_FIrst he was exhorted by them that be should not be discouraged by his ouer|throw, in considering the estate whervn|to he had béene once called in this world, but rather remembring the glorie to come, he should reioise and be of good comfort. Where vnto he answe|red, that as concerning all the glorie which he had in this world, he respected it not, bicause he was persua|ded that all worldlie honor is but vanitie, and the broken réed of Egypt. And as concerning the estate wherevnto he was brought, he thanked God for it, and was at that point, that he was rather content to render his life than to liue, bicause he knew, that as God had appointed the time for his death, so had he also appointed the manner thereof, séeing that now was the time, and this was the manner which best pleased his God to take him in, and therefore was content. And as for his life in this world, he cared not for it, in respect of that immortalitie, & the euer|lasting ioy which he looked for, and whereof he was assured.
Secondlie, being required what was his part or knowledge in the kings Which was Henrie king of Scots slai [...] in the yeare of Christ 1566, beginning the yeare at the annuntiation of the virgin. death or murther: he an|swered with this attestation, that as he should an|swer to his Lord God, so he would declare all his knowledge therein: the sum wherof was, that after his returne out of England, whither he was bani|shed for * Dauids slaughter, he came out of Whether|bone to Whethingham, where the erle Bothwell was at the same time, with whome there was communi|cation about the kings mur [...]her, but he would not consent therto. After which, opening a large discourse thereof, laieng the cause, the contriuing, and the exe|cution of the same in great persons now liuing, and confessing that they vnderstood thereof, and durst not for manie causes reueale the same, neither to the king nor the kings father the earle of Leneux; he added, how that in the end he was by the law now of late conuicted of knowledge and concealing the kings murther, when as he should answer to God he had no part or knowledge in that matter. Fur|thermore, shewing that after the earle of Bothwell was cléered of that murther by assise, that he and sundrie of the nobilitie subscribed a bond with the earle of Bothwell, that if anie should laie the kings murther to his charge, he would assist him to the contrarie, and that therefore he subscribed to the queenes mariage with the earle Bothwell as sun|drie other of the nobilitie did, being charged therevn|to by the quéenes owne writing and commande|ment.
Then being required in the name of the liuing God, that séeing this murther of the king was one of the most filthiest acts that euer was doone in Scotland, and that the secrets thereof hath not hi|therto beene opened, neither who was the chéefe dooer therein, or whether the king was then s [...]rangled or blowne vp into the aire; that he should declare if he knew anie further secret therein: he answered, that as he should make answer to God, he knew no more secrets in that matter than he had alreadie de|clared and heard, by the depositions of such as had al|readie suffered for it, which depositions are yet ex|tant. Againe, being demanded if he knew an [...]e pre|sentlie about the king, which were dooers of that worke, by whose companie the king and common|wealth might be hurt: he answered that he knew none, neither would he accuse anie, &c.
Thirdlie, being examined of the poisoning of the earle of Althiults, if he had anie act or part therein: [page 430] he answered with good attestation, saieng; Let God neuer be mercifull vnto me, if euer I knew anie thing of that matter, or heard of it before it came to my eares by the common brute of the countrie. And being further demanded if he knew that maister Iohn Prouandt brought him anie poison; he replied that he knew no such thing, and that he knew no|thing by maister Prouandt but honestie, to which he more added these speeches; Fie, fie, there is ouer|much filthinesse in Scotland alreadie, God forbid that vile practising of poisoning should enter among vs: I would not for all the earledome of Athuile, haue neither ministred poison to him, or caused it to haue béene ministred, yea if there had béen one hun|dred on my part, and but he alone, I would not haue stirred one heare of his head.
Fourthlie, being demanded if he made anie con|spiracie against the earle of Leneux: he answered with like attestation as before, that he neuer thought in his heart, or once purposed anie conspiracie a|gainst the earle of Leneux, neither minded to him anie hurt in bodie or otherwise. But it greeued him that the earle of Leneux knew not the estate of their countrie, nor yet perceiued the danger of the kings person. For being therevnto requested by others, sundrie were brought home who were the kings eni|mies, ouerthrowers of the kingdome, and enimies to religion; whereby there was apparant danger to his person and the relme: all which he hoped to haue helped by counsell, when the earle of Leneux famili|aritie and his should haue béene greater.
