_WHeras the kings maiestieour souereignes good, naturall, and vertuous education is now plainelie vnderstood to haue béene abused, and his roiall qualities giuen to him by the almightie God (which caused his fame far aboue the capacitie of his yeares to be magni|fied, and worthilie praised, to the great comfort of all his subiects) hath béene these yeares past obscu|red by the craft & subtiltie of some lewd and wicked persons of no desert or woorthinesse, and for the most part of base linage, not borne to one foot breadth of land, yet of maruelous aspiring wrongs and cruell inclination; who vnder colour of friendship and bloud créeping in about his maiestie, and séeking onelie theirowne particuliar profit and promotion: shaking off (as it were) not onelie all christian and charitable nature: but euen the generall points and offices of humanitie vsed amongst most barbarous people, without feare of God or man, as subtill fores and bloudie woolues, by wresting of lawes and other deceitfull practises hath so wasted, torne in pée|ces, and deuoured the whole bodie of this afflicted commonwealth, that of the whole ancient forme of iustice and policie receiued of our ancestors, remai|neth nothing, neither in spirituall or temporall e|state; but the naked shadow & counterfeited maske thereof to our souereignes high dishonor, our oppro|brie (who are a part of his nobilitie) and heauie griefe of all good men throughout the realme. It is eui|dentlie knowne what iustice and quietnesse was in the realme, what heartie loue betwixt his maiestie and his subiects, what beautifull countenance the church of God had, what dailie hope of increase, what expectation was of his highnesse in forren na|tions, before the arriuall of Obigneie, afterwards called the duke of Leneux; and the entring in credit of Iames Stéward, and coronell Steward with their vnhappie companies. But what hath succée|ded since no true Scotish heart can remember with|out extreame dolor: for there is no part or corner within the land at this time peaceable or quiet, but all replenished with particular enimities, and cruell reuenges without punishment.
It is also well knowne, that whereas the wisest of his maiesties most noble progenitors labored by clemencie, not by crueltie to possesse the hearts of their subiects, & to kéepe the strengths of their relms in their owne hands (thereby meaning the better to preserue themselues against such inconuenien|ces, as manie princes of that land misgouerned, and lead by peruerse counsell haue béene subiect vnto) that the foresaid abusors had depriued his maiestie both of the one and the other so far as in them laie. For the chéefe strength of the realme are in Arrane his hands, who bragging of his pedegrée by descent from duke Mordacke (one that was beheaded for histreason against his souereigne) was not ashamed to saie (meaning of himselfe) Here stands the person of king Iames the seuenth. And to the end that the hearts of the people might be alienated from, his highnesse, and so (as appeareth) his maiestie made vnable to punish them, if at anie time hereafter he should perceiue their false and treasonable dooings, what can be added more than these said seditious hath alreadie doone in that behalfe, séeing vnder his maiesties name and authoritie, such parcialitie is v|sed in all matters such extortion with crueltie, and incredible dissimulation throughout the whole land, that were it not of his good subiects (vpon the experi|ence of his mild & [...]alme gouernement before these lewd men about him) cleerelie vnderstood that the causes of all these misorders ought to be imputed vnto them, & not to himselfe, they had long agone by vniuersall male-contentment of the people (procée|ding from the causes aforesaid) procured a great di|straction of the kings lééges hearts, and had cast his maiesties honor, crowne, and estate in maruellous danger, whereas now (blessed be God) all his true subiects are certeinelie persuaded, that if the said lewd persons could be separated from his maiestie, he would returne againe to exercise his former cle|mencie and towardnesse in euerie respect, which hath béene these yeares past maruellouslie eclipsed by the craft of those treasonable persons aforesaid, who not onelie haue sought & séeke for their particular com|moditie, the destruction of certeine seuerall persons, but euen (as it appeareth) haue conspired against the whole bodie of the realme, in so much as there is no estate of the land frée from their persecutions.
