, a 20.
Procla|meth himselfe earle of Aniou, &c: 164, b 10. Taken
priso|ner, 164, b 60. His mother ac|cuseth K. Iohn for the mur|ther of
hir sonne, 166, a 10, 20. Committed to streict prison, 165, a 50. His
death verie la|mentable, 165, b all
- Duke of Aumarle constable of England, 495, b 50. Accused 512, a 10.
His answere vnto [page 1491] Bagots bill, he is appealed of
treason, chalengeth triall with the lord Fitzwater, 512, a 10,
- Duke of Austrich whie he bore king Richard no goodwill, 136, a 10.
Threatneth the English hostages with losse of life, 147, a 40. He
catcheth a fall beside his horsse, & dieth of the hurt, a
- Duke Beauford of Summerset son vnto him that was slaine, 645, a 10.
Conan of Britaine deceasseth, 75, a 10. Geffreie of Britaine his
homage, 75, b 60. Guildebald of Urbin in Italie made knight of the
garter, 795, b 10. Iohn the second & Philip the second
aduancers of the state, 1343, a 30. Philip of Burgognie surnamed the
Hardie, 1343. Siward. ¶ Sée Siward. William of Aqui|taine his feined
fréendship, 67, b 20. William of Normandie his politike conquest of
Eng|land, 1, a 10. ¶Sée William.
- Duke of Bauier commeth to K. Henrie the fift with a number of
horsemen, 577, a 50. He & his troope departeth with king
Henrie the fifts fauor, 578, b 10
- Duke of Bedford against the lord Louell in armes, 764, b 10.
Re|gent of England, 558, b 10. Cal|leth a parlement, 581, a 60. He
rescueth Cosnie 582, b 60. Gi|ueth the French a great ouer|throw by
sea, 557, a 40. Retur|neth into France, 596, a 60. His endeuors in
France where he was regent, 585, a 40, b 20, &c. His decease:
note, 612, a 50
- Duke of Britaine pretendeth a right to the earledome of
West|merland, 513, b 60. Sendeth ambassadors to Henrie the fift, 582,
b 60. His loue to the erle of Richmond and care of his safe|tie, 748,
b 20. In armes against the French K. 767, a 10, &c: 768, a 10,
&c. The battell is tried, he dieth, a 60. Restored to his
dukedome 422, b 20. A fréend to the Englishmen, 444, a 60. His
dissimulation, he & the French K. accorded, 427, b 50, 60.
Com|meth ouer into Britaine, 408, a 40. Deceaseth, 367, b 40
- Duke of Buckingham highlie commended, 737, b 40. Rich ar|raie, 801,
a 10. Enuied & hated of cardinall Woolseie, 855, b 10,
&c. Means to wind him out of Henrie the eights fauor, 855, b
40, 40, 60. Bils of complaints exhibited to him, he depriueth Kneuet
of his office, 856, a 10. He & his companie ioine with Henrie
the seuenth against Perkin Warbecke, 784, a 50. His words to Q.
Elisabeth, 717, b 40. His oration to the maior, aldermen, and commons
at Guildhall, 728, a 60, &c. He & Glocester fall out,
and whie, 376, a 30. They mistrust one an other 736, a 50. Conspired
a|gainst Richard the third, he is a professed enimie to him, his power
of wild Welshmen (false|harted) doo faile him, a great water his
vndooing, his adhe|rents & their power dispersed, 743, a 30,
50, b 10, 30, 60. The principall cause whie he con|ceiued such inward
grudge a|gainst duke Richard the third, 739, b 20. His imaginations to
depriue Richard the third, 739, b 40, 60. Rewards promi|sed by
proclamation for the at|taching of him, betraied of his owne seruant,
beheaded with|out arreignment or iudgement, 744, a 20, 50, b 10.