Fiftlie, being demanded whether he had anie league or dealing with England for the conueieng of the king or otherwise, or if he had anie pension of the quéene of England for that purpose, he an|swered in these words: As I shall answer to God vnder paine of condemnation or saluation, I neuer had anie dealings with England that waie: there was neuer one in Scotland or England, neither the quéene nor anie in hir name, that euer mooued a|nie such thing to me, so indirectlie as to conueie the king into England; it neuer entred into my hart, I would not for all the realme of England haue put him into England, except that it had béene for his profit and honor, &c. And for the more cléere purga|tion of my selfe in this matter I will saie, if euer I meant but directlie his wealth, let God neuer be mercifull vnto me; and I shall neuer aske God mer|cie for anie thing that entred in my hart against the king: yea there was nothing more that I regarded in this life, than that he should be brought vp in ver|tue and godlinesse. And I will saie more. If I had beene as carefull to serue God & walke in his feare, as I was to séeke the kings wealth, I had not béene brought to the point I am at this daie. And where they allege I was the quéene of Englands pensio|narie, as I shall answer to God, I had neuer pen|sion of the quéene of England in all my life. And although they caused the brute to go, that I should haue furnished the quéene of Englands souldiors now last vpon the borders, I neuer knew of it. And last of all, where they allege that I should haue bene a great dealer with England, I praise God I neuer had dealing with them, but for the weale publike of the king, his countrie, and subiects, &c.
Sixtlie, being demanded what was his part of the enterprise of the castell of Sterling, he answe|red, that he knew nothing of it till it was doone; but being in Lochleuen, he receiued aduertisement out of the castell of Sterling, and a writing from the king, that he should come thither. And whereas they said, that he minded to kéepe the king in captiuitie there, the truth was, that he neuer meant to keepe him in captiuitie there or in anie other place. But he vnderstood by the kings owne speaking, that he was as frée at that time as euer he was before, or desired to be, for the present. And if he had kno|wen that his grace would haue gone to anie o|ther place, where greater libertie had bin, he would gladlie haue gone with him.
Seuenthlie, being laid to his charge, that he was a great hinderance of the matters and authoritie of the bishops, &c: when he might haue doone much good for the furtherance of Gods glorie & aduancement of his gospell, both in the time of his gouernement, and since: his answer was, that concerning the re|ligion and doctrine as then it was preached and pro|fessed in Scotland, he alwaies meant well in his hart to it, and acknowledged it to be the verie truth of God; insomuch that rather than anie hurt should haue come vnto the religion, he would haue spent his life and goods in the defense, like as now he was contented to die in the constant profession thereof. But indéed as concerning some things in policie of the church, as the state of the bishops, and such like, which were in question betwéene him and the church, he did therein according to his knowledge, and fol|low the opinion which he thought to be best at that time, in consideration of the estate of all things as they were. Howbeit he would not stand in defense of those things which he then did, but yet he would make this protestation, that as he should answer to God, he did nothing in those matters either of contempt, malice, or enuie; but if there were anie things doone amisse, it was of ignorance, and for lacke of better knowledge; and if he had knowen better, he would haue doone otherwise, being now purposed at the last to haue holpen them so farre as he might.
