3.10. The kings intention drawne into certeine articles, and published in print.

The kings intention drawne into certeine articles, and published in print.

_HIs maiesties intention is, by the grace of God, to mainteine the true and sin|ceare profession of the gospell, and prea|ching thereof within his realme.

[page 442] 2 His maiesties intention is, to correct and pu|nish such as seditiouslie abuse the truth, and factious|lie applie or rather bewraie the text of the scripture to the disquieting of the state and disturbing of the commonwealth, or imparing of his highnesse and councels honour.

3 His maiesties intention is, if anie question of faith and doctrine arise, to conuocate the most lear|ned, godlie, wise, and experimented pastors, that by conference of scriptures the veritie may be tried, and all heresie and schisme by that means expressed.

4 His maiesties intention is, that for the keeping of good order in euerie paroch, certeine ouerséeers to the good behauiour of the rest, be appointed at the visitation of the bishop or visitour, who shall haue his maiesties authoritie, and officers of armes con|curring for the punishment of vice.

5 His maiesties intention is, to mainteine the exercise of prophesie for the increase and continuing of knowledge amongst the ministerie: in which a wise and a graue man selected by the bishop or com|missioner at the synodall assemblie, shall render ac|compt of the administration of those bounds, where the exercise is holden, for which cause some respect of liuing shall be had vnto him, who susteins that bur|then.

6 His maiesties intention is, not to derogate from the ordinarie iudgement of matters of the church by the ordinarie bishops, their councels and synods: but if anie of them doo amisse, and abuse their calling, to take order for correcting, amending and punishing thereof.

7 His maiesties intention is, not to hinder or staie anie godlie or solid order, grounded vpon the word of God, and order of the primitiue church, but that the ministers of the word meddle themselues onelie with their owne calling, and iudge not feare|fullie of the estate.

8 It is his maiesties intention, that the presbyte|ries consisting of manie ministers and gentlemen, at Landwar or otherwaies, be not further toller at in his realme: but the exercise of iurisdiction of all churches to be in the hand of the bishop or commissi|oner, and their councels and synods.

9 It is his maiesties intention, that the bishops or commissioners assemble not anie generall assem|blie out of the whole realme, without his maiesties knowledge and licence obteined therevnto: which vpon supplication his highnesse will not denie, that an vniforme order may be obserued in the whole realme, and the bishops and their diligences there tried and examined, and the complaints of euerie particular heard and discussed.

10 It is his maiesties intention to assist this as|semblie himselfe, or by a noble man of his councell, his highnesse deputie.

11 It is his maiesties intention, that when anie paroch findeth necessitie of anie fast, they informe the occasion to the bishop or commissioner and their councell, that they may vnderstand the cause to be lawfull; as likewise the bishop of the diocesse finding lawfull occasion, may within the same, with his councell prescribe anie publike humiliation.

12 It his maiesties intention, that a generall fast throughout the whole realme, shall not be pro|clamed but by his maiesties commandement, or by a generall councell, wherin his maiestie or his high|nesse deputie is present.

13 It is his highnesse intention, that the bishops in the realme in euerie diocesse with their councell procéed into the ecclesiasticall gouernement, but as is said with a councell, that both tyrannie and confu|sion may be auoided in the church.

14 It is his maiesties intention, that commissi|oners be directed vniuersallie throughout the whole realme, to establish a godlie order, and that his ma|iesties commissioners take order presentlie for the translation of such ministers, whose trauels they e|steeme may more conuenientlie and profitablie serue in an other place.