Conuinced with others to worke mischief, 715, a 30. His resolution
no [...] to meddle in séeking to obteine the crowne, but by deposing
Richard the third to prefer the earle of Richmond thereto, the summe
of his purpose, 740, a 60, b 40, 60. Is sent to the duke of Yorke to
know the cause of his being in armes, 643, a 40. Destruction deuised
and prac|tised, 862, b 50, 60. He is accu|sed & indicted of
treason, 863, a 10, &c: 864, a 10, &c. Areigned at
Westminster, conuinced of hie treason, iudgement giuen vpon him,
beheaded on Towre hill, the last lord high constable of England, 865,
a 20, 40. ¶ Sée Duke of Glocester.
- Duke of Burbons practises to make the Englishmen reuolt from their
owne king, 517, b 50. Incampeth néere Rone, slaine at the assalt, 895,
b 30, 60. Dieth at London, 610, a 40
- Duke of Burgognie chiefe dooer in France, 560, b 40. Prepa|reth to
besiege Calis, 528, b 40. Enuieth the glorie of the En|glish, 616, b
10. His oth to Hen|rie the fift, 572, b 40. Prepareth an armie against
Calis, 613, b 40. His armie of 40000 men, b 60. Besiegeth it, his
enterprise to b [...]r the hauen, his bastile ta|ken, he breaketh vp his siege,
& flieth, 614, all. He & Charles of France at peace,
and what mischiefe insued it, 611, a 50, 60, 612, a 10, &c.
Commeth to king Edward the fourth, 695, a 20. He departeth suddenlie
to the kings discontentment, a 60, b 10. Departeth from Edward the
fourth in a rage, 698, a 30. Commeth in hast to Edward the fourth,
697, a 50. His beha|uiour and spéech, a 60, b 10, &c. Sendeth
ambassadors to Ca|lis, 678, a 60. He inuadeth Ed|ward the fourth,
&c: 678, b 60, 679, a 10. Deceaseth, 690, a 60, 702, b 20.
Murthered, 571, a 60
- Dukes of Burgognie issued out of the house of France, 1342, b 60,
1343, a 10, &c.
- Duke of Clarence lord Lionell, 395, b 50. Sent to aid the duke of
Orleance, 539, b 60. Mar|cheth towards Guisnes, 540, a 20. Made a rode
into An|iou, 579, b 60. He is betraied by Ferguse a Lombard, 580, a
10. He and diuerse nobles slaine, a 20, 30. Before Paris with his
armie, 570, b 20. Séeketh to make peace betwéene Edward the fourth and
the earle of War|wike, 682, a 50. Weighing the inconuenience of
discord, war|eth wise, & slow to aid the earle of Warwike, his
dissimulation, 681, a 60, b 1050, 60. He and the earle of Warwike
soiourned at Excester to passe ouer the seas, they arriue on the
English coasts, 676, b 10, 60. A conspira|tor against his brother
Ed|ward the fourth, he taketh the seas, 674, a 40. His promise to a
damsell persuading him to peace, 675, a 10, 20, Drowned in a but of
Malmescie, 703, a 40
- Duke of Excester his pithie saieng, 546, a 60. Uncle to Hen|rie the
fift, 560, a 30, 40. Cap|teine of Harflue, 556, a 60. His ouerthrow by
the French, b 10 With a power at Newarke, 680, b 60. Left for dead but
re|couered: note, 685, a 60. Decea|seth, 596, b 60, 598, b 50. Found
dead in the sea, 694, b 10
- Duke of Gelderlands letters to Richard second, 475, b 50. Cõ|meth
into England, disuadeth Richard the second [...]rom peace with the French K. 477, b 30
- Duke of Glocesters protestation vpon his oth, 458, a 10. Arested,
489, a 30. Confesseth all wher|with he was charged, he is smoothered
to death: note, 489, a 60, b 10. He & Richard second at priuie
grudge, talke betwéene them, 487, b 40, 50. Excused to K. Richard
second by the duke of Lancaster & Yorke, he & the
abbat of S. Albons conspire, 488, a 40, b 10, &c. Made duke of
Ireland, his iournie thither vnlucklie staied, 479, b 50, 60. His
iournie into Prutzenland, in great fauour with the com|mons, 475, a
60. A seuere man, 464, a 40. His death, the dooers therein exempted
from king Henrie the fourths pardon, 514 a 50. In question, 525, b 40.