Eightlie, he was desired in the name of God, not to stand in his owne innocencie, but plainelie to confesse his sinnes to Gods glorie, and to thinke, that howsoeuer it be that men haue doone in this life, yet God had alwaies before him whereof he might be worthie of this and more: wherevnto he yéelded this speech; Howsoeuer it be that men haue doone, I commit them to God and their owne con|sciences. But I acknowledge indéed, that God hath alwaies doone iustlie to me, and not onlie iustlie but mercifullie also, because amongst all the other sin|ners I confesse my selfe to be one of the greatest and filthiest abusers of my bodie in the pleasures of the flesh; and also to haue giuen my selfe so ouer|much to the world, to the pleasures thereof, and to other sinnes, that God might iustlie laie it to my charge, in that I expressed not the fruits of my pro|fession in my life and conuersation as I ought to haue doone, for which I beséech God to be mercifull vnto me. And indéed now I acknowledge the great mercie of God in this, that amongst all the bene|fits which he hath bestowed vpon me, one of the chie|fest is, that he hath in this my last trouble giuen me space and leasure to repent me of my sinnes, and to be at a point with God. In which trouble also I haue found farre greater comfort than euer I could find before, because I haue thereby concluded thus with my selfe, that if God should haue spared my life, and deliuered me out of this trouble, I should then haue cast awaie all the cares of the world, the pleasures of the flesh, the delights of earthlie things, and declared my selfe to serue my God in all kind of quietnesse and simplicitie. And if it shall please God to take me in this trouble, I am concluded also to be content therewith, being alwaies assured of the mercies of God. And for that cause I doo now thanke God that I find my selfe at this point, that I am rather content to die than to liue, and that I shall not sée the miseries to come: for I will assure [page 436] you that I think this to be the most acceptable time that euer God could haue taken me in, because I perceiue and sée such miseries and confusions to in|sue, that I thanke God that I shall not sée them. And you who doo feare God, and liue after me, when you shall sée these things, you will wish to be where I shall be, that is, with him.
Ninethlie, being demanded what he thought of the forme of iudgement vsed against him, what his opinion therof was, whether he thought anie wrong doone vnto him or no, &c: he answered, I would be verie loth to find fault or blame the noble men which haue taken themselues vpon their consciences to condemne me, but I will remit them to God and their owne consciences; yet I am mooued to speake somewhat fréelie in this matter which is this. I saw such parciall dealing against me, that it hath béene all one to me, if I had beene as innocent as saint Stephan, or that I had béene as giltie as Iudas was: for I perceiued there was nothing sought but my life, howsoeuer things had béene, which appear|eth in this, that no exception of anie person which was to passe vpon my assise could be admitted: for I required the earle of Argile to purge himselfe of parciall counsell giuen to the pursuer my accuser; he purged himselfe indeed, but I knew the contra|rie, that he gaue parciall counsell to him. Like|wise the lord of Wanthon, the lord of Seiton, and such others, who were knowen to be my enimies, (notwithstanding lawfull exception) were put vpon my quest. In consideration wherof I can not but be persuaded of one thing, which it behooueth me to communicat vnto you, and it is thus. I perceiue it is not my life that they séeke onelie, but they who are authors of my death haue some other purpose in hand, which they perceiue will not be doone, except I and such other which doo fauor the good cause, were taken out of the waie. Wherefore I can not but sus|pect that I haue béene so handled, and that such as héereafter shall be put therevnto, may haue a more plaine waie to doo their turne or intent: and I praie God that they which are to liue behind me sée not the practise thereof, but I feare it sore. And therefore in respect of this apparant danger of the common cause, I will giue my counsell to the king my mai|ster, and wish you in the name of God to beare it to him, the summe whereof is this. I perceiue that they which haue béene the kings foes and enimies, are brought into credit & court, and they who haue béene the mainteiners of his crowne & good friends, are discredited and misliked of. And likewise such as are knowen to be papists, and suspected to be eni|mies to the religion, are ouer familiar and great in credit with his maiestie, which surelie can not be without great danger to the religion, and hurt to his estat. For which cause I admonish him in the name of God to beware of them, and to seeke a remedie thereof. And as he hath bene brought vp in the feare of God, and companie of good men, so to continue therein, and not to go backe, or else he hath doone with it for euer. For I tell you what mooueth me to speake thus, which is, that the state of religion in this countrie appeared neuer to be in such danger, and that for this cause. I heere saie there is a dea|ling put in practise betwéene France and England, and Monsieurs marriage with the quéene is like to be feared; if France and England bind togither, and that marriage go forward, you may easilie vn|derstand, that the one of them will persuade the o|ther to their religion, &c.