The worthiest and most ancient of the barons and nobilitie (namelie such as haue giuen best proofe of their forwardnesse in true religion, and fidelitie to their souereigne) are by parcialitie, and wresting of lawes, without mercie either executed, coosoned, im|prisoned, [page 447] banished, or at the least debarred his maie|sties presence, against the ministerie, schooles, and clergie, acts and proclamations published, inhibi|ting their presbyteries, assemblies, and other exerci|ses, priuileges, and immunities ratified by parle|ments, proceedings, or at the least by laudable cu|stome permitted euer since the first reformation of religion within this land; and without the which the puritie of doctrine, and right forme of the ec|clesiasticall discipline cannot long continue: as being the onelie meanes to trie and examine the liues, maners, and knowledge of euerie person, and to reforme the same if need require. With this the most fearned, and of most vnspotted liues of that number, are either compelled for safetie of their liues and consciences to abandon their countrie, or else inhibited to preach, or depriued of their stipends, Iesuits, seminarie préests, and such as be knowne practisers in diuers nations for the execution of the bloudie councell of Trent are interteined, and in great estimation; yea some indurated papists in ses|sion, to occupie the places from the which the most godlie and faithfull senators haue béene by them de|tected. An euident presage of the ouerthrow of true religion. And concerning the estate of burowes, by intrusion of such magistrates to rule aboue them, as neither are comburgesses, nor apt to discharge them|selues of such offices, but men elected to applause and to consent to the appetite of the seditious afore|said, their priuileges and ancient liberties are so pre|iudiced, that without timelie remedie, that estate (sometime a great ornament of the land) must néeds suddenlie decaie. So as these thrée pillers (whereby the king and common wealth should be preserued, and vpholden) being wasted and vndermined in ma|ner aboue written, what can be expected but vniuer|sall ruine and ouerthrow of the whole bodie of the e|state; except God of his mercie preuent the same. Besides all these, the foresaid abusors not resting content with the enormities aboue expressed, haue practised, and dailie doo practise to turne the happie a|mitie and loue, which now a good space hath stood be|twéene the inhabitants of the whole Ile in open ho|stilitie and hatred, without respect of neighborhood or kindred, standing betwéene the two princes, or re|gard had to the benefits that hir maiestie of Eng|land hath bestowed vpon the king our souereigne, and his whole countrie, first by planting of true re|ligion within this realme, and next by preseruing his maiestie, when as in his minoritie he could not take in hand or enterprise for himselfe.
To this effect they openlie delt with such persons, as by all meanes sought hir maiesties destruction, as by the confession of sundrie hir maiesties rebels latelie executed in England is made manifest. But how soone they perceiued open danger to arise, by o|pen dealing with hir enimies, then fraudfullie to il|lude hir maiestie, they haue pretended these months past, in great freendship and kindnesse, promising largelie in that behalfe, and offering to capitulate a band offensiue and defensiue to stand perpetuallie. But in the end, notwithstanding all these liberall promises, the effects by experience declare nothing to haue béene in their minds but falshood & crueltie, as by the late murder of the lord Russell is manifest to the whole world, who being a yoong nobleman, for his birth and qualities verie honorable and vertu|ous, and of great expectation, & for his earnest zeale to religion, and good affection to the king our soue|reigne, and to all Scotishmen in generall, one that merited great praise, loue and commendation: yet he was murdered in most odious and treasonable maner, euen when as greatest kindnesse and fréend|ship was pretended; which cannot but produce mar|uellous suspicion and slander, aswell against the king our souereigne, as against the whole countrie, to his maiesties great dishonor, and discredit of his innocent subiects, if condigne iustice be not mini|stred vpon the authors and the executors of the hor|rible crime aforesaid.
