[1] _THis William Duke of Nor|mandie, Anno. 1. base son of Robert the sixt Duke of Nor|mandie, and ne|phew vnto Ed|ward King of England, surna|med the Confes|sor, hauing van|quished the Eng|lish power, and slaine Harold in the field (as you may read at large towards the end of the historie of England) began his reigne ouer England the xv. daie of October being sundaie, in the yeare after the creation of the world 5033. (as W. Harison gathereth) and after the birth of our Saui|our 1066. which was in the tenth yeare of the empe|rour Henrie the fourth, in the sixt of pope Alexander the second, in the sixt of Philip king of France, and a|bout the tenth of Malcolme the third, surnamed Ca|moir, king of Scotland.