Tenthlie, being required to giue his counsell to the earle of Angus, and to shew him what was meetest to be doone, seeing presentlie he was in great trouble, he answered: I dare giue him no coun|sell, and I will tell you whie; to bid him come in, partlie I dare not, all men may see in what danger he is although he now come in: and to counsell him to abide foorth I dare not, for then he shall loose the kings fauour for euer, himselfe and his heritage, friends and all; and therefore the best counsell that I can giue him in this matter is, that he make all meanes possible to purchase the kings fauor againe, and to see if he may haue anie assurance of his life, and that he may serue his God and his king trulie, and submit himselfe, and all that he hath to his ma|iesties goodwill: he hath doone nothing yet, but it may be amended. I saie no more, the Lord giue him his spirit to follow that which is best.
Eleuenthlie being required to declare what was the summe of that admonition, which Iohn Knokes gaue him before he accepted the regiment, when he came vnto him a little before his departure, he an|swered: I shall tell you as far as I can remember. First, he asked of me if I knew anie thing of the kings murder, I answered in deed I knew nothing of it. Then he said vnto me, Well God hath beautifi|ed you with manie benefits which he hath not giuen to euerie man, for he hath giuen to you riches, wise|dome and friends, and now he is to prefer you to the gouernement of this realme: and therefore in the name of God I charge you, to vse these benefits a|right, and better in time to come than you haue doone in times past; first to Gods glorie, to the fur|therance of the gospell, to the mainteinance of the church of God & of his ministers, next for the weale of the king, his realme and true subiects: which if you shall not doo, God shall spoile you of these bene|fits, and your end shall be ignominie & shame. Then being inquired if he said true or no, he answered: I haue found it true, and yet I doubt not but the Lord will be mercifull vnto me.
Twelfelie, being demanded for what cause he held some of the neighbours of Edenburgh in ward, he answered: Surelie I meant no euill to those men, but it was doone in this respect: we had the matter of Bulzoine then in hand, and I was infor|med that they were hinderers therof, for which cause I thought it best at that time to put them in ward for a while vntill the turne had béene doone. And if I did them anie wrong, I craue forgiuenesse of them as I forgiue all men.
Thirteenthlie, being required to declare if hée knew before hand that he should be accused of this matter or no, he answered: I was aduertised in déed, and might haue escaped, but I would not, tru|sting alwaie vnto mine innocencie, and therefore supposed that they would not condemne me vpon such a thing, After this, the said earle with the fore|said Iohn Durie and Walter Balcanquall did to|gither call to God by earnest praier, which being en|ded the earle said vnto vs (meaning the said Durie and Balcanquall who as I gather were the penners of this matter) I thanke you hartilie for your com|fort which you haue offered to me, for now in déed is greatest need of comfort, and therefore as you haue begun, I praie you to continue with me: for now that I am come to the knowledge of mine owne sinnes, there resteth onlie two things which I craue of you, that is first that you will shew vnto me some kind of argument, whereby I maie be comforted a|gainst naturall death, because the flesh is fearefull and weake; whose desire we trauelled to satisfie by long conference, which is too long to reherse in eue|rie point, yet the summe of that was thus. It was said vnto him that there were thrée things chéefelie which might make him assured of the mercie of God in Christ: first the innumerable and comfortable promises of God conteined in his word, wherevnto [page 437] it behooued him alwaies to leaue. Secondlie the ex|ample of Gods mercie pr [...]tised towards his owne seruants, albeit they haue beene great sinners; as appeared in Dauid, Mag [...]len, Peter, and the théefe, &c. Thirdlie the often experiences of Gods mercies from time to time, which he had found in his owne person, being a light to assure him of his mercie. In the end he answered to this, saieng: I know it to be true, for since I past to Dunbarton I haue read the fiue bookes of Moses, Iosue, the Iudges, and now I am in Samuell, and will tell you what I haue found there. I sée that the mercie of God is woonderfull, and alwaies inclined to haue pittie vpon his owne people: for there it appeareth that although he puni|shed them so oft as they sinned, yet as soone as they turned againe to him, he was mercifull vnto them, and when they sinned againe he punished them, and as often as they repented he was mercifull againe, and therefore I am assured, that albeit that I haue offended against my God, yet he will be mercifull vnto me. Also further in this point it was said vnto him, that in case sathan should trauell to discou|rage him in consideration of the iustice of God on the one part, and of his sinnes on the other part, we exhorted him to the contrarie, to be of good courage, and that in respect of the verie selfe same iustice of God, which will not suffer him twise to take paiment for one thing, as we know in the common dealing of men: for he that is a iust man will not twise de|mand paiment of that whereof he was alredie paid, for sith Christ died for our sinnes, and paid the vt|termost farthing that God could craue, he cannot laie our sinnes vnto our charge being satisfied in Christ, because his iustice will not suffer him twise to take paiment for one thing. Unto this the earle answered, Truelie it is verie good.