Last, which is most of all, and necessarilie craueth present reformation, the foresaid abusors couer all these enormities with his maiesties name and au|thoritie, thereby thinking to excuse themselues, and to laie the burden on him. And therefore, as it can|not be but verie slanderous and dangerous to his maiestie, if suchlicentious persons (who hathalreadie made shipwracke of all honestie) be suffered to re|maine in his companie, so is it shamefull to be re|ported in other nations, that such a few number of beggerlie fellowes replenished with all vice, should extinguish the beautie of the nobilitie, haue empire ouer the whole countrie, & keepe his maiestie thrall to authorise by his roiall power their abhominable and execrable facts. For the causes aforesaid and manie others that might be iustlie alleged, we of his maiesties nobilitie here present, in the feare of God and our souereignes obedience, being through Gods frée mercie called to be professors of the blessed euan|gell, and borne councellors to his highnesse our souereigne, bound in duetie not onelie to hazzard, render and renounce our liues, lands, and goods (if néed be) for the same euangell and true religion, but also in conscience charged to be carefull of his maie|sties welfare, honor, and reputation, and to procure to our abilitie, peace and quietnesse to him and his realme, hauing our lands and heritages for that ef|fect, holden of his maiesties most noble progenitors of woorthie memorie.
In consideration of which great enormities and tyrannies, hauing conuened our selues togither for redresse and reformation of the same, séeing the suf|fering thereof hath alreadie wounded the estate of true religion, dishonored his maiestie, disturbed the whole realme, and had almost disioined aswell the hearts of the princes as of the subiects of the two nations, we thinke it therefore high time, and we are in dutie and conscience (all doubt and perill set apart) to procure the separation and thrusting awaie of the said desperate and enorme persons from about his maiestie, that his highnesse being restored to his former libertie, maie fréelie, peaceablie, and wiselie gouerne his subiects and realme, by aduise of graue, modest, and indifferent councellors; onelie respe|cting his maiesties suertie and preseruation, to the end that the afflicted church within this land maie be comforted, and all acts latelie made in preiudice of the same, maie be solemnelie cancelled, and for euer adnulled, his maiestie restored to his former liber|tie, the bodie of his commonwealth (by punishing of vice chéeflie vpon the authors of these late misor|ders, and mainteinance of vertue) maie be once dis|burdened of the heauie oppressions and iniuries that they haue with no small gréefe so long susteined, and the happie amitie with England réestablished and conserued, to the high glorie of God, honor of the king our souereigne, and vniuersall contentment of all good men euerie where. In prosecution where|of, we protest before God and his holie angels, we shall neither spare our liues, lands, nor goods, but frankelie hazzard and expend the same as néed cra|ueth, vntill the said abusors be either apprehended or presented to iustice, to suffer for their demerits, or else (if they cannot be found out) till they be debar|red from his maiesties companie, and expelled the realme.
Wherefore we command and charge (in our soue|reigne lords name) all and sundrie his subiects, as [page 448] well to burrow as to land, to fortifie and assist this godlie enterprise, and to concurre with vs to that effect, as they will giue testimonie of their affection to the aduancement of true religion, his maiesties suertie and welfare, and the publike quietnesse of the whole realme, certifieng all and sundrie that d [...]oth attempt anie thing to the contrarie, or will not take one fold and plaine part with vs, we will repute them as partakers of all vice and iniquitie, assisters of the treasonable conspirators aforesaid, and eni|mies of true religion, to his maiestie and his autho|ritie, and to the publike quietnesse betwixt the two realmes, and will vse them in bodies and goods ac|cordinglie. And that all iustices as well lords of sessions as shiriffes, commissioners, and other inferi|our iudges sit and administer iustice to the furthe|rance thereof, according to the lawes of the realme, as they will answer vpon their allegiance and vt|termost perill, with certification of the disobeior as is aforesaid.