His deth in part reuenged, 513, b 20 Much adoo about it: note, 512, a
50, 60, 513. a 10. His complaint to Henrie sixt against the car|dinall
of Winchester, 620, a 50. Liketh well of the kings ma|riage with the
earle of Arme|naks daughter: note, 624, b 60. Winneth Rockesburgh
castell, 657, a 60. His deth, & what mis|chiefe followed it,
627, a 60. He is commended: note, b 10, &c. Discharged of all
gouernment, the faint quarell piked against him, he is suddenlie
murthered, 627, a 10. Ill practises against him vnder faire
countenances, 622, b 60. Spoileth Flanders, 614, b 60. Calleth a
parlement, Henrie the sixt in France, 607, b 10. Articles against the
bishop of Winchester, 591, a 60. Mariage in question, he wax|eth werie
of his wife, 590, a 60 He and bishop of Winchester at dissention, 590,
a 60, 591, a 10, &c. Murthereth Henrie the sixt in the Towre,
690, b 60. An e|nimie to peace, 697, a 10. Pro|clamation against the
lord Ha|stings. &c: 724, a 20. Marieth another mans wife:
note, 586, a 30. His behauiour in the assemblie of lords, 722, b 10.
His oration to the lords a|gainst the quéene, 717, a 10. His
resolution to go through with his diuelish enterprise, 721 b 20
Solicitations tending who|lie to trouble and bloudshed, 714, a 60. His
& Buckinghams practises, 715, a 30. Made pro|tector, 716, b
50. ¶ Sée duke of Buckingham.
- Duke of Guise with a great ar|mie commeth towards Calis, entreth
the English frontiers, his policie, 1135, a 20, 40, b 10. His
proclamation to bring in monie, plate, &c, 1136, a 10.
Marcheth to the towne and fort of Guisnes, 1137, a 40. And monsieur
Dandelot with their powers, in a rage with his soldiors, a trumpetter
from him to the lord Greie, they haue communication one whole houre,
1139, a 10, 30, b 30 Appointed to be a principall leader and executor
of forren inuasion, 1371, b 30, 40, &c, b 60
- Duke of Hereford appealeth the duke of Northfolke of treason, 493,
b 20. Beloued of the people, honourablie interteined with the French
king, 493, b 30
- Duke of Irelands passage stop|ped by the lords, his souldiors
reuolt from him, he flieth from his armie, getteth him into Holland,
letters found in his trunks, 421, a 10, 50, 60. He and his associats
attainted of treason by parlement, 463, b 30
- Duke of Lancaster and the Lon|doners submit their quarels to the
kings order, 416, a 20. He & Yorke excuse the duke of
Glo|cester to king Richard the se|cond, 488, a 40. High steward of
England at an arreignment, 491, a 60. He & Yorke assemble
their powers to resist Richard the seconds dealings, 490, a 10.
Returneth into England out of Gascoigne, 467, a 60. Crea|ted, 380, b
50. Debate betwixt him and the duke of Bruns|wike, 381, a 10. Goeth
ouer sea with a nauie, and two of Ed|ward the thirds sonnes with him,
382, a 30. Is sent to aid the king of Nauarre, 386, b 30. Persuadeth
Edward the third to peace with the French king, 393, b 50. Maketh a
iournie in|to France, 404, a 50. Sent into France with an armie,
fortifi|eth his campe, 403, b 30, 50. Commeth to Burdeaux, 408, a 50,
&c. In danger by the Lon|doners: note, 412, a 20. Goeth into
Spaine with an armie, 448, b 60. He landeth at Brest, and winneth two
bastides from the French, landeth at Groigue, 449, a 50, 60. He
& the king of Portingall alied, they inuade Castile, he
returneth out of Portingale into Gas|coigne, 450, a 20. Reconcileth
the king and the lords, 467, b 10. Made duke of Aquitaine, 473, a 10.