And concerning the naturall feare of death, we exhorted him to be alwaies exercised in the conside|ration of the glorie, ioie, and felicitie of the life to come, which would be the onlie waie to swallow vp the feare of this naturall death. Wherevnto he an|swered, I praise God I doo so. This being thus doone, and he hauing in his hand a pretie treatise of the me|ditation of death, written by Bradford (which he said that he had gotten from the ladie Ormeston before he went into ward, and for that cause before he came foorth of prison againe gaue it to maister Lawson, de|siring him to deliuer it to the said ladie againe) he willed maister Walter to read him a péece thereof, which he did, in which reading (hauing sundrie confe|rences vpon the thing read) both he and we found great comfort, in so much that he said; I protest now that I heare with other eares than I did before. Wherewith being called to breakefast, he earnestlie desired vs to take part with him (as we did) at what time he eat his meat with great chéerefulnesse, as all the companie saw, and as appeared by these his words: I sée there is great difference (said he) be|twéene a man which is troubled with the cares of the world, and him which is frée from them, the which I haue found by these two former nights: for before mine accusation, I could not in things find anie rest by reason of cares which I had, because I was to be accused vpon the morrow; and therefore being care|full to answer euerie point that should be laid vnto my charge I could not sleepe: but this night, after that I was condemned, and knew that I should die, I was at a point with my selfe, and had nothing of this world, nor care of this life, but cast my onelie care vpon God, and I praise God I neuer slept bet|ter in my life th [...]n I did this night. Then he said vn|to the steward, William you can beare me record of this; who answered, It is true my lord. Then master Walter said vnto him, My lord I will drinke to you vpon a condition, vpon this condition my lord, that you and I shall drinke together in the kingdome of heauen, of that immortall drinke which shall neuer suffer vs to thirst againe. Wherevnto the earle an|swered, Truelie I will pledge you master Walter on the same condition. After which he said, Iohn Durie, now Iohn I will drinke to you vpon the same condition. This thus ended for that time, and thanks being giuen to God, the earle passed again [...] to his chamber, at what time master Iames Law|son came to him, with whom he considered the sub|stance of all other things againe. After this we de|parted from him.