These things was the king faine to publish, to staie the euill report of such as went about to touch him for the breach of the christian order in religion, which being nothing but that which séemeth answerable to naturall sense & princelie maiestie, should neither by malice haue mooued, nor for colour of religion pro|cured anie beyond the warrant of the word of God, or the duetie of naturall allegiance to resist the king|lie ordinance, or to lift vp their sword or word a|gainst him, who being a god in earth, presenteth the maiestie of the God of heauen. But leauing the dis|course of these things to preachers, to whome it be|longeth to instruct vs in our dutie to God, to our prince, & to our neighhours, we will turne againe to the other following occurrents of Scotland. And yet before we speake anie thing of those matters, The parle|ment of Scot|land consisteth of thrée estats. sith I haue in this place as well as in manie other spoken of parlements & acts of parlement, I thinke it not amisse to set downe somewhat collected out of authors touching their manner and order of parle|ment, and that the rather bicause the same consisteth of thrée estates, and the princes confirmation as our parlement dooth, from whome it séemeth to me that they haue fet their light. Touching which, Lesleus in his Scotish historie lib. 1. pag. 75, vnder the title of Leges Scotorum, writeth in this sort. Qui verò se|culi negotijs sese implicantes in ecclesiasticorum album non referuntur, legibus, quas reges descripse|runt, aut regum voce confirmatas, tres regni ordi|nes sanxerũt, continentur, has partim Latino, partim Scotico sermone confirmatas, regni municipales le|ges vocamus: libro qui leges Latinè scriptas conti|net, titulus (regiam maiestatem) praefigitur, quòd ab illis vocibus libri exordium ducatur. Reliquis legum libris, comitiorũ (quae populari sermone parliamen|ta dicimus) acta inscribuntur. Quanquam hic aduer|tendum, nos ita lege municipali teneri, vt si causa multis controuersijs implicata (quod saepe fit) incidat quae legibus nostratibus non possit dirimi, statim quicquid ad hanc controuersiam decidendam neces|sarium censetur, ex ciuilibus Romanorum libris pro|matur. Sed si quis legum nostrarum originem velit conquisitè inuestigare, intelligat potestatem has fe|rendi antiquandique trium ordinum suffragijs liberè in publico latis regis assensu confirmatis esse posi|tam. On which parlements so assembled, consisting of the three estates, & the princes confirming voice (in the beginning whereof the king goeth to the place where that assemblie is made, to kéepe such parle|ment attired in his regall garments, with the sword and other ornaments, the ensignes of his kingdome and kinglie authoritie, caried before him, attended on with all his nobilitie and cleargie) those com|mon people will manie times giue such bie names Parlements nicknamed. as séemeth best liking to themselues, and is most answerable to the nature & order of that parlement, as we also doo héere in England, whereof I could produce manie examples of both nations, which at this time I will forbeare, and onelie set downe one proofe (as well of England as Scotland) to confirme the same, least in passing it ouer without some exam|ple thereof, I might make a vaine shew of know|ledge consisting in naked words, without anie sound matter. Wherefore I saie, that as in England in The made parlement the yeare of our redemption one thousand two hun|dred fiftie and eight, being the two and fortith yeare of the reigne of king Henrie the third, the parle|ment [page 443] held at Oxford by the lords against the king, was called Parliamentum insanum, bicause manie things were there intreted which turned to the death of diuerse noble men. So the Scots in like maner bynamed a parlement, in the yeare of Christ 1556, The running parlement. (being the fouretéenth yeare of Marie the now im|prisoned quéene of Scotland) and called the same a running parlement, bicause there were manie in|termissions and remoouings during the continu|ance thereof, as appeareth by Lesleus in these words. Aestate sequenti habita sunt Edinburgi trium ordi|num Lesleus. comitia, in quibus domini Brunstonius, Gran|gius, Balnauius, & alij nonnulli, quorum bona à gu|bernatore publicata fuerunt, singulari regis Franciae commendatione dignati, famae atque bonis restitu|ti sunt. Haec verò comitia quòd intermissa, potiùs quàm omissa, quasi continuarentur, nomen à vulgo acceperunt, vt currentia dicerentur. Thus much be|ing said about their parlements, let vs againe fall with our pen into the other matters of Scotland, which followed the formèr parlement assembled in Maie, and mooued the king to make that declarati|on thereof which I haue before set downe.

About the time that the earle Gowrike or Gowrie was as before is remembred beheaded, the king did roiallie set forward his iourneie, and possessed the towne of Sterling, in which the said earle was exe|cuted, hauing a sister maried to Lesle earle of Ro|thos, and a daughter married to Steward earle of Atholl. After the death of the said earle Gowricke lord treasuror of Scotland, the king bestowed that office vpon Grahame earle of Montrosse, who had married the lord Dromands sister, which name of Grame is supposed to be deduced from Grahame, who in the yeare of Christ foure hundred twentie and two, resisted the Romans, inuading the Picts and Lesleus li. 4. pag. 133. Scots, for when Victorinus the Romane legat, had againe commanded a trench or fense to be made from the castell of Abincorne to Cluide, the same was vtterlie ouerthrowne and cast abroad by the no|ble Capteine Grame, of whome as is supposed the familie of the Grames liuing at this daie had their originall, the same place to this daie being called the trench of Grame or Grames trench.