Commeth to Chester citie, the countrie submit them selues vnto him,
Holt castell deliuered vnto him, 500, a 10, 30. He and Glocester sent
into France to treat of peace, 480, a 30. The grant of the duchie of
Aquitane vnto him reuoked 485, b 10. He marieth a ladie of meane
estate, whom he kept as his concubine, b 60. Calleth a parlement in
Richard the se|conds name, 502, a 10. His be|hauiour to the king,
their mée|ting, his demand, & receiuing into London, 501, b
10, 20, 50. His bastards made legitimat, 487, b 10. Ambassador for the
K. into France, 475, b 30, A prince of great renowme, 477, a 60.
Saileth into Aquitaine, 481, a 60. Solicited to expell king Ri|chard
the second, b 60. And to take vpon him the regiment, 497, b 60. The
duke of Britain his great fréend, the commons denie to resist the
duke, he lan|deth in Yorkeshire, his oth to the lords that aided him,
the harts of the commons wholie bent vnto him, he marcheth to Bristow,
498, a 10, 50, 60, b 10, 30, 60. Feasteth strangers, 474, a 20. Enuied
of the rebels: note, 431, a 20, &c. Not suffred to enter into
the towne of Ber|wike, 439, a 10. Chargeth the erle of Northumberland
with manie crimes, commeth to the parlement with a great troop [...] of men, 439, a 20, 60, b 10. Sent into France to treat of
peace, 446, a 40. Misliking the man|ners of the court getteth
him|selfe [page 1492] to Killingworth castell, 419, b 20. He
& the erle of Cam|bridge appointed protectors, 418, a 20.
Saileth to Britaine with a great power, 420, a 60. Getteth him to his
castell of Pomfret and fortifieth it, 446, b 60. Laieth challenge to
the crowne, 505, b 40. He is placed in the regall throne, b 60. King
elect, his words to the lords, 507, a 60. His coronation, pro|clamed
by the name of Henrie the fourth, 507, b 10, 30. Inua|ded Scotland
with an armie, 445, b 10. Appeached of treason, 445, b 40. His
decease, 395, b 10, 496, a 20. ¶Sée Edmund.
- Duke of Normandie commeth downe into Britaine, 364, b 10
- Duke of Northfolke in armes a|gainst Wiat, ariueth at Stroud 1094,
b 50. He with the capteine of the gard put to their shifts, 1095, a
10. He and Suffolke e|lected into the order of S. Mi|chaell, 929, a
10. Ambassador in|to France, 950, a 50. Henrie the eights lieutenant,
942, b 60. Cõmeth with a power against the rebels in Suffolke, 891, b
40. He & the earle of Surrie on Richard the thirds side, 755,
b 20. His constancie & allegiance to Richard third, he is
slaine, 759, b 10. Accused of treson, 493 b 20. Obiections against
him, 494, a 30. Committed to the Towre, atteinted, and the at|teindor
reuersed, 976, b 10, 50. Deceaseth, 514, a 60, b 10, 891, a 60, 1121,
b 30. Inuested into the order of S. Michaell, 1209, a 20 Sent to the
Towre, 1211, b 60. Remoued from the Towre to the Charterhouse, 1222, a
20. Cõmitted to the Towre, 1226, b 30. Arreigned, condemned, and
iudged, 1227, b 60. Behea|ded, forren nations write ther|of, his
attire, behauior & spéech at his execution: note, 1229, a 50,
60, b 10, &c: 1230
- Duke of Northumberlands en|terprise against the ladie Ma|rie
incouraged, 1085, b 50, 60. His words to the lords of the councell
about quéene Iane, who adhered vnto him, he set|teth forward with all
speed, 1086, a 10, &c: b 10, 20. Writeth for more succours,
1087, a 30. His sons released out of the Towre, 1127, a 10. Arrested
by the earle of Arundell and com|mitted to the Towre with his
adherents, 1088, a 60, b 30. Ar|reigned, his request to vnder|stand
the opinion of the court in two points, 1089, b 40, 50, His foure