Then at afternoone we came to him againe, with sundrie of the brethren of the ministerie, as master Iames Lawson, master Robert Poinct, Dauid Fargasone, master Dauid Hensa, Iohn Brand, master Iames Garmichiell, and master Iohn Daui|son, whom the earle receiued verie louinglie in his arms, and said to him; Master Iohn you wrote a lit|tle booke in deed, but trulie I m [...]ant neuer euill to|wards you in my mind, forgiue me, and I forgiue you: vpon which words master Iohn was mooued with teares. Then all the brethren being present, th [...] earle reported againe the chéefe substance of all the things whereof before he spake, being demanded thereof point by point, as their testification of this matter subscribed by them at more length will de|clare. After which the earle was called to his dinner about two of the clocke in the after noone, who being thus at his dinner, the brethren of the ministerie were informed that there was iniust report made of his profession to the king, & that he should haue con|fessed much otherwise than he did, whereby the king might haue a worse opinion of him. Wherefore they thought good to send down some before his suffering to informe his maiestie of the truth of his confessi|on: which persons so sent were Dauid Fargasone, Iohn Durie, and Iohn Brand, who before his death did largelie tell the simple truth of his confession (as it was made) vnto the kings maiestie. At their re|turning the earls kéeper required him that he would come foorth to the scaffold, wherevnto the earle an|swered; Sith they haue thus troubled me ouermuch this daie with worldlie things, I supposed that they should haue giuen me one nights leisure to haue ad|uised my selfe with my God. Then the kéeper said. All things are redie now my lord, and I thinke they will not staie. The earle replied, I am redie also I praise God: and so comfortable praier being made, the earle passed downe to the gate, minding to go di|rectlie to the scaffold; but the earle of Arrane staied him, brought him backe againe to the chamber, and willed him to staie vntill his confession should be put in writing & subscribed with his owne hand. Where|vnto the ministers which were present answered, and the earle also answered: Naie my lord, I praie you trouble me no more with these things, for now I haue another thing to muse vpon, which is to prepare me for my God. And sith I am at a point to go to my death, I can not write in the estate wherein I now am; and all these honest men can testifie what I haue spoken in that matter. With which answer th [...] earle of Arrane being satisfied, he said to him, My lord you will be reconciled with me, for I haue doone nothing vpon anie particular quarell against you. The earle of Morton replied, It is no time now to remember quarels, I haue no quarell to you nor to anie other, I forgiue you and all others as I would you forgaue me. And so after with a good cou|rage he passed to the scaffold, who being vpon the scaffold, repeated in few words the substance of the things before confessed, &c: adding some exhortation to the people which he spake not before, in this so [...]t.
[page 433] S [...] I am [...]e king shall loose a good seruant this daie, and so he exhorted the people, saieng: I testifie before God, that as I professe the gospell which this daie is taught & professed in Scotland: so also now I willinglie lay downe my life in the persecution thereof. And albeit I haue not walked according [...]ereunto as I ought, yet I am assured that God will be mercifull vnto me; and I charge you all in God which are professors of the gospell, that you con|tinue the true professing and mainteining thereof to your power, as I would haue doone God willing with my life, lands, and goods as long as I had li|ued: which if you doo, I assure you God shall be mercifull vnto you; but if you doo it not, be sure the vengeance of God shall fall vpon you, both in bodie and soule. As concerning all the rest of the words which he had vpon the seaffold, he spake them in ef|fect and more amplie before. When all these spea|ches were ended vpon the scaffold, a comfortable praier was made by maister Iohn Lawson, during the time of which praier, the erle Morton laie groue|ling vpon his face before the place of execution, his bodie making great reboundings with sighes and sobs, being euident signes of the inward and migh|tie working of the spirit of God, as all they which were present, and knew what it was to be earuestlie moued in praier, might easilie perceiue.