The tenth of September (after that he was sent for by the quéene of England vpon certeine articles laid against him) did George Talbot erle of Shrews|burie (a graue and honourable person, who had Ma|rie the imprisoned quéene of Scots in his custodie at Sheffeld castell) repaire to London according to his dutie, to answer those things which should be ob|iected against him, who comming to London verie honorablie attended on with his owne retinue, a|mounting to the number of two hundred horsse, and with some few others of the quéenes men, which were sent to bring him vp, repaired to his house at Coleherbert in London from whense in Nouember going to the court to answer the things to be obiec|ted vnto him, about the custodie and vsage of the same quéene of Scots, which had manie yéers béene vnder his charge, he answered the matter verie ho|nourablie, and to his good discharge, being then dis|missed of the kéeping of the same quéene of Scots. During whose being here at London, the quéene of Scots was appointed to the charge of sir Rafe Sad|ler knight banneret, a graue and old councellor to the state of England, and chancellor of the dutchie of Lancaster; with whome was also ioined in the same commission Iohn Summers esquier, clearke of the signet, a wise and modest gentleman, well séene in the languages, excellent at disciphering, and brought vp vnder [...]at worthie and rare witted gentleman, doctor Nicholas Wotton, of whome I haue spoken more in the historie of England. These hauing this quéene thus committed vnto them, did (as persons carfull of so weightie a charge) remooue hir to a place of good strength, and conueied hir to be kept in the castell of Tutberrie, where she (not remaining long in their custodie) bicause they were remooued and o|thers put in place, was afterward about Maie fol|lowing as anon shall appeare, committed to the charge of sir Aimes Paulet one also of the priuie councell of England, hauing before béene ambassa|dor legier in France, a person descended of an an|cient and honourable familie, with whome and vn|der whose charge she still remaineth at this present in the said castle of Tutburie.

But to leaue that matter, we saie that about the tenth daie of Ianuarie following this discharge of the earle of Shrewesburie, sir Lewis Balentine knight, iustice, clerke, and maister of the ceremo|nies of the kings house, which office as I haue béene crediblie informed by a Scot (but how trulie I leaue to others) his father, his grandfather, and great grandfather before him, did inioie, and to whome most of the nobilitie of Scotland, either by affini|tie, consanguinitie, or aliance, were linked in blood, a goodlie yoong gentleman about the age of thirtie yeares, was sent ambassador into England for the redeliuerie and accusation of the erle of Angus and Marre, and the other nobles which were fled out of Scotland into England for a supposed treason wrought by them against their king, whose redeliue|rie was required of the quéene of England, to the end the king might execute the law vpon them. In which his ambassage he behaued himselfe before the councell of England so grauelie and learnedlie, that the said earles were sent for from Norwich (where they soiorned before his comming) to Westmin|ster, there to answere to such things as should be laid to their charge by the said sir Lewis Balentine. Wherevpon after that the said ambassador had re|mained in England at London (honorablie inter|teined and feasted of the nobilitie and others) by the space of seuentéene wéeks, he was dispatched into his countrie with answer, that hir maiestie would shortlie send an ambassador into Scotland which should fullie satisfie the king. Wherevpon the said sir Lewis Balentine departed from London on the tenth daie of Maie following, in the yeare of our 1585 redemption one thousand fiue hundred eightie and fiue, and so returned into Scotland; much about which time, as is before a little touched, was Marie quéene of Scots, remaining in the custodie of sir Ralfe Sadler in the castell of Tutburie, committed to the kéeping of sir Aimese Paulet.

