3.16. The meanes taken in this generall as|semblie, touching the bishop of S. Andrews, at the desire of the kings maiestie.

The meanes taken in this generall as|semblie, touching the bishop of S. Andrews, at the desire of the kings maiestie.

_IF the bishop by his owne handwriting or personall appearance in the assemblie, will in Gods presence denie, that euer he publikelie professed or meant in anie sort to claime a supremasie, or to be iudge ouer other persons and ministers, or euer auowed the same to haue a ground in Gods word: and that if he had so doone, it had béene great error and against his con|science and knowledge.

2 If he will denie, that in the last synodall as|semblie he claimed to be iudge therevnto, and that if he had doone it, [...]at he erred in it, and in his impious behauiour or contempt of the said synod and his brethren, in that he will remit him to the brethren present, and craue pardon for the ouersight thereof, and promise good behauiour in the time to come.

3 If he will promise to claime no further than he iustlie may by God his word, and according to the last conference, and endeuour himselfe in all beha|uiour to shew himselfe in all time to come a mode|rat person, and so serue, as that he may prooue agree|able for a bishop prescribed by S. Paule, and so sub|mit his life and doctrine to the iudgement and cen|sure of the generall assemblie without anie recla|mation, prouocation, or appellation from the same in anie time to insue.

These things being demanded at the archbi|shops hands, he was contented to yéeld to them by subscribing his name with his owne hand therevn|ton, which doone, the said assemblie at Edenburgh did for their part in like sort publish their dutifull mind & obedience to his maiestie, in adnulling the processe of excommunication against the said bi|shop of saint Andrews, and to continue him in his former estate, as followeth.