This assemblie of the nobilitie, and the proclama|tion thus knowne; the earle of Arrane and others which were in Sterling with the king, placed foure hundred men vpon the wals of the towne to defend The earle of Arrane flieth. the assault. But the earle of Arrane chancellor, kno|wing that he was the principall person, against whome they directed their force, did secretlie without anie other companie flie from thense to Dunbri|taine, escaping the hands of the lords of the religion, The earle of Angus en|treth Ster|ling. wherevpon small resistance b [...]ing made by such as were within Sterling against the assailants, vsing their force by the space of two houres, the earle of Angus and the rest did quietlie enter Sterling and all parts; which being perceiued by such of the nobili|tie as were within the towne, they (as the earle of Montrosse, Crawford, Rothosse, Glencarne, Arroll and the Colonell) fled to the castell whither the other faction did chase them Now when the lords of the re|ligion (for so they of the presbyterie terme them) had fullie gotten possession of the towne of Sterling, they placed their ensignes before the foreblockhouse of the castell, and so ordered the matter, that there was no waie for anie in the castell to escape their The castell of Sterling be|sieged. hands, for they had by strength inuironed the same, and by siege brought it as some said to that extremi|tie, that they within were in great default of vittels. Wherevpon the king (after agréement made, that persons on each part might passe betwéene to com|pound the matter) sent foorth of the castell vnto the The king sen|deth to the lords of the re|ligion. lords of the religion, the maister of Greie his secre|tarie and sir Lewes Ballentine, iustice Clarke (de|putie to the earle of Argile chéefe iustice of Scotland by inheritance) and colonell Steward, desiring thrée petitions of his nobilitie; the first whereof was, that his life honor and estate might be preserued; that the liues of Crawford, Montro [...]se and the Colonell, might be preserued; thirdlie, that all things might be transacted peaceablie: on which conditions he would hereafter be ruled by their aduise and coun|sell. Wherevnto the noble men answered, first that The answer of the lords of the religion to the kings demands. the lord knew that they neuer had anie other inten|tion but to preserue his noble person, his honor and estate, and to deliuer his maiestie out of their hands, who vnder his name had so gréeuouslie oppressed the church and commonwealth, and therein hazarded as well his life and crowne, as the danger of other of the nobilitie. Wherefore they were onelie there as|sembled in the feare of God, and loue to his person and their countrie, wholie to endeuour themselues to shew the performance of their obedience and du|tie vnto him, and so to shew themselues faithfull and good subiects.
To the second point they answered, that where the liues of such were desired to be preserued, which had disturbed the whole kingdome, and béene instru|ments of the great confusion in the church & com|monwealth, they could doo no lesse in respect of the loue and dutie which they bare to the king and their countrie, but vse all meanes possible to bring them to the triall of iustice, thereby to receiue the reward of their demerite. And for the third they would most humblie craue of his maiestie, that these things might be doone in most peacefull maner in due time required therefore, wherby all his good subiects might be satisfied, towards the execution whereof they offe|red their assistance, with the vttermost of their ende|uour, because they were assembled and come thither for the dooing thereof.
Besides which at the returne of these commissi|oners, The lords of the religion exhibit three petitions to the king. the nobilitie exhibited other thrée petitions vnto the king, whereof the first was, that the kings maiestle would allow of their intention, subscribe their proclamation (conteining the declaration of their cause) vntill further order were established by the estates, and so agrée vnto the reformation of the premisses, & that all the common holds & strengths might be rendred into their hands to be kept as the councell of the ancient nobilitie should appoint, who were there in good number assembled. Secondlie, that the said disquieters of the common-wealth might be deliuered into their custodie, vntill they had receiued their due triall by the law. Thirdlie, that the old gard might be remooued and an other placed of modest, wise, and godlie men. Which pe|titions being so to the king exhibited, the first was vpon diuers considerations granted, and the castels The king granteth the requests of the lords. Dunbarton & Kineile were assigned to the custodie of Iohn lord Hamilton; the castell of Edenburgh was committed to sir Iames Hume of Coden|knolles; the castell of Sterling was restored to the earle of Marre, to whome the custodie thereof did belong by descent of inheritance; the castell of Blacknesse to the lard of Dalketh; Tantallan and Dowglasse were deliuered to the earle of Angus. Noble men committed to custodie. Touching the satisfaction of the second request of the lords, the said earles of Crawford, Montrosse, Clenkarne, Rothosse, Arroll, and colonell Stew|ard, the lords Seton, Leuingstone, Greie, Sum|merwell, sir William Steward brother to the earle of Arrane, and William Steward capteine of Dunbarton (who had béene taken in the towne of Sterling, when the lords of the religion entered thereinto) were committed to the safe custodie of manie noble men. For the performance of the lords third petition, the old gard was immediatlie remooued, & the maister of Glames was appointed The kings gard remooued and a new pla|ced. by the consent of the whole nobilitie capteine of the gard, with such gentlemen as the nobilitie and he should choose of those which are alreadie entred into their places and offices.