requests after his iudgment to die, he with others are executed at
Towre hill, 1090, a 10, 50
- Duke of Orleance partaker with the duke of Britaine against the
French king, 768, b 10. How long prisoner in Eng|land, his ransome and
release, 618, b 20, 50. Chalenge, 524, b 60 He besieged Uergi in
Guien, 525, a 20. Besiegeth townes in Gascoigne, 533, a 50. Commeth to
the English armie, 540, b 30. Murthered, 537, a 60
- Duke Richard his singular dis|simulation, 731, b 10. He spea|keth
otherwise than he mea|neth, 731, b 20. His electiõ hard to be
preferred, 730, b 20. Pre|ferred at last by voices of con|federacie,
730, b 60. Adiured by bishop Morton, their confe|rence, he openeth
himselfe and his secrets to the bishop, com|plaineth of lacke of
preferment in K. Edwards daies, 738, all. His title to the crowne,
with the office and dignitie of a king, he is commended to the people
as worthie and suffici|ent, 730, a 20, 30. ¶Sée Duke of Glocester and
- Duke of Richmond a martialist or warrior Henrie the eights base
sonne, 929, a 10. Henrie Fitzroie Henrie the eights base sonne
deceasseth, 941, a 10
- Duke of Saxonie in disfauour and exile, 105, b 60. Commeth into
England, his goodlie sta|ture, 212, b 40. Pardoned and reuoked out of
exile, 108, a 10
- Duke of Suffolke created, 627, b 30. Winneth the goodwill of the
quéen Dowager of France 836, b 10. They married togi|ther, b 30.
Entreth France with an armie, 879, a 50. Brea|keth vp his armie
& commeth to Calis, 881, a 40. Chiual|rie & valiant
seruice in France, he knighteth diuerse gentle|men, 879, b 60, 880,
all. Hope hindered by cardinall Woolfeie, 839, a 60. And others sent
into France to fetch the French quéene into England, 836. a 50.
Incountereth with a strong and tall Almaine, 833, b 60. He foileth the
Almaine, 834, a 10. Deceasseth, his iust commen|dation, 969, b 30. The
com|mons exclaime against him, 631, a 10, 20, 40. Committed to the
Towre, his wretched dèth, 632, a 10, 50. He with others brought to the
Towre, 1099, a b 10. Committed to the Towre and released, 1088, b 40.
Goeth downe into Leicestershire, is a fauourer and furtherer of Wi|ats
practises, he is kept out of Couentrie, apprehended, 1095, a 40, 60, b
10. Arreigned, con|demned, beheaded, 1100, b 20, 40, 50. What words he
spake to the people at his death, b 60.
- Duke of Summerset made re|gent of Normandie, and the duke of Yorke
discharged, 625, b 30. Made capteine of Calis, 650, b 60. His
valiantnesse, 619, a 30. Reuolteth from Edward the fourth, taken
& beheaded, 666, a 40, &c: b 20, &c. Made lord
protector, 979, a 40, 50. His returne from Scotland, 992, a 60. Not
desirous of slaughter, 988, b 20. With his power a|gainst Scotland,
980, a 30, &c: b 30. Sendeth an herald to summon a castell,
981, a 10, 20. Answer to a Scotish herald at armes, 983, b 60. His
dili|gence to further the fortifica|tion to Rockesburgh, 991, b 10.
His statelie stile with his e|pistle exhortatiue sent to the Scotish
nobles, &c: 998, b 10, &c. He & the earle of
Warwike out|wardlie fréends, 1062, a 50. And others submit themselues
to Edward the fourth, 665, b 60. Againe apprehended and com|mitted to
the Towre, 1066, b 60 Charged sir Peter Carew with the rebellion,
1022, b 30. He and the earle of Deuonshire comfort quéene Margaret,
685, b 60. Politiké & puissant, 687, b 60. More hardie than
wise, 687, b 60, 688, a 10, &c. Striketh out the lord Wenlocks
brains, 688, a 50. His infortunatnesse, 615, b 60. Arested, 642, a 20.