After this the quéene of England the ninetéenth daie of the said moneth of Maie dispatched in am|bassage into Scotland, Edward Wootton esquier, a gentleman of good descent, and one whose ances|tors had honorablie & faithfullie serued manie prin|ces of England, as well in the place of priuie coun|cellors, as also in manie ambassages into forren na|tions: which ambassador being of yeares not much more than the said sir Lewis Balentine, had trauel|led the most part of Europe, and had before time béene ambassador for the quéene of England into Portingall. This gentleman so sent from the quéene of England to the king of Scots, attended on by o|ther English gentlemen, departed as is before said from London towards Scotland the ninetéenth of Maie, who remaining at Berwike about thrée dais, did there receiue his conduct from the king of Scots to passe into his kingdome; which once obteined, he presentlie entred that land on Whitsunéeue, being the nine and twentith daie of the said moneth of Maie, and so came that daie to Edenburgh, being first at his entrance into the Scotish borders recei|ned [page 444] by the lord Hume and his retinue, who conuei|ed them to Seton house, where they were intertei|ned by the lord Seton: after which when the ambas|sador was departed about halfe a mile from the said lord Setons house, he was met with sir Robert Meluin knight, maister William Keth one of the kings chamber, and others, which conueied him that night to Edenburgh. The next morrow (after that the English ambassador was come to the citie of E|denburgh) being Whitsundaie, the ambassador was after dinner brought to the kings presence, where he had full audience for the deliuerie of his ambas|sage, consisting vpon the confirming of the old and concluding of a new league of amitie betwéene the two nations of England and Scotland; which the king accepting in honorable part, did for that time dismisse the ambassador, vntill the minds & consents of the nobilitie might be vnderstood and had. With which answer the ambassador then satisfied, tooke leaue of the king for that present, and remained still at Edenburgh some fortnight, interteined with sports of delights answerable to the course of the yéere, and the dutie of an ambassage. From whense the ambassador attending on the king was conuei|ed to Dumfermling, where the king remained some time to repose himselfe, progressing from thense to Falkland, and so to saint Andrews, hauing the am|bassador alwaies with him. When the king was come to saint Andrews, the noblemen and states of the realme repaired thither to hold a parlement, according to the former appointment.

But whilest these things did thus passe at saint Andrews, the time drew on, when the borderers of both the nations of England and Scotland should assemble according to the custome of the true daies, there to determine for recompense of all such iniu|ries as each people had offered to other, in conuei|eng of cattell or other booties from their borders; for which cause there did about the sixtéenth daie of Iu|lie assemble the people of both the borders, and the wardens of the same; at what time the lord of Fern|hurst warden of the Scotish borders, and sir Fran|cis Russell knight lord Russell, and sir Iohn Foster knight warden of the middle marches came with their companie to the borders of Scotland, not far from Berwike, and so entred into spéech with the Scots of such causes for which they repaired thither. After when the wardens were set vpon the bench to heare and determine the same, there did suddenlie arise among the people a contention, whereby fol|lowed at the first some small fraie, which being per|ceiued by sir Francis Russell, he arose from the bench and called for his horsse, who meaning to ap|pease the matter, went among the prease. At what time a certeine number of shot comming on him, he was suddenlie, but most vniustlie, slaine with a peece amongst the rest discharged against him by a Scot borne about that place (suspected by the most to be the brother of the lord of Fernhurst) contrarie to the nature of such assemblies, where each part shuld labor for quiet sith publike faith at such times are giuen, that euerie one shall returne home with|out anie damage or iniurie offered by anie side. The losse of which sir Francis Russell, being a gentle|man of treat hope, was much lamented of the En|glish, and that especiallie sith his vntimelie death so iniuriouslie (by the erle of Arrane, as the common fame went) procured and so suddenlie performed, in the fiue and [...]rtith yeare of his age, did bereaue the realme of England of a goodlie yoong person, well staied in gouernement, bountifull, wise, and vertu|ous, whose death happening the daie before that his honorable father the earle of Bedford (being of the same christian and surname) departed the world, oc|casioned T. G. first in Latine, and then in English, to set downe certeine funerall and moorning verses touching both the father and the son in these words:

En duo Francisci subitò occubuere, simúlque
Et pater & natus, Russellae splendida stirpis
Lumina, quos binos mors abstulit atra diebus:
Londini, comitem prouecta aetate pareńtem,
Finibus ac Scotiae natum florentibus annis,
Ille perit morbo, infidijs cadit alter iniquis:
Dum miser occulta traiecit viscera glande
Incautè Scotus, heu fictae sub nomine pacis.
Occidit ante patrem, non multis filius horis.
Anglia magna tibi est rapti iactura parentis,
Nec leuis est nati, de quo spes optima fulsit.
Quis scit an irati foret haec vindicta Iehouae,
De vitijs poenas dum nostris sumit acerbas?