In the meane time, as is before touched, Iames Steward earle of Arrane did at the entring of the lords of the religion into the towne of Sterling, flie to the castell of Dunbarton, where he was inclosed, as well by sea as by land, without anie great store of vittels. The bishop of saint Andrews was taken The bishop of S. Andrews taken. by the scholers of the vniuersitie, and yoong men of the towne aforesaid (as was said) to be presented to iustice into the hands of the lords of the religion; The mini|sters called home. and so all capteins were set at libertie, the banished ministers called home (though manie of them still remained in England) and restored to their former offices, dignities, and liuings, and the Iesuits and seminarie priests woonderfullie amazed, who were willinglie minded to flie disguised in mariners at|tire The Iesuits readie to flie Scotland. into the parts beyond the seas. Thus the king granting the requests of the nobilitie, and yéelding [page 449] to the state of the present time, committed himselfe to the protection of these lords of the religion remai|ning The king in the custodie of the lords of the religion. in their custodie, after that they had once en|tred the castell of Sterling.
Wherevpon much congratulation being made for this returne of those banished lords into Scot|land, the quéene of England hauing intelligence William Knolles sent ambassador in|to Scotland. thereof, did send hir ambassador William Knolles esquire marshall of hir bench into the parts of Scot|land, to vnderstand the parts thereof, and of the ma|ner of the procéeding of these noble men with the king: which ambassador after his abode and hono|rable interteinment in that countrie, returned home in December following. In which moneth there was a parlement called at Lithgo, for the full ratifieng and confirming of the restitution of these lords of the religion: at what time the earle of Ar|rane was displaced both from his earledome of Ar|rane, and office of chancellorship: and the earle of Bothwell was admitted to that office of lord chan|cellor. The earle Bothwell made chan|cellor. Besides which also the custodie of the luna|tike earle of Arrane, sonne of the duke of Chatele|rault was taken from the same Iames Steward earle of Arrane, and committed to Iohn lord Ha|milton lord of Arbroth, and brother to the lunatike earle, sometime remaining in the wardship of the said Iohn Hamilton, before that the said Iames Steward had gotten the possession of that lunatike earle into his owne hands, out of the custodie of the same Iohn Hamilton.
But somewhat to leaue the lunatike earle in Iames Ste|ward earle of Arrane mar|ried to the widow of the [...]le of March. safe kéeping, we will speake a litle of this Iames Steward earle of Arrane, and of his wife; who being a woman of delight of change in marri|age, was (after the second shipwracke) marri|ed to this earle of Arrane; for she being one of the daughters of the earle of Atholl, was first married to the lord Louet. After which, iudging it better to marrie than to burne (although by the sequele of the same she felt small contentment therein) she bound hir selfe with the knot of matrimonie vnto Robert Steward earle of March and bishop of Cathnesse; but after finding occasion of diuorce, the contenti|on and sute whereof continued verie long, from the said earle, she was in the end separated; and then the third time bestowed hir selfe in marriage vpon this Iames Steward earle of Arrane, by whome she had issue diuerse sonnes and daughters, the el|dest whereof the king tooke from the font and christe|ned.
Thus leauing this erle of Arrane for this time, I thinke it not amisse in this place to step aside from the matters of these present times; and herein at the aduancement of this earle Bothwell to be lord chancellor of Scotland, to record some things touch|ing some such persons as haue (to my knowledge by reading of Scotish histories) possessed that office of chancellorship before time, as in an other place before at the mention of an other chancellor I haue discoursed of the originall and deriuation of the name of that office. In which this my discourse of the succession of chancellors, although I shall set downe but few persons in number, & can not make a full continuance of their orderlie succession, from their first institution vnto this daie: yet I suppose it better to mention those which haue come vnto my hands, thereby to occasion others hereafter to treat more liberallie of such honorable officers, than vt|terlie to drowne them in the pit of forgetfulnesse. Which treatise of the chancellors I am the willing|er to deliuer, because I haue doone the like (but more amplie) for England, as being better acquainted with our owne than their histories.