Set at libertie, made deputie of Ca|lis, 40, 50. Accuseth the earle of
Yorke of high treason, 639, a 50. Burthened with all things that
happened amisse, 643, a 40. He is slain, b 10. His displacing out of
his protectorships con|sulted on, remoueth in hast with K. Edward sixt
to Windsore, his letter to the lord priuie seale 1057, a 20, 50, 60.
His letters to the lords, 1058, a 30. A procla|mation with articles
against him, b 20, 30, &c. Prisoner, con|mitted to the Towre,
articles obiected against him, 1059, b 10, 30, 40, 1060, a 10,
&c. Released & restored, 1060, b 10, 20. Deliue|red
out of the Towre, 1062, a 50. Arreigned both of fellonie &
treason, condemend of fellonie, people murmur at his condem|nation,
deliuerd to be executed, his behauior at his death, 1067, a 10, 30,
40, 50, b 40, 60. His words at his death, a sudden noise &
feare among the people assembled, 1068, a 10, &c: 50, b 19,
1069, a 60. Described, b 10. Beheaded, 688, b 60
- Duke of Surrie marshall of En|gland, 493, b 50
- Duke of Yorke lieutenant gene|rall of England, 497, a 10.
Mis|liketh the court & goeth home, 496, a 60. Noted for
crueltie, what maner of man he was, his end, 712, a 10, 20.
Plantagenet afterwards Richard third, 595 b 40. Made regent of France,
enuied of duke of Summer|set, 612, b 10, 617, b 10, 619, a 30.
Appointed againe to be regent of Normandie, 625, b 50. A per|secuting
enimie to the duke of Summerset: note, 630, b 20. As|sembleth an
armie, his words in writing sent to the K. 642, a 50, b 20,
&c: 643: a 10. His com|ming against the K. iustified, he is
made protector of the realme, 644, b 20. Discharged of his of|fice,
645, a 10, 20. Assembleth an armie, 649, b 30. Cõmeth out of Ireland,
his strange demenors bold spéech and oration to the lords of
parlement, 655, a 30, &c. Crowned with sedge or bulrushes in
derision, 659, b 50. He and his complices flie, 650, b 20. He and
others atteinted, 652, a 10, &c. Articles that he and the
other earles sent to the archbishop of Canturburie and the commons,
652, b 10, &c. Articles of peace and agrée|ment betwéene him
and Hen|rie the sixt, his claime to the crowne, 657, b 20, &c.
Procla|med heire apparant to the crowne, he is slaine, 659, a 30, b
10. Tempering about his title to the crowne, 627, b 40.
Re|conciliation to Henrie the sixt, he accuseth the duke of Sum|merset
of treason, 639, a 40. Set at libertie and whie, his submission to
king Henrie the sixt vnder his oth, 639, b 50. Maketh claime to the
crowne, 637, a 50. Raiseth a great power to recouer it, his letter to
Henrie the sixt, 637, a 50, b 10, 50, 638, a 10, &c. Fauourers
executed and spoiled, 653, b 20. Séekes the destruction of the duke of
Summerset, banded himselfe with Neuils, 641, b 60. Slaine in Agincourt
field, 555, b 60. Buried at Fodring|haie castell, 556, a 20. Taketh
indenture sextipartite of the conspired noblemen out of his sonnes
bosome: note, 515, a 20 Deceaseth, 520, b 30. Accused by his sister
the ladie Spen|ser, 527, b 30. His head set on a po [...]e at Yorke, 659, b 60. ¶See Richard the third.
- Dukes of Glocester infortunate: note, 627, a 50. Of Normandie were
the kings of Englands eldest sons, 38, a 30. Of Yorks honorable
emulation, 776, a 50
- Dukes and earles, &c: created, 537, b 60, 546, b 30, 625, a
10, 702, a 60, 1081, a 60, b 10, &c, 1066, b 60, 492, b 40,
448, a 60, 395, b 50. Depriued of their ti|tles, 513, b 10. Of England
from the first to the last, all set downe in a collection, 1230, b 30,
&c, to 1238, a 10.
- Duncane a Scot wasteth Ken|dall, 91, b 10
- Dunkirke woone & sacked by the English, 442, b 50. Taken
and burnt by the French, 1150, a 40