Snippet: 1 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 736) The third table for the description, historie, and chronicles of
Ireland: gathered by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell,
The first number noteth the page, the second the
- ABerteifie. 4, 6
- Abbeie of Bangor, 54, 6
- Adam of Hereford admerall of the English fleet, discomfi|teth and
spoileth the Irish fleet, 33, 10
- Adelike castell taken. 62, 22
- Adrian the pope confirmeth the priuileges of the church and realme of
Ireland, 35, 17
- Adulterie cause of warres. 1, 40
- Affliction maketh men religi|ous, 53, 54
- Allaine Zouch lord iustice slaine by the earle of Surrie lord
Fitzwarren, 62, 55
- Allen archbishop of Dublin e|nimie to the Giraldines, was murthered,
92, 1
- Allen sir Iohn knight, enimie to the erle of Kildare, 88, 67
- Allen doctor acquainted with Iames Fitzmoris, 154, 23. Ioineth with
him in conspi|racie, ibi. He arriueth into Ireland, ib. 44. He causeth
the popes banner to be dis|plaied, 159. 5. He incourageth the traitors,
ib. 30. He is slain, ib. 28, 46
- Alma daughter to erle Strang|bowe, married vnto William Fitzgirald,
35, 74
- Alman Walter, 41, 40. Seneshall of Wexford, ibid. 43. Corrupt and
couetous, ib. 46. A secret enimie to Reimond, ib. 58.
- Amereduke Fitzstephans sonne 45, 54
- Ambition breedeth dissention, 49, 70
- Ambition cause of bloudshed, 49, 70
- Antragh: Too late quoth Bois 75, 66
- Articles concluded at the synod of Cashill, 23, 45
- Articles for gouernment, 111, 3
- Ardescoll towne burned. 63, 41
- Arthur mac Morough discom|fited by the earle of Ormond, 77, 1
- Arthur king of England recei|ueth homage at Westchester for the realme
of Ireland, 49, 60, 36, 10
- Arundell of the Strand his re|uenues one thousand fiue hun|dred pound,
75, 22
- Arnold sir Nicholas lord iustice, 110, 28
- Articles for marshall law, 166, 6
- Archbishops appointed in Ire|land, 31, 20, 59, 20
- Archbishops and their suffra|gans, 31, 1
- Ardmagh enimie to rats, 31, 40
- Archbishop of Ardmagh chae|sest primat of all Ireland. 0
- Archbishop of Cashill like to be killed, 118, 50
- Ashton sir Richard lord iustice, 73, [...]5
- Asketen the earle of Desmonds house, 160, 10. Is besieged, 161, 30.
The warders fore|sake the castle, and by a traine set it on fire, ib. 57.
It is ta|ken and made a ward, ib. 66. Capteine Barklie laie in gar|rison
there, 172, 25
- Assurance giuen for loialtie by the lords of Ireland, 76, 60
- Athelon castell builded, 66, 15
- Athelon bridge builded, 152, 71
- Augustus the emperour, 2, 30
- Ailmer lord iustice of the com|mon plees, 100, 34. Made cheefe iustice
of the Kings|bench, ib. 41. He is discom|mended to the king, ib. 50. The
king hath speeches with him and liketh him well, ib. 60. He is the cause
whie the lands of all nobles absenting out of that land are giuen to the
king, 101, 10
- Aire of Ireland, 13, 12
- Agard Francis sent to Iames Fitzmoris with his par [...]n, 153, 57. His deah, 166, 21
- Appesleie a capteine distrusteth himselfe, 157, 3. He withdraw|eth the
earle of Desmond, ib. 10