3.14. A Cathalog of the archbishops of saint Andrews, collected out of the histories of Scotland.

A Cathalog of the archbishops of saint Andrews, collected out of the histories of Scotland.

_THe Scots séeking meanes to rid them|selues from subiection of the bishop of Yorke, who was the metropolitane of Scotland, did in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thréescore and fouretéene ob|teine of the pope that they might haue a metropo|litane sée within themselues, by reason of the conti|nuall wars which was betwéene the two nations; during which, they could neither vse appellations to their metropolitane, nor haue other bishops conse|crated. Wherevpon the pope erected the church of S. Andrews into an archbishoprike in the time of king Iames the third, touching which, thus writeth Les|leus, lib. 8. pag. 317. Hoc anno (which was the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thréescore and fourtéene) Patricius Grahamus sedis Andreapolita|nae ecclesiae episcopus, crebris litteris ac nuntijs a pa|pa efflagitauit, vt metropolitana potestas in diui An|dreae ciuitate figeretur: iniquũ esse enim contendit, vt Scoti ab Eboracensi episcopo tanquam primate pẽ|derent, cùm propter crebra bella (quibus se Scoti & Angli mutuò lacessunt) Scotis ad illum non pate|retur tutus accessus, nec liberum ius, praesertim in ap|pellationibus. Annuit summus pontifex, vt Andrea|politano deinceps episcopo potestas metropolitana incumbat. Dies indulto pontifici promulgandi mense Septembri dicta est, atque maxima populi no|biliúmque laetitia celebrata. Episcopi reliqui Graha|mi odio flagrantes, illius authoritatem repudiant, re|gisque animum ingenti pecunia (which was as other authors saie, eleuen thousand marks) occupant, ne Grahami partibus studeret. Interea praesules Romã mittunt qui sui defensionem contra Grahamum sus|cipiunt. But in the end they did not preuaile. Gra|ham was made archbishop.

Patrike Graham being bishop of saint Andrews and the first archbishop of that sée, was after his ad|uancement to that title depriued in this sort. In the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred thrée score and seuentéene, pope [...]istus the fourth of that Lesleus. lib. [...]. pag. 3. 18. name sent a legat called Husman into Scotland, which should displace this Patrike the archbishop of saint Andrews, condemned by the sentence of the pope and the cardinals for an heretike, schismatike, simoniake, whervpon he was depriued of all ecclesi|asticall dignitie, and commanded to perpetuall pri|son; in whose place was William Schewes chosen, to whose custodie and disposition this Patrike was committed, after which Graham being remooued for his safe imprisonment first to saint Colms Ile, then to Dumfermeling, and lastlie to Locheleuine, there in the end he died, and was buried in saint Sarttis or Seruinianus Ile in Locheleuine after that he had béene thrée yeares archbishop.

William Schewes being created archbishop of saint Andrews in the yeare of Christ one thousand Willia [...] Schewes. foure hundred thréescore and eighteene as some haue, or one thousand foure hundred thréescore and nine|teene as others haue, in the Holie rood house in E|denburgh, in the presence of king Iames and ma|nie of the nobilitie receiued the pall, as the ensigne of his metropolitane power, being declared legat and primat of Scotland, at what time he was not withstood by anie of the other bishops, who being e|stranged from shewing anie fauor to Graham, did often infringe his authoritie, and in the end expelled the same Graham from his archiepiscopall sée. Af|ter which in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fourescore & two, this archbishop Schewes fled into his owne countrie, and after at the request of the king resigned his archbishoprike, contenting himselfe with the bishoprike of Murrie.

Andrew Steward vncle to king Iames the third was vpon the resignation of William Schewes Andrew Steward. made archbishop of saint Andrews, after which in the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred foure Lesleus. score and foure the king sent this archbishop ambas|sador to Rome for the obteining of certeine priuile|ges, 1483 which he brought to effect. In the yeare of Christ one thousand foure hundred fourescore and eleuen, in the time of king Iames the fourth, about the third yeare of his reigne was great contention betwéene the archbishops of saint Andrews and Glascow, touching both their authorities: which when it had drawen manie of the nobilitie into diuers factions, it was ceased by the king for a certeine time, vntill all doubt thereof might be taken awaie, by deciding the same by the canon law before ecclesiasticall iud|ges. Then in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and seuen, being about the ninetéenth years of Iames the fourth, the bishop of saint Andrews with the earle of Arrane were sent ambassadors in|to France.

Alexander Steward bastard sonne to king Iames the fourth, was made archbishop of saint Andrews Alexander Steward. in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and ten, about the two and twentith of the reigne of the same Iames the fourth: this man hauing long stu|died with Erasmus in Germanie, and in the low countries was aduanced to this sée of the archbi|shoprike Lesleus. lib. [...]. pag. 353. when he was yet in Flanders; who hauing intelligence thereof by his freends, came forthwith into Scotland, where he was ioifullie receiued by the king, the nobilitie, & his kindred. He was slaine to|gither with his father king Iames the fourth at Floden field, in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and thirtéene. After which, Iohn Hepburne prior of saint Andrews stronglie besieging the ca|stle of saint Andrews, forced the same to be yéelded vnto him. The cause of which besiege grew, that Hep|burne being chosen bishop of saint Andrews by his canons of that church (wherevnto the whole nobilitie [page 455] were helpers) was hindered to possesse that archbi|shoprike, by such stipendarie people of Gawine Dowglasse as kept the castle; wherevpon the queene Les [...]. pag. 373. and the earle of Angus, after that they vnderstood how the castle was by force come into the hands of Hepburne, did take in euill part that he who was so troublesome vnto them, should ascend to so high a dignitie, and that Gawine Dowglasse so déerelie to them beloued, and to whom they had giuen that bi|shoprike should be helplesse of the recouerie therof. Wherevpon the queene and the duke of Albanie dili|gentlie labored by ambassadors sent to Rome, that a third person (sith Gawine Dowglasse could not obteine it) might be aduanced therevnto, which third man was Andrew Forman bishop of Murrie: fur|ther requiring therewithall that he might be abbat of Dumfermling, & Aberbroth, which in the end with much intreatie they obteined of the pope.