The English whereof is in this forme drawne in|to verse by the first author of them T. G. in this sort:

Lo Francies twaine at once both suddenlie are gone:
Two shining stars of Russels race, the father and the sonne.
Whom in two daies vntimelie death hath from vs caught awaie:
The earle in London natures debt, the father old did paie.
The sonne his heire, lord Russell hight, of courage fresh and yeares:
On Scotish borders lost his life, whose want now well appeares.
The father did by sicknesse die, the sonne through fraud vniust:
By Scotish hand with gun was slaine, whilst nothing he mistrust.
The sonne before the fathers death not manie houres was slaine:
Great is thy losse, ô England, of these peerelesse nobles twaine.
Thy fathers worthie vertues late knowne well (and long) to all:
From fathers steps the sonne great hope gaue that he would not fall.
Who knowes if God the Lord of hosts, this punishment doth send:
Our sinnes so great thereby to scourge, and wicked liues amend?

Of which erle of Bedford (hauing occasion to men|tion him in this place by the death of his sonne) I suppose not amisse to saie somewhat more, especial|lie concerning such matters whereof he was a dea|ler with the imprisoned quéene of Scots, when she was at libertie and in hir best estate.

In the yeare of Christ one thousand fiue hundred and thrée score, Francis the French king died at Orleans in the kalends of December. After which, in the yere following, Marie the quéene of Scots, Dowager of France and widow to the said Fran|cis, soiourned a certeine time in France about Ian|uille and Loreine, where the chéefe part of hir friends & kindred (being of the house of Guise) did remaine, during whose abode in France, and before she went into Scotland: this earle of Bedford and sir Nicho|las Throgmorton (ligier ambassador in France for the quéene of England) were sent vnto the quéene of Scots to conclude with hir, that the agréements and conditions of peace, which were established a lit|tle before at Leith should be established by hir con|sent. Whervnto for answere she affirmed, that she could not determine anie thing therein, vnlesse that she were present with the nobilitie of hir king|dome, to whom the administration of the realme of Scotland was committed at the intreatie of the English. And that when she was in Scotland, where by Gods good furtherance she hoped shortlie for to [page 445] be, she would earnestlie trauell all the might for the establishing of all good conditions of peace. Againe when the king of Scots now liuing was by his god|fathers to be taken from the font and to be regene|rate in Christ; in the yere of our saluation one thou|sand fiue hundred thréescore and six, being the foure and twentith yeare of the reigne of the same Marie quéene of Scots, this earle of Bedford as ambassa|dor from the quéene of England, was sent to the quéene of Scots by waie of deputiship to present the person of his mistresse requested to christen the yong prince of Scotland. At what time this earle of Bed|ford presented, in the behalfe of the quéene of Eng|land, one font of gold curiouslie wrought, weighing thrée hundred thirtie and thrée ounces, and amoun|ting in value to the summe of one thousand fortie thrée pounds & ninetéene shillings. Thus this much spoken by the way of the earle of Bedford.

The report of the death of sir Francis Russell be|fore mentioned, came to the knowledge of the said Edward Wootton, as yet remaining ambassador in Scotland, and then lieng at S. Andrews: where|vpon the ambassador went to the king, and opening vnto him the iniurie doone to the English by the pro|curement, as was thought, of Iames Steward erle of Arrane then chancellor: he obteined that the king (finding the matter to sound both to reason and iustice) did command the said earle to prison, where he remained some time, and was after at the sute of William Steward brother of the earle, vpon the kings remoouing from saint Andrewes, released from the prison, and committed to restreint in his owne house, vntill such time as he had cléered him|selfe of the same imposed crime, and cause of breach of amitie betwéene the two nations of England and Scotland. During which imprisonment of the earle of Arrane, the former appointed parlement or as|semblie at saint Andrewes was holden by the king & the nobilitie there gathered togither, which were Graham earle of Montrosse treasuror of Scotland, Robert Steward erle of March sometime bishop of Cathenesse, and now prior of S. Andrewes, great vncle to the king and to the yoong duke of Leneux, Keith erle marshall, Lesle erle of Rothos, Steward earle of Atholl, & Patrike Constance archbishop of S. Andrews, with diuers others. Amongst whom the king opening the contents of the ambassage sent out of England for the concluding of the league be|twéene the two nations, vsed vnto them this follow|ing spéech, wherein declaring the opinion he concei|ued of the religion, the necessitie of the ioining with England, the sworne league of other nations a|gainst the professors of the gospell, and the reasons which induced him to mooue this matter vnto his people, all which he vttered in this sort.