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Marie the eldest daughter of king Henrie the eight successor to Edward the sixt.

[1] [2] _MArie eldest daughter of K. Henrie the eight, by the ladie Katharine of Spaine, his first wife, and sister vn|to king Edward the sixt, by the fathers side, began hir reigne the sixt daie of Iulie, which daie the king hir bro|ther died, and she was pro|clamed at London (as is before remembred in the end of the historie of king Edward the sixt) the nine|teenth daie of the same moneth, [...]uéene Ma|rie proclamed. in the yeare of our Lord 1553: after the creation of the world 5520, in the fiue and thirtith yeare of Charles the fift, em|peror of Almaine, in the seuenth yéere of Henrie the second of that name K. of France, & in the eleuenth of Marie quéene of Scotland. The twentith of Iulie the duke of Northumberland being come backe to Cambridge, heard that the proclamation of queene Marie was come thither, whereof he being aduer|tised, called for a trumpetter and an herald; but none could be found. Whervpon he riding into the mar|ket place with the maior, and the lord marques of Northampton, made the proclamation himselfe, and threw vp his cap in token of ioy. Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 1064. ¶ Within an houre after he had letters from the councell (as he said) that he should forthwith dismisse his armie, and not come within ten miles of London: for if he did, they would fight with him, the rumor whereof was no sooner abroad, but euerie man departed. And shortlie after, the duke was arrested in the kings college by one maister Sleg sargeant at arms.