The praier being ended, and sundrie comming to him before his death, he did most louinglie receiue them; who after he had taken vs by the hand that were about him, & bidden vs farewell in the Lord, he passed both constantlie, patientlie, and humblie (without feare of death) to the place of execution, and laid his necke vnder the axe being vnbound. And there maister Walter putting him alwaies in mind to call vpon God; the erle continuallie cried vntill his head was striken off, Lord Iesus receiue my spirit, Lord Iesus receiue my spirit: which words he spake euen while the axe fell on his necke. Now whatsoeuer he had béene before, he constantlie died the seruant of God. And howsoever it be that his foes alleged, that as he liued proudlie, so he died proudlie; the charitable seruants of God could perceiue nothing in him but all kind of humilitie in his death: insomuch that we are assured, that his soule is receiued into the ioies and glories of the heauens; and we praie God, that they which are be|hind, may learne by his example to die in the true feare of God our Lord. ¶ Thus far the confession & death of the earle Morton, penned by such of the presbyterie as were present thereat, and fauored him in all respects, séeking to cléere him of anie euill imposed against him. In setting downe whereof, I haue not varied from the verie words of my copie in manner of penning it; but onelie in some, few places of some part of the matter, the which I haue purposelie omitted, because it conteined the affaires of state, and the accusation of diuerse persons now liuing; both which are neither néedfull to be knowne to the common people, nor méete to be opened to o|thers, thereby to bring those in question vpon a re|port, whereof there is no further hold to be had, than there was hate or loue betwéene the accuser & the accused. Wherefore leauing the same discourse of the death of the earle which fell vpon the second daie The time when earle Morton was beheadded. of Iune in the towne of Edenburgh) in that sort, penned by those of the presbyterie, to stand vpon the support of it selfe, I will descend to other matters.
This earle Morton maried the old earle of Mor|tons yoongest daughter, who being halfe an idiot brought foorth no issue to this earle: but he notwith|standing, least he should die issulesse, left behind him two sonnes, vnlawfullie begotten. Shortlie af|ter the death of which erle, Thomas Randulph esqui|er being sent ambassador from the quéene of Eng|land, Thomas Randulph sent ambassa|dor into Scot|land. entered into Scotland, whom (being honorablie interteined) I will leaue there to dispatch the effect of his commission, and fall to that which happened. After the death of this earle Morton, in the winter following there was a parlement called, at what time manie noble men were created, as Ruthwen was made earle of [...]owrie, Robert Steward base brother to Marie the imprisoned queene of Scots was aduanced to the honor and title of the earldome of Orkeneie, the lord Maxwell was made erle Mor|ton, and Iames Steward was created earle of Ar|rane, the manner of obteining which earldome of Arrane by the said Steward being extraordinarilie procured, seemeth to me not to be forgotten: and therefore I will set it downe as I haue had intelli|gence thereof, in this sort following. The old earle Iames Steward cre|ated earle of Arrane. of Arrane (the duke of Chateleraults eldest sonne and brother to Iohn Hamilton the lord of Arbroth) being lunatike, and first committed to the custodie of his said brother the lord of Arbroth, was after ta|ken from that his tutor, and set ouer to Iames Steward to haue the ouersight of his person, and the ordering of his liuing. Which Iames Steward being by nature and experience subtill witted, and by authoritie and the kings fauor in great credit; found meanes partlie by policie, partlie by persua|sion, and partlie by flatterie, to wring from the lu|natike earle of Arrane, a grant and departure of all his right, title, and honor, to the lands & earle|dome of Arrane. Which when he had obteined of the said lunatike earle (who knew not what he did) he foorthwith came to the said parlement or councell house, or place of the assemblie of the nobilitie, brin|ging with him the grant of the earle of Arrane: wherby he had infeffed this Steward with the lands and countrie of Arrane. Which matter being fullie vnderstood there by the nobilitie, supposing vpright dealing to haue furthered the purchase of this earl|dome by Steward, did then by the decrée and the kings consent, establish, and also inuest him in the lands, and with the title of the earledome of Arrane; which he obteined by such meanes as are before tou|ched. Not vnlike vnto the course which Mordacke (made gouernor of Scotland, in the yeare of Christ one thousand soure hundred and six) sometime vsed for the obteining of the earldome of Rosse, from the daughter and heire of Alexander Lesse, intitu|led to the same earldome: the maner whereof I will here set downe Verbatim, taken out of Lesleus historie of Scotland, which deliuered the same in these words.