Andrew Forman bishop of Murrie was at E|denburgh Andrew Forman. by the popes buls on the eighth kalends of Ianuarie in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and fiftéene (being about the second yeare of the reigne of Iames the fift) declared archbishop of S. Andrews, and abbat of Dumfermeling and A|berbroth. Wherevpon the prior of saint Andrews before named, still contending that he was archbi|shop, both in respect of the election of the couent, and the consent of the nobilitie, did labor all he could a|gainst Forman, appealing him to Rome, for which cause he with the lord Hales and other his freends came to Edenburgh to defend the matter, at what time the lord Hume chamberlaine of Scotland and such others as openlie assisted Forman, did oppose themselues against the prior, which nobilitie (because they were great in the court) did the more molest and hinder Hepburne, shortlie after by publike edict (and proclamation of the king) banishing the prior & his fo|lowers. Hepburne being striken with the sharpnes of that precept, did priuilie depart the towne, and the prior went to Rome, hoping by the popes authoritie to wrest from Forman the archbishoprike, which he could not obteine by violence. But how he sped at Rome I doo not know, for I onelie find this, that in the yeare following, being the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and sixtéene, about the third yeare of the same Iames the fift, that the gouernor perceiuing that all these contentions, hatreds, and diuisions of the nobilitie did arise by these bralles, which were betweene Forman and Hepburne for the see of saint Andrews, desired to cure this gréeuous wound made in the commonwealth. Wherefore he persuaded Andrew Forman that he should resigne all his ecclesiasticall benefices into his hands in an open assemblie at Edenburgh, for by that meanes the gouernour thought that he might pacifie the minds of the nobilitie, and vtterlie root out those breaches of dissention. Wherevpon there was a daie appointed to the nobilitie to assemble: at what time Andrew Forman fréelie resigned to the gouernor the duke of Albanie all his ecclesiasticall promotion, to be disposed at the dukes pleasure. In considerati|on thereof, the duke bestowed the archbishorike of saint Andrews and the abbeie of Dumfermling vp|on the same Andrew Forman, and gaue the bishop|rike of Murrie to Iames Hepburne (greatlie fauo|red of the earle Bothwell and the competitor of For|man) being therevnto substitute by Iohn Hepburne prior of saint Andrews in place of the said Iohn, to whom moreouer the duke appointed a yerelie pen|sion of a thousand marks, to be paied by the same Forman out of the abbeie of Dumfermling. After which, about six yeares or somewhat lesse, this For|man departed his life, being in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred twentie and two, and the ninth yeare of king Iames the fift, to whom succée|ded Iames Beton.

Iames Beton archbishop of Glascow and chan|cellor Iames Beton. of Scotland, was made archbishop of saint Andrews (as is before touched) after the death of Andrew Forman, hauing therewith the abbeie of Dumfermling, as his predecessor before had posses|sed it, of whom sée more in my discourse of the chan|cellors of Scotland.

Dauid Beton brother to the same Iames Beton Dauid Beton. was after the death of the last archbishop of saint Andrews named to that sée by his brother before his death, which place he possessed accordinglie, af|ter the death of the same Iames Beton. Of this man being a cardinall I haue spoken more liberal|lie in my discourse of the chancellors of Scotland.

Iohn Hamilton (brother to the gouernour) being Iohn Ha|milton. abbat of Pas [...], was by the same gouernour in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fortie and six, being about the fourth yeare of Marie quéene of Scots made archbishop of S. Andrews, after that be had returned out of France (where he applied his studie) in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hun|dred fortie & thrée, being the first or second of quéene Marie of Scotland. This man comming out of France, passed through England, and hauing other learned men in his companie, did visit the king of England, of whome he was most honourablie and courteouslie receiued. From whense going into Scotland he was made treasuror, which office he kept as long as his brother was gouernour, whome he did further in all good counsels at home, and saue & defend in the wars abroad. Then in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred fiftie and nine, be|ing the seauentéenth of quéene Marie, he was with the queene besieged in Leith. After still following the quéenes part, he with others méeteth hir in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred sixtie and six, at Muskelborow, and so attendeth on hir, who not long after in the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred seuentie & one, being about the fourth yeare of Iames the sixt, was taken in the castell of Dunbritaine, and sent prisoner into Sterling, where being examined by the regent Matthew earle of Leneux, about the murther of Henrie king of Scots, sonne to the said Matthew, he was there drawne, hanged, and quartered, being the first arch|bishop that I haue yet heard of that suffered so ig|nominious a death.

Patrike Adamson aliàs Constance succéeded Patrik [...] Ademston. Iohn Hamilton in the archbishoprike of saint An|drews, who possessing this place at this daie, and ha|uing occasioned me to speake of him in seuerall places in this my continuance of the annales of Scotland, is héere to be ouerpassed, and therefore I referre thée to the same annales, if thou desire to know what I haue said of him. ¶ Thus knitting vp the catalog of the archbishops of S. Andrews, we saie that as you haue heard before, that in Februa|rie last Thomas Randolph esquier was sent ambas|sador from the quéene of England into Scotland, so he still remaining there a long time in that countrie dispatcht his ambassage to good effect. During whose aboade there, there was an assemblie holden at Edenborough in Maie, wherein these things which follow were concluded vpon for the establishing and order of the same commonwealth.