Breui post tempore Donaldus insularis Rossiae co|mitatum vendicans, Hebridianos ad suas partes alli|cit: quo autem iure id fecerit hinc facilimè liquebit. Walterus Lesleus vir nobilissimus, post insignem o|peram Romanis imperatoribus in extremo bello na|uatam, in Scotiam rediens, filiam Gulielmi comitis Rossenfis (in praelia apud Holidonum occubuit) vna cum comitatu, dotis loco in coniugem accepit: ex qua vnum filium sustulit, Alexandrum inde co|mitem Rossensem, filiámque, quae postea Donaldo Hebridiano nuptui data est. Alexander hic, filia Ro|berti gubernatoris in vxorem accepta, Euphemiam solam suscepit. Quae adhuc virgo & rerum imperita, gubernatoris partim blanditijs, partim minis indu|cta, translato in ipsum comitatu Rossensi, subitò non sine gubernatoris opera (vt ferebatur) moritur: ac Donaldus qui amitam Euphemiae Alexandri Leslei sororem vxoré habebat, haereditario iure Rossiae co|mitatum petens, collecta ex Hebridibus ingenti ma|nu in Rossiam venit: quam parvo negotio in ditio|nem suam redegit, Rossianis verum recipere haeredê non recusantibus. Thus much Lesle. Moreouer at [page 434] the same parlement wherein this Iames Steward was aduanced to the earledome of Arrane, the king gaue vnto the duke of Leneux the lands that were The duke of Leneux obtei|neth the earle Mortons lands. belonging to the foresaid beheaded erle of Morton, which lands this duke not long reteining, made o|uer his part to the earle of Angus, in recompense whereof, the duke obteined of the king the lordship of Methuen, which came to the kings possession by the death of Henrie Steward lord of Methuen, tou|ching whom Buchanan composed these verses follo|wing, calling him Regulum Methueniae, in this sort:
During these creations of the nobilitie, in a par|lement holden in Edenburgh the eight and twen|tith of Ianuarie, in this yere one thousand fiue hun|dred fourescore and one, being the fouretéenth of the kings reigne, were matters established, touching the ecclesiasticall gouernement, whereof I meane A declaration of the Scotish faith, published and confirmed by the king. not fullie to set downe the same, sith my pen and purpose is bent to treat of politicall and not spiri|tuall causes. Wherefore onelie determining but slenderlie, and by the waie to touch that matter, set foorth in print at Cambridge, vnder the stampe of Thomas Thomas, printer for that vniuersitie, in this yere of Christ one thousand fiue hundred foure score and six, we saie that the same booke, published by the Scots (and intituled, A generall confession of the true christian faith and religion, according to Gods word and our acts of parlement subscribed by the kings maiestie and his houshold, with diuers o|thers, &c.) hath further, after the preface thereof this title giuen vnto it. The estates of Scotland with the inhabitants of the same, professing Christ Iesus & his holie gospell, to their naturall countriemen and to all other realms and nations, professing the same Iesus Christ with them, with grace, mercie, and peace from God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ, with the spirit of righteous iudgement of saluation.
After which title and salutation, the substance of the same booke, being declared in the forhead of the chapters following, conteineth these heads: First of God, then of the creation of man, next of originall sinne, fourthlie of the reuelation of the promise of the continuance, increase, and pre|seruation of the church, of the incarnation of Christ Iesus, why it becommeth the mediator to be verie God and man, of election, of Christes death, passi|on, and buriall, of his resurrection, of his ascensi|on, of faith in the Holie-ghost, of the cause of good works, what works are reputed good before God, of the perfection of the law and the imperfection of man, of the church, of the immortalitie of soules, of the notes by which the true church is discerned from the false, and who shall be iudge of the do|ctrine, of the authoritie of the scriptures, of ge|nerall councels, of their power, authoritie and cause of their conuention, of the sacraments, of the right administration of the sacraments, to whom sacraments apperteine, and of the ciuill magistrat, of the gifts fréelie giuen to the church.
The discourse of all which matters, being in that booke largelie and iudiciallie handled, both for the declaration of the faith of those people, and for the further instruction of others, were shortlie after the agréement therevnto in that parlement confirmed by the king, and commanded to be published and v|sed through his realme, as appeareth by this his fol|lowing precept, concerning the same.